Top 20 Hidden Weapons in Video Games and How to Find Them

Top 20 Hidden Weapons in Video Games (and How to Find Them)
Want to know a secret? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 20 hidden weapons in video games and telling you how to find them.
For this list, we’ll be considering how cunningly they’ve been hidden, how much fun they are to use, and the sheer satisfaction that comes from a job well done.
#20: Aerondight
“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine” (2016)
Aerondight is a pretty nifty piece of hardware and as you’d expect requires some dedication to track down. First up, either head to the notice boards in Toussaint or speak to the hermit in Lac Célavy to pick up the “There Can Be Only One” questline. You then have to display the five chivalric virtues of generosity, compassion, honor, valor and wisdom, before returning to the hermit and defeating him in single combat. Do so and the best silver sword in the game is yours, an impressive blade whose damage increases by 10% with each mighty hit, and which guarantees a critical hit at full charge.
#19: Loud Locust
“Saints Row IV” (2013)
To find the Men in Black-inspired Tiny Pistol, head to New Baranec in Steelport then track down the Let’s Pretend store. Head inside, then blast the “Employees Only” door before proceeding to a hidden room where you’ll find the faces of the game’s developers, which can be shot for some cool fireworks. However, if you check out the chair by the door, you’ll find the real reward: the Tiny Pistol itself, a miniscule weapon that packs a hefty punch, and which allows you to bring explosive doom to your enemies.
#18: Windshear Sword
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” (2011)
If you’ve got a hankering to take on the mightiest foes that Skyrim has to offer, then the Windshear Sword is just the tool for the job. It has the ability to stagger any enemy you might face, up to and including dragons, so with good timing, you should be able to make short work of any battle. To find it, pick up the “Hail Sithis!” quest on the Dark Brotherhood path, located on the ship known as the Katariah. From the main deck, take the stairs at the ship’s bow, where you’ll see the bowsprit, a long wooden beam. Walk along it to discover your prize, the legendary Windshear Sword, and the slaying can begin.
#17: Staff of Sehetep
“Assassin’s Creed: Origins” (2017)
It might not look like much, but the Staff of Sehetep is a powerful beast of a weapon that is well worth tracking down. It comes with base 226 damage and can be upgraded to deal out 363 at its max level of 55. It’s the perfect weapon for dealing with crowds of enemies, thanks to its long range, potential to cause bleeding and its health on kill passive. All you have to do to get the staff is complete the level 29-rated Bad Faith sidequest, which is accessed after you complete the Jaws of Sobek.
#16: Phantom Bow
“Battlefield 4” (2013)
This is where it gets tricky. Battlefield 4 includes several challenges known as Phantom assignments, tasking players with exploring maps in minute detail looking for obscure Easter eggs. The final task rewards the dedicated player with the Phantom Bow, and requires all three previous assignments to be completed, before finding at least one dog tag from the four Final Stand DLC maps. You then have to take a perilous elevator ride on the Hangar 21 map with three other players, who must each have a different tag and who must have their tags and camouflage equipped in a specific way. Survive this and you can input this code here, before interacting with some papers hidden on a shelf, which will finally unlock the assignment.
#15: Experimental MIRV
“Fallout 3” (2008)
Completing the Keller Family Refuge quest reveals a series of clues that will lead the canny player to the secure section of the National Guard depot and the Experimental MIRV. The MIRV itself is found at the end of a maze, and allows players to unleash eight mini nukes at once for maximum devastation, making it appropriately over-the-top for most post-apocalyptic scenarios. However, the maze is notoriously difficult to navigate, and ammo is hard to come by, while also requiring a minimum of eight nukes in the player’s inventory in order to fire, making this one for the dedicated gamer only.
#14: Magnopulser
“Far Cry 5” (2018)
A weapon for those who like to cause havoc just for the sheer pleasure of it, the Magnopulser is a wonderfully bonkers piece of kit that is well worth seeking out. At long ranges it allows players to fling enemies and objects around willy-nilly, while get up close and personal and you can simply vaporize them. To grab it, just find Larry Parker at Parker Industries, west of Fall’s End, and complete the series of tasks he sets you. Intriguingly, this involves both turkeys and crop circles. We’ll leave you to discover how.
