Top 20 One-Sided Anime Ass Kickings

Top 20 One-Sided Anime Ass-Kickings
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 One-Sided Anime Ass-Kickings.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the coolest instances where anime characters showed who’s boss.
Did we miss any of your favorite anime smackdowns? Let us know in the comments below!
#20: Mash vs. Silva
“Mashle: Magic & Muscles ” (2023-)
All day long, Silva kept gloating that no one could withstand ten of his punches. But, when he finally puts his fists where his mouth is, he discovers that being on the receiving end isn’t as easy. Especially when the blows are coming from Mash. The first punch destroys Silva’s face, pride, and iron magic all at once. After the second, he’s already begging for mercy. Lucky for him, a giant scorpion appears before Mash can finish his eight other punches. Either way, the damage is already done. Odds are, Silva won’t be betting against Mash’s fists ever again.
#19: Cid vs. Grease
“The Eminence in Shadow” (2022)
There’s always a lesson to be learned in defeat, especially one like this. Don’t get us wrong, Cid still thrashes the cultists like nobody’s business. But, in a remarkable show of sportsmanship, he gives their leader, Grease, a few pointers first. Not that it does him any good. Grease pops a few magically-enhanced pills, and keeps charging forward with no strategy. He can’t even land a hit, let alone do any damage. Once Cid realizes his student isn’t taking to the lesson, he wraps things up in suitably flashy fashion. Now, just imagine how fast this could’ve ended if Cid was actually fighting for real.
#18: Kuroki vs. Rihito
“Kengan Ashura” (2019-)
Kuroki says it best himself: if he really wanted to, he could’ve finished this match four times over. Unfortunately, Rihito takes that as a challenge. Credit where it's due, he does land a nasty blow early on. But, that’s the first and last time he lays hands on Kuroki. His opponent immediately gets serious and proceeds to block every other incoming attack. Then, when Kuroki finally counters, Rihito learns why they call him the Devil Lance. Spoiler: it’s not because he’s friendly. Despite Rihito’s efforts, he ends this match with a gaping hole in his chest. Although, given who he was up against, Rihito should just be glad it wasn’t anything worse.
#17: Laxus vs. Raven Tail
“Fairy Tail” (2009-19)
Five on one usually isn’t good odds, but this is Laxus we’re talking about. Even with all of Raven’s Tails cheating, it only takes a few minutes before the Thunder Mage himself starts throwing out punches. One for Wendy and Charle, one for Gray, and one for Lucy. Despite their clear numbers advantage, Raven Tail just can’t hold out against the electrifying rampage. Don’t worry, Laxus saves the best for last, and seeing the villainous Ivan grovel for his life makes that final punch even sweeter. In the end, Laxus didn’t just beat Raven Tail, he got them banned from the entire Grand Magic Games.
#16: Denji & Power vs. Kishibe
“Chainsaw Man” (2022-)
Kishibe is a simple man. He likes booze, he likes women, and he likes killing devils. That last one is particularly important since he’s tasked with whipping Denji and Power into shape. He has a distinctly hands-on approach to teaching, and by that, we mean he totally floors them over and over again until they get the point. It’s not like Denji and Power are pushovers, either. But, compared to Kishibe’s experience, even their best-laid plans come across as child's play. Hey, at least they know it’ll be worth it. After all, if Denji and Power can retain even a crumb of Kishibe’s lessons, they’ll be back to slaying devils in no time.
#15: David vs. Adam Smasher
“Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” (2022)
It’s hard to say what hurts worse: David getting his face pounded in, or watching it all go down. Either way, the outcome is a fight that’s not for the faint of heart. Even with his techno cyberskeleton, David can’t so much as scratch Adam Smasher. In fact, the only thing he can do is sacrifice himself to try and buy the others some time. But, in doing so, he lets Adam smash just about every part of his body. On the bright side, David died knowing Lucy’s safe. But, it came at the cost of a truly brutal death scene.
