Top 20 Legendary Digivolution Scenes

Top 20 Iconic Digivolution Scenes
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Iconic Digivolution Scenes.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the most legendary evolution sequences across every corner of the Digital World.
Did we miss any of your favorite digivolutions? Let us know in the comments!
#20: MagnaAngemon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
By the end of the first season, Patamon already had one jaw-dropping digivolution under his wings. But, when Angemon wasn’t cutting it, he and T.K. decided to add a few more, just for good measure. With all those feathers, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the newly-minted MagnaAngemon practically soared to legendary status and beyond. After all, not just any Digimon could’ve taken out Piedmon, let alone do it with so much style. MagnaAngemon may have taken his sweet time showing up, but that’s also the whole point. There was truly no better way to bookend the original “Adventure” than with a final, hopeful reminder of how far T.K. had come.
#19: Omnimon Merciful Mode
“Digimon Adventure Tri: Future” (2018)
Nothing may ever truly top the legendary fusion of Matt and Tai’s Mega level partners. But, “Adventure Tri” offered up a worthy contender nonetheless. Instead of a measly combination of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, Merciful Mode upped the ante with six other Mega Digimon, too. As a result, it’s not just a win for Matt and Tai; it’s a worthwhile curtain call for the entire “Adventure” cast. Yes, it’s definitely indebted to the decades of amazing digivolutions that came before it. And yet, that’s precisely why it feels like the natural endpoint for “Tri’s” story. Plus, it’s just plain epic to see Omnimon be anything but merciful to the poor Ordinemon.
#18: Goddramon & Magnadramon
“Digimon Adventure” (2020-21)
When fans clamored for Gatomon and Patamon’s Mega levels, it’s safe to say this isn’t what they had in mind. But, the Digital World prayed for a miracle, and they got in the form of something even better than a Mega. At least, as far as size is concerned. Then, to really prove their worth, they treated Millennium to an insane, no-holds-barred brawl the likes of which “Digimon” has never seen before. Clearly, Goddramon and Magnadramon aren’t just the hope of the Digital World, they’re the utter personification of everything the 2020 series does best: they’re bigger, they’re better, and they’re just plain cool. Seraphimon, Ophanimon, we barely missed ya.
#17: OmniShoutmon
“Digimon Fusion” (2010-12)
At its core, this digi-franchise has always been about the bond between the tamers and the tamed. So, it’s only fitting that the best fusion of them all isn’t just with Digimon. No, it’s not a Biomerge, but it’s the next best thing. Because it’s not just another digivolution for Shoutmon, it’s ostensibly the next step for Angie, Jeremy, and Mikey all in one. Essentially, it’s a true DigiFuse in every sense of the world, with all the heart and drama that comes with it. Though, it doesn’t hurt that the newly-gilded OmniShoutmon proceeds to turn Tactimon into a scrambled digi-egg. It’s no wonder this is the real gold standard of Digimon fusions.
#16: MirageGaogamon Burst Mode
“Digimon Data Squad” (2006-07)
Thomas has never been one to stay in Marcus’ shadow for long. So, his ascendance beyond Mega wasn’t all that surprising. The real twist was that Marcus himself was nowhere to be found. Instead of focusing on their petty rivalry, the episode honed in on Thomas’ true journey forgiving his father. It works as a satisfying final bow because it acknowledges him as more than just Marcus’ well-kept teammate. To be fair, Thomas was already one of the season’s best characters even before he decided to “burst” through his limits. But, there’s no mirage here, watching him royally flush the so-called Royal Knight easily earned him a spot as one of the all-time greatest digidestined.
#15: EmperorGreymon & MagnaGarurumon
“Digimon Frontier” (2002-03)
Last minute digivolutions are kind of “Digimon’s” thing. But, that’s not to say they come out of nowhere. Especially in “Frontier,” each leap in evolution is a result of worthwhile character growth or meaningful plot progression - and these two ancient spirits are no different. This scene is a real and true unification of the show’s disparate threads; one that just so happens to come in the form of two shiny new digivolutions. But, perhaps the most impressive part is that the clear references to Greymon and Garurumon don’t overshadow what this moment means for the “Frontier” gang. Instead, this is a shining example of the franchise appreciating its past while forging its own digivolution forward.
