Top 5 Pokémon Go Facts

While you're watching this video, we're taking over your gym . Welcome to WatchMojo's Top 5 Facts, the series where we lure you in with interesting information about a fascinating topic. Today's topic is gonna be the very best like no other topic ever was: Pokémon Go ! Keep in mind, these are not tips to improve your poké-venture. We're also taking the Team Harmony route and not addressing any of the crazy incidents surrounding Pokemon Go, so there won't be any dead bodies or robberies here.
Special thanks to our users acertekin for submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
#5: The Game First Appeared as a Prank
Ah, April Fools Day, the day all geeks severely hate as the companies they love pull some rather soul-crushing pranks. The year was 2014, and Google decided to pull the ultimate poke-prank and show us all what it’d be like if we could catch Pokemon in real life . Google already had an augmented reality game called “Ingress” , so it wasn’t too much of a stretch of the imagination to see them come up with an augmented reality Pokemon game ... but then we saw the date of the trailer and openly wept. After that, we tucked our dreams of being the best away, but Nintendo and Niantic– the former Google property behind “Ingress”– had other plans .
#4: There Are Gyms in Weird Places
So you’ve caught them– hopefully, in suitable locations . What happens after that? You send your Pokemon to take over the gyms in your area, of course! That being said, some gyms have appeared in some rather... interesting places. There’s the White House which, at one time, had a Pidgeot named ‘Merica . There’s Massachusetts resident, Boon Sheridan, whose house accidentally became a gym since it used to be a church . Seems most churches are made gyms by default, including the prolific hub of hate that is the Westboro Baptist Church. It didn’t take long for their gym to be taken over by a pro-LGBTQ Clefairy named LoveIsLove . Of course, the WBC objected, but maybe they’ll be more content with the “Satan” Magmar with a CP of 666..
#3: Swipe Right for Pikachu?
It’s no surprise to anyone that the game is popular– after all, augmented reality is fun and still novel, and Pokemon has been a popular franchise since the nineties . But its measurable impact has been impressive. Forget being a top trending hashtag, Pokemon Go surpassed Twitter in daily active users. . Survey Monkey Intelligence declared it the biggest mobile game ever in the US; it only took one day to beat Tinder in downloaded apps . Oh, and currently, “Pokemon Go” is a more popular search term than “porn.” Speaking of google searches, since the game gives distances in the glorious metric system, there’s been a surge in metric conversion searches. We’re kind of curious if this might inspire a generation of Americans to embrace the metric system.
#2: The Pokéconomy is Building
It goes without saying that Nintendo is currently diving into a vault of gold coins, Scrooge McDuck style. Yeah, the game may be free, but Nintendo’s stocks are soaring higher than the almighty Lugia right now , despite the fact that they are only part-owner of the game and will presumably be taking just a fraction of its profits. Many local businesses are reaping the benefits too, however, as many restaurants, cafes and bars are buying lures to attract potential customers, advertising being a PokéStop, or offering discounts to players . Night spots are in on it too: Poké-pub crawls are popping up, and so are dance parties with live DJs and non-stop lures. Now that you can request to be a Poke Stop or gym, we imagine that the number of businesses jumping on the bandwagon will increase... and that you’ll soon be seeing more “pay me to catch pokemon for you” businesses. .
#1: It’s Super Effective at Activating Social Skills
Sure, there’s a chance that this game will be like all those other mobile games that are hot for a minute, then fade away… but that doesn’t change the fact that this game is remarkable. And that’s not just because we can finally live out the fantasy of catching em’ all , it’s also because of the real-life connections you can make while you're out playing in the real world. There are events like the ones I just mentioned, or you can just head over to your nearest Pokéstop and make a new friend– the ice is practically broken already. Sufferers of depression and anxiety have been lighting up twitter with positive testimonials. Some folks even claim the game helped them to catch a little somethin’ somethin’. It may sound like one of those cheesy feel good episodes from the anime, but it’s true: Pokemon really do bring people together .
So what Pokemon Go facts are worth entering into your Pokédex? Are you a metric system convert? Be sure to catch more evolved top fives and legendary top tens by tossing a pokéball over to