#13: EXPCalibur
“Dying Light” (2015)
Techland’s open-world zombie slaying/parkour mashup is chock full of unusual weapons but one of the handiest is EXPCalibur, a sword that dispatches the undead with a single swipe. It’s not very durable, though, and it’s not possible to repair it, but you do get the blueprint to allow you to build your own, making it worth the effort to locate. Swim out to an island in the southeast of the Slums area, near the Fisherman’s Village, and you’ll find a mummified body impaled on EXPCalibur itself. Hold the action button for a couple of minutes and the body will burn away, leaving you your prize. Watch out, as the flames can still kill you, but after they’ve died down, grab the sword and have yourself some fun.
#12: Hadouken
“Mega Man X” (1993)
Bringing a bit of Street Fighter style to Mega Man X sounds like a great idea to us, and fortunately it’s possible. The bad news is that it’s ridiculously difficult, but if you fancy a challenge, give this a try. First up, collect every single boss weapon, heart tank, energy tank and weapon upgrade available. Once that’s done, head to the Armored Armadillo level, take the mine cart to the end, and as it falls, jump off the wall, then grab the energy upgrade you’ll find there. Drop down into the pit below, then rinse and repeat another four times. On the final runthrough, the energy upgrade will be replaced by the weapon, and you can bust out blue fireballs to your heart’s content.
#11: Fierce Deity Mask
“Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask” (2000)
Tracking down this slick piece of kit turns the usually mild-mannered Link into the awesome avatar of the Fierce Deity god, who, as his name suggests, is quite a fearsome fella. It allows Link to wield a massive twin-bladed sword which is even more impressive than Biggoron’s Sword from Ocarina of Time. It also pumps out sword beams during boss battles, making it a pretty epic weapon. Appropriately enough, obtaining it is an equally epic task, as you’ll need to complete all four mine temples on the moon, collect all 20 non-transformation masks before trading them in to the four Lunar Children. Hard work, but given the power Link now has access to, we think you’ll agree it’s worth it.
#10: Psychosis Gun
“Perfect Dark” (2000)
Perfect Dark loves its unique set of weaponry, each with a primary and secondary fire, they all have multiple uses. Then there’s the Psychosis Gun - capable of dealing no damage, has no secondary fire, and has no unlimited ammo from cheats. So what makes it special enough to be on this list? It turns every enemy shot by its darts into allies. Your new allies aren’t exactly stealthy, but then they do all the killing for you. While it is available in one of the secret missions, the only means of obtaining the gun for main missions is to beat “Chicago Stealth” on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting in under 2 minutes. Good luck with that, agent.
#9: Alien Blaster
“Fallout 3” (2008) & Fallout 4 (2015)
Fallout has it all - nuclear wastelands, a 1950’s futuristic blend, and mutants everywhere. Most of Fallout’s weapons are makeshift, thrown together firearms of a bygone era. Everything is human made… except for one firearm. Located southeast of the Supermutant run Clifftop Shacks, you can find a crashed UFO, and are able to salvage a powerful Alien Blaster from one of the dead aliens. The Blaster returned in “Fallout 4”, once again from a UFO that crashes on the peninsula northwest of Diamond City. Only this time, you need to track a survivor of the crash to a nearby cave and kill him to take the weapon.
#8: Infinite Rocket Launcher
“Resident Evil” Series (1996-)
The name speaks for itself, a Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo. Seen in nearly every Resident Evil game, this powerhouse of a weapon can typically take down any enemy and almost every boss in one shot. Nearly every game also has an unlockable version, or an upgrade that gives you infinite ammo, though the requirements are always different. For example, “Resident Evil 4” requires you to beat the game, and then purchase the weapon from the merchant for 1,000,000 Pesetas. “Resident Evil 5” requires you to beat the game in less than 5 hours. While “Resident Evil 2 Remake” requires you to get an S+ ranking on Hardcore difficulty as Leon. We’d go through the rest, but we’d be here all day.
