Top 10 Sexiest Digimon

#10: Beastmon
There’s absolutely no mistaking what this sly feline is all about. As a matter of fact, her sensual design influences are about as plain to see as the rest of her figure. But, Beastmon doesn’t just look like a belly dancer, she acts like one, too. Her official moveset in the show involves hypnotizing everyone around her with a provocative routine. Although, it’s hard to say if that’s because of a magical ability, or whether she’s just that good at moving her body around. Either way, one thing is for certain: when Beastmon gets her claws in your, she won’t be the only one purring.
#9: Ranamon
Leave it to the Ancient Spirit of Water to make everything wet. Let’s just say Ranamon has a fan club, and we completely understand why. She’s like the best parts of a mermaid without any of the downsides. She’s got all the assets, and she can come on dry land. It’s a win-win. There’s no need to cross your fingers for a beach episode, either. Ranamon’s literally always in a bathing suit. If that’s not enough skin for you, she can just slide-evolution into her beast form, Calamaramon. That transformation trades charm for pure seduction, with very distracting results. She’s a tall drink of water, that’s for sure.
#8: Kinkakumon
She may be classified as an Ogre Digimon, but there’s nothing remotely troll-like about Kinkakumon. Instead, she’s got the physique of a Goddess, and boy does she know how to use it. There’s no need to be afraid, though, Kinkakumon is both a lover and a fighter. Often at the very same time. Even when she’s marching into battle, her armor - or, rather, the lack thereof - ensures all of her best qualities are still on full display. So, regardless if you’re on the wrong end of her spiky hammer or not, there’s always something to admire. Here's hoping her cape flaps in the wind more often.
#7: Arukenimon
This time, the itsy bitsy spider gets the best of both worlds. Arukenimon is a Digimon who can look like a normal human. And, even better, her mortal form is very easy on the eyes, too. It comes with a sleeveless red dress, purple sunglasses, and a full head of silky hair. But, beyond all that, it’s Arukenimon’s racy attitude that ties it all together into a perfect, seductive web. Once you’re ensnared, there’s just no escaping it. Sometimes, literally. See, Arukenimon also has an actual eight-legged transformation, and that one’s much less friendly. Although, to be fair, some people might like her better that way.
#6: Sakuyamon
It’s really saying something that knee-high boots and a perfect figure aren’t even scratching the surface of Sakuyamon’s allure. The most impressive part is that she doesn’t even show much skin, either. But, despite the fact that she’s dressed head-to-toe in a skin-tight black suit, Sakuyamon’s golden armor doesn’t let any of her features go to waste. Plus, if you wait around long enough, she’s bound to start losing pieces of clothing, anyways. Sorry, we mean “transferring her power.” Look, clearly, Sakuyamon has no shame flaunting what she’s got, and we can’t blame her one bit. At least, as long as we get to watch the show.
#5: Mervamon
It’s something of a badge of honor that Mervamon’s chest is so large, it had to be censored for “Digimon Fusion’s” English dub. For some reason, her “Sexy Dynamites” and “Spicy Hard Love” attacks didn’t make the jump, either. But, at the very least, the localization couldn’t do away with all of Mervamon’s oh-so-sweet jiggle physics. Just one look at her in action is enough to understand why she’s an absolute scene stealer. Thanks to Digifuse, Mervamon also gets tons of unique digivolutions, each of which retain or enhance her best assets. Evidently, even the show understands that it’d be a shame to cover up a body like hers.
#4: LadyDevimon
She’s got chains, she’s got leather, and she’s got a serious bone to pick. In a nutshell, that’s LadyDevimon for you. Her illustrious voice and derogatory attitude is the very definition of irresistible. Even more, this feisty villain takes a certain kind of sadistic glee in doling out punishment, and something tells us she’s very, very experienced at it. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that LadyDevimon also wears a tattered leather suit. One that just so happens to show skin in all of the right places. If her slap-fest with Angewomon is anything to go by, “Digimon” knew exactly what they were doing with LadyDevimon.
#3: Rosemon
One of the biggest sins of the original “Digimon Adventure” is that Palmon never reached her Mega form. Thankfully, the litany of sequels and reboots have finally let Rosemoon bloom. And, rest assured, she’s made up for lost time. As if her design wasn't voluptuous enough, this plant Digimon has been gifted with some of the most sensual evolution sequences in “Digimon” history, and there’s been a lot of them. Rosemon’s allure is simply impossible to ignore, especially since she has a whip and shoots attacks from her chest. Oh, and don’t even get us started on that Burst Mode outfit.
#2: Angewomon
Ironically, this angel has been the basis of some very sinful fantasies. To start, Angewomon soared onto the scene with a jaw-dropping figure, a no-nonsense attitude, and the power to make any Digimon bow to her whims. Sure, she’s technically the embodiment of light and purity, but there’s nothing innocent about her skimpy outfit. She isn't shy about it, either. Instead, “Digimon’s” animators have put a lot of time and care into Angewomon’s physical attributes, and it’s very appreciated. Whether you’re a diehard or a casual, Gatomon’s true Ultimate form will definitely take your breath away. For both the right and the wrong reasons.
#1: Lilithmon
The fact that this Demon Lord evolves from LadyDevimon should tell you everything you need to know about. But, as with any good digivolution, Lilithmon is bigger, badder, and bustier. After all, one look into her mischievous eyes is enough to enchant just about anyone. Although, it may be hard to meet her gaze considering her cleavage leaves very little to the imagination. That’s not too surprising considering Lilithmon literally represents the sin of lust. And, clearly, she understood the assignment perfectly. If this is the face of the Digital World’s ruin, maybe an eternity in darkness wouldn’t be so bad.