#14: Baki vs. Yanagi & Sikorsky
“Baki” (2018-20)
Never underestimate a guy who’s just popped his cherry. Especially when his name is Baki Hanma. He probably could have won this fight anyways, but with the newfound motivation of an active sex life, Baki is positively raring to go. At the very least, you can’t say he isn’t a man of his word. Baki did say he’d pummel them until they can’t stand, and that’s exactly what he ends up doing. When Yanagi and Sikorsky try to fight back, they end up inflicting more damage to each other than Baki. After a beatdown like this, these two inmates probably wish they’d just stayed on death row.
#13: Askeladd vs. Thorfinn
“Vinland Saga” (2019-)
You can’t say Thorfinn doesn’t have guts, that’s for sure. He’s essentially devoted his whole life to beating Askeladd, and no matter how many times he’s beaten senseless, he keeps coming back for another round. This time is no different. Sure, on paper, Askelad doesn’t use his sword, and Thorfinn has a broken arm. But, none of that really matters. The two have dueled so many times that Askeladd knows all of Thorfinn’s moves inside and out. As a result, the combat is really just a means to Askeladd’s inevitable victory. Worst of all, their fight is so-lopsided, Askeladd doesn’t even think Thorfinn is worth killing.
#12: Takemichi & Hakkai vs. Taiju
“Tokyo Revengers” (2021-)
At a certain point, you just want to tell Takemichi to stay down and shut the hell up. But, in the name of taking over the Black Dragon, he keeps on standing again and again. If it didn’t end so poorly for him, it would almost be inspiring. Although, in Takemichi’s defense, he lands a clean enough blow to send the buffed-out Taiju to his knees. Unfortunately, that’s the beginning and the end of his success. The rest of the fight consists of Takemichi becoming very acquainted with Taiju’s fists. He fares a bit better when Hakkai joins the fray, but even then, it’s a mercy when they finally pass out for good.
#11: Ayanokoji vs. Ryuen
“Classroom of the Elite” (2017-)
After a season of boiling tension, this final exam consisted of a no-holds-barred fistight to prove who’s really elite around here. And yet, despite all that pressure, Ayanokoji looks positively bored through it all. To be fair, Ryuen’s lackeys go down so fast, it’s generous to even call it a fight. Their sadistic boss lasted the longest, but only because he kept trying to get a rise out of his opponent. But, as it turns out, Ryuen isn’t even worth Ayanokoji’s rage. Or, really, any emotion at all. In the end, the only thing Ryuen earns is the chilling realization that he can, in fact, experience fear.
#10: Big Mom vs. Brook
“One Piece” (1999-)
You’d think her size would make her an easy target, especially for a suave sword-user like Brook. Alas, this Yonkou is every bit as powerful as rumours would have you believe, evident from when she brought out her sentient sun and thundercloud to fry the poor skeleton. Shouldn’t feel too bad for yourself there Brook, we all knew you were boned from the start but at least you didn’t actually get Mama mad. Then you might have ended up getting grounded into bone powder.
#9: Shimazaki vs. Teru
“Mob Psycho 100 II” (2019)
Not to throw any shade our boy, but he got trounced here. Which is rather surprising, since he’s a esper of such high calibur that he can copy and incorporate the techniques of other psychics into his arsenal just like that. Unfortunately for him, he picked a fight with Claw’s strongest soldier. Despite his lack of vision, Shimazaki’s mastery of teleportation and seemingly indestructible skin made it easy for him to slide past Teru’s defences and take him out with a single strike. Don’t worry man, at least you kept your hair this time.
#8: Accelerator vs. Awaki
“A Certain Magical Index” (2008-)
Even if he was crippled and in the midst of an internal conflict about what kind of person he truly wanted to be, you’d have to be pretty stupid to think that Accelerator wouldn’t still make for a deadly opponent. Obviously Awaki didn’t get the memo, since she decided to lash out at the Level Five Esper, armed with nothing but her ability to teleport. As expected, this doesn’t get her very far. Even on crutches, Accelerator manages to make quick work of her with his psychic powers. She’s lucky he was in the middle of his transition to good guy, otherwise she would have likely been left as a stain on the road.
