Top 10 Times Digimon Went Beast Mode

#10: To Mega and Beyond
“Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution - Kizuna” (2020)
Any time a main character unlocks a new form, you know you’re in for a good thrashing. But this time around, it was more than your average warp digivolution. No, it’s the titular final stage of the two most iconic Digimon partners in the whole franchise. Yeah, to say Eosmon was outclassed is a bit of an understatement. At the cost of their remaining time with Tai and Matt, Agumon and Gabumon activate their full potential and lay waste to the digi-villain. It’s a tear-jerking end to the original “Adventure” story, but watching the physical manifestation of their journey together decimate the competition is as worthy an end as we could have hoped for.
#9: Burn, Baby, BurningGreymon
“Digimon Frontier” (2002-03)
It’s safe to say this legendary warrior has more “spirit” than most. When Takuya unlocks the animalistic side to the ancient warrior of fire, he discovers he can’t quite handle the heat. While it came with some nasty anger management issues, BurningGreymon’s wings spread with enough power to toss around Beetlemon like he was a rookie. However, Takuya was left incapable of stoking his rage into something constructive. Like, say, aiming at enemies instead of friends. After head-smashing some rocks and even targeting the innocent Tommy, the message of these forms were loud and clear: nothing goes ‘beast mode’ more than a beast spirit.
#8: The Final Countdown
“The Digimon Movie” (2001)
One part WarGreymon, one part MetalGarurumon, and all parts epic, the very first DNA digivolution came onto the scene with a ‘Supreme Cannon’ of a bang. Racing against a missile launch, the digi-pals brandished their digivices inside the internet. Unfortunately, both online trolls and the multiplying Diaboromon are stronger in numbers. It seems hopeless until Tai and Matt realize one Royal Knight is better than two Megas. The literal ticking time bomb ratchets up the tension to unbearable heights as the instantly-iconic Omnimon tears through thousands of enemies at once. When he delivers the final strike with mere seconds to spare, he doesn’t just save the day - he also earns himself an enduring legacy as one of the digi-greats.
#7: Beelzemon Roars
“Digimon Tamers” (2001-2002)
Upon digivolving into this leather-clad biker, Impmon’s first official act as a Mega was rebooting Leomon the hard way. It’s poetic, then, that Beelzemon ends up saving the tamer of the very Digimon he blue screened. This anti-hero’s redemption arc is hands down one of the greatest storylines in the franchise, and it culminates in this hard-hitting scene where he finally realizes the error of his ways. He goes absolutely berserk trying to save Jeri, and while he isn’t strong enough at first, Leomon’s spirit comes in clutch with the power needed to break her cage. It may not have been enough to convince Jeri, but it definitely proved that Beelzemon had a true lion’s heart.
#6: Shining a Light On Burst Mode
“Digimon Data Squad” (2006-07)
The chips are down, digivolutions are running low, and the fate of both worlds hangs in the balance of a bratty teen and his partner. But, thankfully, Marcus isn’t one to throw in the digivice, and his unshakable resolve helps ShineGreymon literally burst onto the scene with a new form. Sporting a deeper shade of red and some badass flames, even the all-powerful Belphemon can’t compete with this level above Mega. Usually, Marcus’ penchant for punching gets him into trouble, but all his practice pays off when he and the new ShineGreymon Burst Mode deliver Belphemon a well-deserved blow to the face. After this fiery debut, it’s easy to say that Burst Mode outshined the original.
#5: A Superior Digivolution
“Digimon Fusion” (2010-12)
Omnimon, step aside; there’s a few DNA Digivolution on the block. Or, a Digi-fuse. Either way, Arresterdramon’s aptly named Superior Mode didn’t just put Quartzmon to shame, it impressed the entire Digital franchise. In a heartwarming passing of the goggles, each of the previous Digimon heroes ushered Tagiru on as he merged his partner with the Brave Snatcher weapon. Even up against the end of the world, this new form easily pounded the seemingly unbeatable Quartzmon into digi-dust. It’s a beatdown that culminates not just “Fusion” or Tagiru’s journey, but over ten years of “Digimon” animation. Against all of that, Quarzmon didn’t stand a chance.
#4: A Mega Mistake
“Digimon Tamers” (2001-2002)
At this point, you’d think digidestined would be used to Leomon dying. In Takato’s defense, this was the very first time he and the others were faced with real consequences in their digital adventure. Unfortunately, the goggle-wearing hero fails to cope with the grief, and sounds like a completely different person as he commands Guilmon to digivolve to Mega, and in doing so creates a new kind of monster. The scaly, anger-fueled Megidramon looks like something out of a horror film, and he’s got the teeth to back it up. Case in point, he nearly eats even Beelzemon alive. The nuclear sign on Megidramon’s chest is no joke, this Digimon is a walking hazard.
#3: Bad to the Bone
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
Tai’s Crest of Courage could be easily misinterpreted as the emblem of impulsivity. The eager digidestined is so determined to trigger Greymon’s next stage that he thick-headedly throws himself into harm's way. Credit where it's due, Tai did technically activate one of Greymon’s Ultimate forms, and it definitely came without enough power to thrash his foes. But, SkullGreymon’s debut is more of a rampage than a salvation. The way he rockets his own friends hurts all the more since this isn’t a villain’s doing, it’s solely Tai’s fault. The deep personal stakes of this violent outburst are devastating for the goggle-head, but at least it taught him that ambition and courage are not the same thing.
#2: Goodbye, Gammamon
“Digimon Ghost Game” (2021-)
Hiro’s digital partner has no shortage of Champions in his pocket, both the digivolution and the chocolate kind. But, after Bokomon’s death, the once happy-go-lucky Gammamon doesn’t go red, blue, or green, but to an entirely new form, instead. GulusGammamon is no ordinary Champion, and their sinister aura is backed up by the strength to destroy even Sealsdramon with one strike. Unlike most other wild Digimon, GulusGammamon is frighteningly in control. Their effortless takedown of Hiro and his friends isn’t a result of an uncontrollable power, but rather an intentional malice. If it weren’t for a last minute reprieve, odds are even Hiro wouldn’t have lived through GulusGammamon’s inaugural digivolution.
#1: Too Much Metal, Not Enough Greymon
“Digimon Adventure: 2020” (2020-21)
There might not be a more violent takedown of a villain in the entire franchise, and this is coming from Agumon of all Digimon. Although, calling this belligerent form Tai’s same partner is a bit of a stretch. After MetalGreymon sees his tamer seemingly perish in battle, he transforms into an unrecognizable weapon of mass destruction. With a look reminiscent of Machinedramon, he literally tears DoneDevimon apart with his own teeth. It’s a bombastic display of horrifying strength, but Agumon manages to tearfully pull himself out of it. Better yet, he then unlocks the outline of his true Mega form, WarGreymon, who proceeds to show DoneDevimon how it’s supposed to go down.