Top 10 Digimon Moments That Will Make You Cry

#10: Mama Frigimon Melts
“Digimon Data Squad” (2006-07)
Losing a digital partner is never easy. But, in Keenan’s case, he wasn’t just friends with Frigimon. He was raised by her. So, when Kurata’s attack defrosted her in cold blood, Keenan was essentially losing his mother. With that context, there’s just no making it through the kid’s pained cries without wanting to do the same. Especially since Frigimon spends her final breaths urging Keenan to forgive the humans. Unfortunately, her dying wish is the one thing Keenan can't fulfill. In fact, after such a heartless attack on the digital world, it’s hard not to hate Kurata right alongside him.
#9: Forgotten Gammamon
“Digimon Ghost Game” (2021-23)
They say an imitation never outdoes the original, but this one might be the exception. Betsumon’s copy-cat routine had everyone thinking the real Gammamon was a fraud. Including Hiro himself. Even Gammamon’s brash optimism couldn’t hold up in the face of losing his home, his friends, and his partner. And yet, all that just makes Hiro’s eventual breakthrough all the more gratifying. Given everything the pair went through in this episode, Gammamon’s waterworks are definitely earned. Plus, with Hiro’s help, he also gets to show the Betsumon what separates a knockoff from an original. Let’s just say Gammamon’s digivolutions have never been so satisfying.
#8: Koichi’s Fall
“Digimon Frontier” (2002-03)
Unlike the other DigiDestined, the stakes for Koji’s twin were always life and death. He didn’t have a living body in the human world. So, if his ancient Spirit was ever defeated, there was no second chance. Of course, none of that would matter if Lucemon destroyed Earth. But, for Koichi, that was never an option, anyways. Instead, he took the brunt of Lucemon's lethal attack, knowing full-well what the sacrifice meant for his own life. It’s a truly unforgettable end for his character, even if he wouldn’t stay dead for very long. Still, that doesn’t make his decision here any less impactful in the moment.
#7: Rebooted
“Digimon Adventure Tri” (2015-18)
It’s hard to say what’s worse: watching all of the gang’s Digimon go berserk, or hitting the reset button on fifteen years of memories. Either way, the result is a scene that’s simply hard to sit through. On paper, the idea of rebooting the Digital World - including everything the DigiDestined have done - is the exact opposite of what people expected from this anniversary series. But, as if this unprecedented goodbye wasn’t bad enough, it’s up to Tentomon’s new Mega form to restrain his infected comrades through it all. Given how soul-crushing this scene plays out, maybe leaving the Digimon infected wouldn’t have been so bad, after all.
#6: Oikawa's Dream Comes True
“Digimon Adventure 02” (2000-01)
He may have fought against the DigiDestined, but Oikawa was no villain. All he wanted to do was make it to the Digital World; it’s Myotismon’s fault for manipulating that desire into his own nefarious scheme. In the end, it’s both poetic and deeply tragic that Oikawa ends up dying mere steps away from finally achieving his goal. The only solace is that, right before he closed his eyes, Oikawa finally met his very own partner Digimon. Really, there was no other other way his character arc could have ended; it’s just a shame that it had to come in the form of such a heart-wrenching scene.
#5: Wizardmon’s Last Spell
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
This moment is so much more than a generic self-sacrifice. Wizardmon spent his entire time on the show being the friend Gatomon always needed. He gave her his support, his knowledge, and in the end, his life. He believed in her and Kari’s potential until the very end, and even said as much in his last words. That’s just who Wizardmon was. Even as he succumbed to his wounds, he still felt the need to thank Gatomon for her friendship. Thankfully, she never took him for granted. If anything, her and Kari’s immediate ascendance into Angewomon just solidified that even though Wizardmon’s gone, he’s nowhere close to forgotten.
#4: Wormmon’s End
“Digimon Adventure 02” (2000-01)
Ken wasn’t exactly what you’d call a supportive tamer. But, even as he became the Digimon Emperor and threatened to enslave the Digital World, Wormmon stuck by his side. As such, he also knew that there was good inside of his tamer; it just needed a nudge in the right direction. A nudge that Wormmon himself was happy to provide. The only thing sadder than Wormmon’s sacrifice is that he did it for someone who never appreciated him. Luckily, the mon’s death was just the wake-up call Ken needed to start living up to his Crest of Kindness. For Wormmon, that’s the very least Ken could do.
#3: A Lion’s Heart
“Digimon Tamers” (2001-02)
In the first two seasons, partners who reached the end of their life reincarnated into new Digimon via DigiEggs. But, not in “Tamers.” Given that the human characters constantly put themselves in danger, the season’s director was adamant the show not trivialize death. That vision culminated in Leomon’s murder, which lives on as one of the most deplorable acts in the entire series. Poor Jeri had already seen enough tragedy for a lifetime, and still, she endured losing her Digimon partner just as soon as she’d met him. With all that, her grieving cries are just plain haunting. The only thing left to say is that Beelzemon got what was coming to him.
#2: End of the Adventure
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
Every journey has to end someday, but that doesn’t make saying goodbye any easier. However, when both groups needed to return to their normal lives, the original “Adventure” ended in the only way that felt right: with one poignant last hoorah. Every pair gets their very own farewell vignette, and each one is somehow more painfully sentimental than the last. By the time the crew are back on the train to Earth, it’s pretty much impossible to maintain a dry eye. Even through a litany of sequels, reboots, and goodbyes to come, none of them are as affecting the very first time “Digimon” wrapped up it's adventure.
#1: The Final Digivolution
“Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna” (2020)
Tai, Agumon, and the others have parted ways before. Several times, actually. But, this film is much more than another cheap tearjerker. No, it’s the actual, undisputed end of the original “Digimon Adventure.” As expected, that means bidding adieu to the characters that had been the center of the franchise for over twenty years. There’s also a sick final fight, great character development, and a worthwhile sense of closure around the whole thing. But, none of that eases what it’s like to watch “Digimon” officially grow up. On principle, it’s a movie designed to leave you a blubbering mess. To put it lightly, that final farewell scene does its job, and then some.