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Top 20 Over the Top Sex Scenes In Video Games

Top 20 Over the Top Sex Scenes In Video Games
VOICE OVER: Rudolph Strong WRITTEN BY: Jonathan Alexander
Over-the-top sex scenes can be uncomfortable to watch, eespecially in video games. For this list, we'll be looking at the most hilariously overblown times video characters bumped uglies. Our countdown of over-the-top sex scenes in video games includes “God of War” (2005), “Dragon Age: Origins” (2009), “Beyond: Two Souls” (2012), “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015), and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Over-the-Top Sex Scenes in Video Games. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most hilariously overblown times video characters bumped uglies. What’s the spiciest love scene you’ve ever seen in a game? Let us know in the comments below!

#20: “Terminator: Resistance” (2019)

This game has it all: crazy robot action, an in-depth story mode, and the option to get steamy with a girl of your choice. That’s right, whether you go with the kind-hearted Jennifer or the seductive Baron, their routes always end with some form of romantic compensation. At least, provided you suck up enough. Throughout the campaign, you have to earn their trust by answering several questions correctly. Once you do, they reward you by removing both their clothes and their inhibitions. The camera cleverly frames the action from the chest up. But, the sound effects alone are enough to say “hasta la vista, baby,” to the game’s age rating.

#19: “Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater” (2004)

Even former spies need to take the edge every now and then, right? Well, let’s just say that Solid Snake did just that by living up to his name in more ways than one. He and fellow agent EVA are tired, sweaty, and on the run. So, when they finally take refuge in a log cabin, they waste absolutely no time taking their clothes off. Even for a game on the Playstation 2, these graphics go further than anyone probably expected. The screen focuses on the fireplace just as things get really spicy, but rest assured, there’s no mistaking what went down that night.

#18: “Beyond: Two Souls” (2012)

From the outside, there’s nothing inherently overblown about this date night. Jodie and Ryan simply have dinner, start smooching, and then the screen cuts to black. They wake up in various states of undress, but all the actual contact is left up to interpretation. What sets it apart is that the scene isn’t presented through either Jodie or Ryan’s perspective. Instead, you can watch them make out through the eyes of the omnipotent spirit, Aiden. As you can imagine, framing Jodie and Ryan’s intimate life this way makes “Beyond: Two Souls” feel awfully close to an adult film. Maybe it’s a good thing they cut to black when they did.

#17: “Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines” (2004)

It shouldn’t come as a shock that a game with a “seduction” rank has more than its fair share of naughty moments. At high enough levels, the player character can compel just about any NPC to be their own personal blood doll. But, that’s not even the most scandalous part. If you seduce Jeannette, she goes all the way with you - and we do mean all the way. She single handedly proves to the player character that just because you’re undead doesn’t mean you don’t feel pleasure anymore. In the end, the game doesn’t actually show anything. But, rest assured, the voice actors still got their paycheck that day.

#16: “Fallout: New Vegas” (2010)

Most of the time, M-Rated video games will let you get real cozy with a voluptuous female character. “Fallout: New Vegas,” though? It lets you do it with Fisto, an actual robot. We aren’t kidding. The so-called Protectron can be reprogrammed as the player’s very own one-stop shop for pleasure. It doesn’t even care about gender, either. Still, Fisto knows its worth. The first one is free, but afterwards, you have to pay it 10 caps for any subsequent engagements. Thankfully, the game spares us the gory details of how it all goes down. But, clearly, there’s a high demand for someone like Fisto in the world of “Fallout.”

#15: “South Park: The Stick of Truth” (2014)

This might be the most difficult achievement to get in all of gaming history. Not because it’s particularly hard to reach, but because it requires you to sit and watch the unthinkable. In the sidequest aptly named “Perverted,” you have to look at your character’s parents as they nasty in bed together. It isn’t a quick glance, either. You have to stay for at least sixty whole seconds for the achievement to proc. By that point, you have to ask yourself if it’s even worth it anymore. Only a “South Park” game could get away with a love scene that leaves you more disgusted than you started.