#14: Magnamon & Rapidmon
“Digimon Adventure 02: Digimon Hurricane Touchdown!! / Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals” (2000)
The sophomore digidestined have their fair share of armor digivolutions, but this one definitely takes the gold - and not just because of the new coat of paint. Sure, it’s not a “Digimon” movie without an iconic new digivolution. However, this two-parter’s understated tone means this is anything but an average power-up. For one, the digidestined don’t want to fight Willis’ Digimon at all. So, while the actual transformation is as cool as it comes, it doesn’t escape the feeling that it’s all just an unfortunate means to an end. There’s precious few digivolutions that actively try to stay bleak, but that’s exactly why Magnamon and Rapidmon are downright unforgettable.
#13: Agumon (Bond of Courage) & Gabumon (Bond of Friendship)
“Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna” (2020)
This film’s title kind of spoils the ending, huh? Not that it matters, since the destination doesn’t matter as much as the journey. That philosophy has always been “Digimon’s” greatest strength, which is why there’s simply nothing that touches the emotional stakes of Agumon and Gabumon’s goodbye. And, what better way to go out than with one final victory lap? After all, these new forms are quite literally the full potential of everything “Digimon” is, has been, or will ever be. So, after Agumon and Gabumon save the world one last time, it’s practically impossible to keep a dry eye. This is the original “Digimon’s” undeniable end, but it sure was one hell of an “adventure.”
#12: Sakuyamon
“Digimon Tamers” (2001-02)
For better and for worse, Rika always valued strength above all else. It worked well enough digivolving Renamon to Champion and Ultimate, but that wasn’t going to cut it for a Biomerge. There, Rika couldn’t just trust Renamon, she had to believe in their strength as partners. It took something of a literal leap of faith, but it paid off with an extraordinary end for Rika’s character arc. On aesthetics alone, it’s definitely one of the most visually arresting digivolution sequences in the whole series, and there’s been a lot of them. But, beyond that, seeing the two literally become one feels like the worthwhile culmination of their storyline, which is just what a final form should be.
#11: SkullGreymon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
Apparently, no one told Tai that “Digimon” is short for digital monster. He had to learn that the hard way by forcing a digivolution that’s truly bad to the bone. SkullGreymon’s rampage hits all the harder because everyone, including Tai, knows it’s his fault for pushing Agumon too far. He completely failed as a tamer, and yet, that’s the very reason it’s one of Tai’s most defining episodes, ever. There’s simply nothing as satisfying as watching a character lose, learn, and then grow into a better version of themselves. MetalGreymon, and really, every other digivolution this season, owes part of its impact to what SkullGreymon’s terrifying debut accomplished.
#10: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode
“Digimon Adventure 02: Revenge of Diaboromon” (2001)
By 2001, we’d had plenty of “Digimon” fusions and a handful of movies. Heck, we’d even had fusions inside of “Digimon” movies. But, even compared to all that, this one deserves serious props for somehow making Imperialdramon even cooler. Ken and Davis’ Mega was already plenty iconic in his own series, but combine him with Omnimon, and the results are legendary on principle alone. In action, the brand-spanking-new Paladin Mode gets a slick new paint job, an actual sword, and the power to completely carve up Armageddemon. After a showing like that, one thing is all-too obvious: the only thing cooler than a DNA digivolution is a fusion between fusions.
#9: Angewomon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
For the most part, Digimon serve as complements or foils to their respective partners. All except for Gatomon, who clawed onto the scene with a genuine character arc all to herself. Her transition from Myotismon’s mischievous henchman to Kari’s loving partner is one of the most gratifying parts of the original “Adventure.” But, it only works because the payoff is downright heavenly. While the leap from feline to angel is a bit of a reach, there’s no denying that Angewomon was the perfect candidate to deal out some divine retribution on Myotismon. For both Gatomon’s character and the rest of the series altogether, Angewomon’s celestial arrow definitely hit the bullseye.
#8: Shoutmon X7F Superior Mode
“Digimon Fusion” (2010-12)
Even in a show named after fusion, this one takes the idea to ludicrous heights. With his back to the wall, Shoutmon decided to try out a new recipe for a good, old-fashioned digi-miracle. It goes as follows: mix in a few returning favorites, a dash of DigiCards, and a heaping dose of every single Digimon into the entire Digital World. Fuse it all together, heat for a few seconds, and the result is the de-facto DigiFuse of all time. There’s simply no competing with a Digimon like that, both in raw power or cool factor. That didn’t stop MegaDarknessBagramon from trying, not that it did him much good. To put it bluntly, Shoutmon proved he really was superior.
