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VOICE OVER: Emily Brayton WRITTEN BY: Savannah Sher
Even muggles need to be sorted. For this list, we're looking at qualities that non-magical folk display that indicate they would totally be sorted into Gryffindor house. Our list includes You're Brave, People Think You're an Extrovert, and more! Join MsMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 5 Signs You're a Gryffindor.

#5: You're Brave

We all know that “daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart” but what does that mean in the real world? We don’t all have dragons to fight and basilisks to slay. Bravery can exist in less obvious ways as well, like taking risks in your career, standing up to a bully, or even by participating in extreme sports. You never back down from a dare or challenge and you never let your fear show, even when you likely feel it. You approach every situation head on, and don’t necessarily worry about being prepared. You’ll always speak up for yourself and those around you.

#4: People Think You're an Extrovert

Lately there’s been a lot of talk in pop culture about introverts and extroverts, and while there’s no hard and fast rule, Gryffindors almost always appear to be extroverts. They project self confidence and are great at meeting new people and making friends. While they may value their alone time, they’re often the life of the party. Even if you’re not truly extroverted but are rather an outgoing introvert, it’s very likely that you’re a Gryffindor. Though there’s always room for outliers, Slytherins, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs all tend to be quieter and more self-reliant.

#3: You’re a Do-er

Gryffindors are never ones to sit around and let others take charge - especially when there’s a problem that needs resolving. They’re always leading the pack and getting things done, even if it means leaving planning to the wayside. They’d much rather take action than waste time talking things over. There’s nothing that makes Gryffindors more frustrated than having to wait around doing nothing. When friends talk over their problems with you, you may have a hard time simply listening because you want to jump straight to helping them work things out. But when the time comes to act, you sure make for an invaluable ally!

#2: You Love Adventure

While muggles may not be able to experience the same level of adventure that Hogwarts students do, it’s probably for the best that you aren’t constantly being thrust into dangerous situations involving forbidden forests, three-headed dogs and whomping willows. If you’re a real world Gryffindor you probably take pleasure in trying new things, be it strange new cuisines or that epic new roller coaster at your local amusement park. You also likely love to travel, because you constantly yearn for unique and exciting new experiences. Chances are that you’re the last one to turn in when going out, as you’re always hoping that your night will take ever more interesting directions.

#1: You Have Strong Morals

Gryffindors, whether in the wizarding world or not, have a clear sense of morality and can often view the world in black and white. Their feelings about what is right and what is wrong are set in stone, and they will always stand up for the things they believe in. They will put themselves in danger if it means fighting for what’s right. And unfortunately, this can sometimes this can be to your detriment if you aren’t open to hearing other people’s stances and opinions. If you’re an activist or spend a significant portion of your time and energy defending your causes, you’re definitely a true Gryffindor.