#7: Hanzo vs. Gon
“Hunter x Hunter” (2011-14)
While nowadays we all know Gon as an absolute powerhouse strong enough to even take on the likes of a Chimera Ant elite such as Pitou, it didn’t always used to be like that. During the finale of the Hunter Exams, Gon faces off against master ninja Hanzo, whose attacks manage to leave Gon broken and bloodied. However, it only got to this stage because Gon refused to surrender. His determination eventually won out, but it was only due to him willing to take one hell of a beating.
#6: Glenn vs. Jin Ganis
“Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor” (2017)
We knew as soon as this scumbag mage put his hands on Sistine, he was going to get the schooling of his lifetime. Most likely in the form of a beatdown courtesy of the most unorthodox magical teacher of all time. Despite their somewhat temperamental relationship, Glenn doesn’t hesitate to protect his precious White Cat when Ganis tries to have his wicked way with her. Goes to show that not all problems can be solved with spells, sometimes good old fashioned fighting will do the trick.
#5: Mustang vs. Envy
“Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood” (2009-10)
With his sadistic sense of humour, shapeshifting abilities and monstrous final form, this Homonculus had gotten rather used to killing and manipulating his way through life. That is until he made the fatal mistake of revealing that he was the one who killed Maes Hughes. Understandably enraged by this, Mustang proceeds to incinerate Envy piece by piece, taking great lengths to make the process as agonising as possible, until he’s reduced to his true, ugly self. This wasn’t so much a battle as it was a flame-filled massacre.
#4: Mirio vs. Class 1-A
“My Hero Academia” (2016-)
Ever wanted to know the difference in strength between the first and third years at U.A High? Well, here you are! Despite taking on the League of Villains, the Hero Killer and other superhero schools, Deku and the rest find themselves totally outgunned when faced against this superstar student. Despite his light-heartedness, Mirio proves to be a force of nature, fully utilizing his Quirk to the point where not even the combined might of the whole class can slow him down. What else is there to say? No one can hope to match this guy when it comes to POWER!
#3: Ichigo vs. Aizen
“Bleach” (2004-12)
Goes to show what you can accomplish if you grow your hair out a little. After successfully learning the art of the Final Getsuga Tensho, the Substitute Shinigami renters the battle against the all-powerful Aizen…and proceeds to toss him around like he was Chad. Even with all his strength, his kido and even a last-second transformation, Aizen can’t hold a candle to Ichigo, who simply deflects everything he throws at him with ease. As if that wasn’t humiliating enough, Ichigo ends things with a single “do or die” strike that manages to reduce the once feared Shinigami into nothing more than some dude with a mullet!
#2: Karen vs. Araragi
“Nisemonogatari” (2012)
Given his love for getting into all kinds of smutty situations, including with his sisters, we can’t exactly say that Araragi didn’t deserve to get his vampiric backside kicked in. Though, maybe to not this extent. After Karen inexplicably gains incredible combat prowess, a sibling dispute between the two soon turns violent, with Karen managing to kick the ever-loving crap out of her brother, to the point where she’s sending him flying through bridges and bus stops. Good thing he’s got that whole recovery thing going for him.
#1: Beerus vs. Goku
“Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods” (2013)
Remember the days before Super Saiyan Blue? Before Goku could hold his own against the strongest foes in the multiverse? It was a simpler time, one that couldn’t have prepared us to see Goku lose to Beerus in such a heavy-handed manner. In spite of going all out with Super Saiyan 3, Goku can’t even land a hit on the God of Destruction, who in response casually buries him like it was just another day at the office. Deep down we all knew Goku would find a way to get stronger, but this was still quite a shocking sight to behold.