#14: “Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus” (2017)

There’s actual Nazis in this game, and yet, this is the scene you really don’t want your parents walking in on. Here, Bombate and Sigrun decide to christen the sub with some love-making, and boy does it get loud. Especially once B.J, Grace, and the others walk in. Despite the couple’s extremely compromising position, Bombate and Sigrun don’t stop on their team’s account. If anything, without the submarine’s door to muffle their cries, they’re louder than ever before. Something tells us the rest of the Kreisau fighters ordered a deep-clean of this pod before they took off on their mission.

#13: “God of War” (2005)

Kratos may be a demi-god, but if this scene is any indication, he still has plenty of mortal desires. In fact, the game goes as far as letting him get into bed with two scantily-clad ladies. Oh, and they’re twins. Before you ask, no, this isn’t even a cutscene. It’s a full on mini-game with timed button-presses and everything. The only thing you see is a vase wobbling over, but the voice acting connects the rest of the dots all too well. It’s something of a badge of honor that this quick-time event became so infamous, it stuck around as a recurring feature in the series at large.

#12: “Alpha Protocol” (2010)

There are four fully-voiced romance options in this action RPG, and if you play your cards right, you can get dirty with all of them by the time the credits roll. But, heads up, one of them gets a lot more “attention,” if you catch our drift. While Mina, Scarlet, and Madison’s routes end vaguely at best, SIE’s goes full throttle on the sex appeal. To start, she’s the one advancing on Michael, and secondly, he’s tied down throughout the whole thing. Oh, and did we mention that they’re behind enemy lines, too? It certainly makes for a memorable climax, that’s for sure.

#11: “Mass Effect 3” (2012)

There’s a lot to love in “Mass Effect 3,” and that’s no hyperbole. Adding up the returning romantic partners, the new additions, and the DLC, the number of potential overnight companions is staggering. Guys, girls, aliens; take your pick, “Mass Effect 3” probably has it. For how many endgame scenes there are, it’s impressive that each one feels distinctly unique, too. A few definitely go harder than the rest - looking at you, Liara - but overall, you can’t go wrong getting into bed with any of them. Just be sure that, when you do, you also have a pair of headphones at the ready.

#10: Music Is the Food of Love

“Fable III” (2010)

You can do just about anything in “Fable 3,” and that most definitely includes deeds of the sexual persuasion. The actual business takes place under a dark screen, aided by humorous commentary from whoever you happen to be with at the time. Additionally, creaking bed springs can be heard, as well as what we imagine is “Fable’s” idea of ‘70s adult film music? It’s funny, to be sure, but be careful! STDs also exist within the “Fable” universe, as do the possibilities of unplanned pregnancies.

#9: Tree Hugger

“Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude” (2004)

The “Leisure Suit Larry” series is one of the OGs, when it comes to silly and sexy gaming. For the most part, however, Larry Laffer’s adventures rarely deviate into anything particularly sleazy or exaggeratingly over-the-top. There have been exceptions, however, such as Vicki’s transformation in 1996’s “Love For Sail,” and our next pick, from 2004’s “Magna Cum Laude.” This entry actually follows Laffer’s nephew (also named Larry), and it’s profoundly more X-rated in tone. One particularly raunchy sequence features Larry and a young lady named Harriet, engaging in some acrobatic activities. Oh, but did we mention Larry is dressed like a tree through it all? Yeah, it’s as weird as it sounds.

#8: Sail Away

“Dragon Age: Origins” (2009)

There are a number of possibilities for sex and romance within “Dragon Age: Origins.” Male and Female PCs can get it on with characters like Alistair and Morrigan, complete with romantic dialogue and explicit cut scenes. Although there is nudity and sexual situations here, the real kicker that makes “Dragon Age” sex over-the-top is the music. Seriously, the soundtrack to these encounters feel like they’re outtakes from a long-lost Enya session. They’re bombastic and atmospheric to the max, a far cry from the one mentioned earlier in “Fable.” Are these sex scenes…well, “sexy,” however? We’ll let you be the judge.