#7: Susanoomon
“Digimon Frontier” (2002-03)
If one thing’s for certain, it’s that these digidestined definitely have spirit, and that’s putting it lightly. So, with both the real and digital worlds on the line, they opted for an all-in-one special on ancient Digimon. Plus, it came with a serious whooping for Lucemon courtesy of a very shiny Celestial Blade. The only thing better than Susanoomon’s sensational fight is the feeling that “Frontier” couldn’t have ended any other way. He’s the actual embodiment of the entire season; spirits, lore, character growth, and all. As the bow atop a great season, Susanoomon feels as integral to the series as when Takuya and others first picked up their D-Tectors.
#6: Gallantmon
“Digimon Tamers” (2001-02)
A Digimon born of hate was never going to be Guilmon’s Mega form. But, when Leomon’s death enrages Takato, the resulting Megidramon comes out to play. It’s more than a little frightening, but it’s a necessary detour to reiterate why the two are fighting in the first place. Only after overcoming their struggles can Guilmon and Takato join together in a full-on Biomerge. Kind of adds new meaning to the nickname “Takatomon.” Either way, the glorious outcome is a Digimon that’s suave, effective, and of course, gallant. In fact, this might be one of the single greatest digivolution episodes in the whole franchise, if only because Gallantmon isn’t given, he’s earned.
#5: WarGreymon
“Digimon Adventure” (2020-21)
From the opening beats of the digivolution song, there’s simply no resisting the utter hype of this shiny Mega. No, this isn’t WarGreymon’s first appearance in “Digimon,” and it certainly wouldn’t be his last. But, when paired with slick animation and some fantastic voice acting, it’s hard not to fall in love with Tai’s true Mega all over again. It feels like every part of the production gave WarGreymon the respect he deserved, and the result is a Terra Force that has never looked cooler. Case in point, he didn’t just beat Crossmon, he completely incinerated it, along with any other enemies that happened to be in the way. That poor Veggiemon never stood a chance.
#4: Omnimon
“Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!” (2000)
It’s poetic that the only thing capable of matching the prestige WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon is a fusion of the two. And, to say the results were unprecedented would be a massive understatement. The entrance of the very first DNA Digivolution is nothing short of jaw-dropping. Except, somehow Omnimon ended up as much more than the sum of its parts, which were already pretty great to begin with. So, armed with two iconic Megas, the hope of both worlds, and a season of excellent character work behind it, Omnimon delivered an instantly-iconic fight against Diaboromon. Even after decades of appearances, reboots, and new forms, nothing has replicated the sheer wonder of Omnimon’s debut.
#3: ShineGreymon Burst Mode
“Digimon Data Squad” (2006-07)
Even if he is a little hot-headed, Marcus gets some serious credit for always taking matters into his own hands. Or, rather, his fists. That steadfast attitude is exactly what stoked ShineGreymon’s digivolution into something even greater than a Mega. It’s the perfect encapsulation of Marcus doing what he does best: trying again, again, and again, until he finds something that works. And, suffice it to say, he found his answer in Burst Mode. Although, the best part of this climactic duel is the realization that Marcus’ partner took after him in more ways than one. Together, they delivered a sublime one-two punch that summarized the best parts of “Data Squad” in a single, blazing right hook.
#2: WarGreymon & MetalGarurumon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
At a time when Ultimate was the highest form a Digimon could reach, Tai and Matt decided to put their crests where their mouths are. Then, with some help from a pair of angels, the two unlocked the unheard of Mega level. And Digimon has never been the same since. The dual warp digivolution to WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon is every superlative in the digivice. It’s shocking, it’s epic, it’s gorgeous, and it feels like the grand finale to “Digimon” as we know it. The rest of “Adventure,” and arguably the franchise as a whole, is indebted to this one moment. After all, it’s where “Digimon “ proved to itself and its audience that it could still keep digivolving.
#1: Angemon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
After each of the other digidestined earned their Champion forms on File Island, Patamon was still, well, Patamon. But, good things come to those who wait, and he just needed the right motivation to finally spread his wings. Rest assured, Angemon made up for lost time by swooping in, one-shotting Devimon, and becoming one of the most legendary digivolutions of all time. All in the span of a single episode, too. The amount of restraint the show had with Angemon made his appearance feel truly special in a way no other digivolution ever had, or ever would again. As a result, the immaculate buildup, the tearful goodbye, and everything in between is simply “Digimon” at its absolute best.