#7: Real Mega Buster
“Dead Rising” (2006)
Many Mega Man fans enjoyed pretending to be their favorite digital hero with the toy Mega Buster in Dead Rising. However, if you manage to kill 53,594 zombies in one playthrough… your zombie killing prowess will be rewarded with the Real Mega Buster. Just like Mega Man’s, you shoot out giant energy blasts, making it the most powerful ranged weapon in the game. 53,594 zombies may seem like a lot, but with this thing, it’ll feel like the gore filled spree… has only just begun.
#6: Ray Gun
“Call of Duty: World At War” (2008)
Most Call of Duty: Zombies fans will recognize the Ray Gun instantly. A weapon hidden away in the randomized Mystery Box, it is very powerful against the horde of the undead. What most don’t realize however, was that the Ray Gun is also hidden in the World at War’s campaign! Hidden away underground by strange statues, you can acquire it by puddle hopping in the mission: ‘Little Resistance’. Working exactly like it does in Zombies, it easily kills enemy soldiers in one hit, even able to take down a tank in just two shots!
#5: Chain Chomp
“Bayonetta 2” (2014)
Rodin (Pronounced Roh-dahn) is always happy to help out his favorite customer, beating up demons and forging them into weapons for her to kick more ass. After beating the game on the 2nd hardest difficulty -3rd climax-, a familiar tune will play on this LP, as Rodin brings you back something special. Straight out of Mario comes the Chain Chomp - a leg based weapon, it is chained to one of Bayonetta’s legs. Surprisingly strong, the Chain Chomp easily staggers and knocks back her enemies, even attacking on its own to help her out. True to its dog like nature, it can even sniff out treasure.
#4: Cluckshot
“Gears of War 3” (2011)
Epic Games loves to make its weapons ridiculous, and extremely violent. Known very well for such weapons as the Lancer -a chainsaw on an assault rifle- it shouldn’t be a surprise that they made some other ridiculous arsenal. Hidden on Act 4 on insane difficulty, you’ll have to knock a bunch of ammo crates down and interact with a pirate chicken. If done correctly, the chicken will return and grant you four Cluckshots. While nothing special damage wise, they are basically a replacement for the Boomshot, shooting out explosive chickens instead. Guess the dudes in Gears love their eggs scrambled.
#3: The Scarab Gun
“Halo 2” (2004)
Scarabs are, as any Halo fan would let you know, an extremely powerful Covenant tank. Piloted by the Lekgolo, the same creatures that make up the Hunter, this is one vehicle that can’t be jacked and must be destroyed. However, in Halo 2, after completing some insane maneuvers, you will find a strange plasma rifle on top of one of the skyscrapers. Upon closer inspection, it is revealed to be The Scarab Gun, capable of firing the same giant green energy blasts that gave you so much trouble, right in the palm of your hands. The Covenant won’t… well… will know what hit em, and they won’t be happy.
#2: Hand Cannon
“Dead Space 2” (2011)
When you’re fighting Necromorphs, most people will take plasma weapons to cut through their appendages... Isaac Clarke prefers a giant red foam finger. Appropriately named the “Hand Cannon,” this one-shot infinite ammo weapon is awarded to the best of players who managed to finish Dead Space 2’s Hard Core mode. In this mode, not only are the necromorphs stronger, and item drops scarce, but you are only allowed 3 saves, no new game+ carryovers, and no checkpoints. Those who do manage to acquire this will probably be hearing Isaac going “BANG! BANG! BANG!” and “PEW! PEW! PEW!” for the rest of the game.
#1: Mr. Toots
“Red Faction: Armageddon” (2011)
Yes we know, Mr. Toots was heavily advertised and put out in trailers before Armageddon was even launched. However, it is only available in a secret area or after you beat the game, so it still counts. Who else but Volition would decide that a weapon should be a live baby unicorn that farts out explosive rainbow lasers? Its goofy appearance is only outmatched by the sheer destructive force of its rainbow farts. In a game where destruction is paramount, Mr. Toots makes it easy, and silly.