#7: Synchronized Love

“Cyberpunk 2077” (2020)

Getting busy inside a Militech Basilisk may not be for everyone. This proves particularly true when taking into account what goes down in “Cyberpunk: 2077.” The romance option with Panam leads to some seriously freaky goings-on. The synchronized sex scene is downright weird, with intense lighting and an equally intense reaction from the characters. It never really feels sexy, though, instead coming across more nightmarish in tone. So, “Cyberpunk: 2077” may not be the height of eroticism, but it definitely knew how to make an impression with this over-the-top sex scene.

#6: Interactive Foreplay

“Heavy Rain” (2010)

The sex scene here from 2010’s “Heavy Rain” differs a bit, in that it’s not your average cut-scene. Oftentimes, the player’s job is to correctly play the romance angle, in order to facilitate getting it on. “Heavy Rain” does it a bit differently, turning the scene interactive. This could make or break the deal for players, with some preferring to watch a sequence play out, while others appreciate the, ahem, “hands on” approach. For our money, “Heavy Rain” leans a little too heavy into the kissy noises and heavy breathing, not to mention the overtly sappy and dramatic soundtrack. But hey, it certainly feels realistic, if a bit uncanny, and that’s gotta count for something, right?

#5: Sex Tape

“Grand Theft Auto V” (2013)

The “Grand Theft Auto” franchise has become infamous at this point for the increasingly explicit encounters depicted between players and various ladies of the evening. The “Paparazzo” mission for GTA V, however, is thankfully more light-hearted in tone. Well, at least the dialogue is, anyway. We don’t condone spying on anyone with a camcorder, but we do admit to chuckling a bit at the exchange between reality star Poppy Mitchell and her paramour, Justin. The façade of fame, sex tapes and more all come up in the conversation, while Justin is behind Poppy. Meanwhile, Mitchell is on her phone, seemingly nonplussed by anything Justin happens to be doing back there.

#4: Sex & Death

“Far Cry 3” (2012)

Viewers of a certain age may remember “Choose Your Own Adventure” books, where each decision you made you potentially end the story for good. Choices also matter in the gaming world, such as this one from 2012’s “Far Cry 3.” Here, it’s possible for a graphic and rather explicit sex scene to be triggered with the leader of the Rakyat Warriors. In order for this to happen, however, it’s required for the player to betray and kill their friends. As a result, the accompanying sex scene seems gratifying enough…until the Rakyat mercilessly stabs the protagonist after the point of climax. The lesson here? Sometimes the sex just isn’t worth it.

#3: Riding the Pony

“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015)

“The Witcher” series is another gaming franchise that, at this point, has become somewhat synonymous with the libidinousness of its title character. As a result, Geralt has gotten it on with a number of notable partners, and in several memorable locations. None of those encounters quite compares to this conquest from 2015’s “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.” This sex scene with Yennefer is pretty nondescript, for the most part, other than one majorly glaring difference. It takes place on a giant stuffed unicorn! The best part is how it’s barely mentioned in the game as being weird, or out of the ordinary. We’re just supposed to accept it. Classic.

#2: Pure (Cringe) Moods

“Indigo Prophecy” (2005)

Ok, so we take it all back. Remember how we chided “Dragon Age: Origins” for its choice of mood music for its sex scene? That one pales in comparison to the cringe brought to the screen by “Indigo Prophecy” from 2005. The guitar playing mini-game is corny, for starters, effectively setting up the mood, so our main character, Lucas, can seduce his girlfriend, Tiffany. It just gets worse from there, however, as the soundtrack goes full “Pure Moods” on us, and we can’t believe our ears. Meanwhile, the act itself is surprisingly graphic for the time, albeit not erotic in the slightest.

#1: We Don’t Have to Take Our Clothes Off

“Ride to Hell: Retribution” (2013)

“Ride to Hell: Retribution” always seems to top these sorts of lists, and with good reason. The sex scenes here are just beyond the pale: frequently funny, and never erotic. Maybe it’s the fact that the deed is often done fully clothed. Or the fact that these characters in question just have those cold, dead eyes. It makes for creepy viewing, for sure. Also, the lackadaisical attempts at cliches “bow chicka wow-wow” funk music feel lazy and uninspired. “Ride to Hell: Retribution” is a game that’s literally filled to the brim with sex scenes, with not one of them being any good.
