Top Surprising 5 Facts About The 100

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Script written by Savannah Sher
Here are the Top 5 Facts About The 100!
For this list, we're looking at interesting pieces of information from behind the scenes on this hit CW show. We've included facts like fans got a say in the story! During the first couple of seasons of the show, the character Nathan Miller was never shown having any romantic or sexual entanglements, which was somewhat of an exception on the show. Because of his seeming lack of interest in women, fans on social media speculated and hoped that he might be gay. The show's producers took this into consideration and by the third season, his sexuality was cannon. The kiss between him and his boyfriend Bryan was the first male gay kiss on the show. The series started filming before the book was released! The pilot was confirmed on May 9th, 2013 and the book came out on September 3rd of the same year.
Two Characters Weren't Supposed to Make It
Did you know that two beloved characters from this show were originally conceived to have short lifespans? Both Raven and Jasper were slated to be killed off by the show's creators before they realized just how valuable they were to the ensemble cast. Actress Lindsay Morgan's character Raven played a minor role in the first season and was not scheduled to make it to season two. Instead of killing her though, she was promoted to series regular status. Similarly, Jasper was supposed to meet his end in Season 3, but if you've seen the show you know that he makes it until season four.
#4: The Series Started Filming Before the Book was Released
Many popular TV shows and movies are based on novels, especially in the dystopian YA genre. In a reversal of how the process typically works though, the creators were so confident in the potential of the “100” TV show, that they actually began production before the book version actually hit the shelves. Typically, adaptations are made once a work has proved successful with readers, but Kass Morgan’s story impressed TV producer Jason Rothenberg so much that he was ready to sign on before it was officially released. The pilot was confirmed on May 9th, 2013 and the book came out on September 3rd of the same year.
#3: Lexa Didn’t Exist
Speaking of the book series, there are several significant variations between the story on the page and on the screen. Some fan-favorite characters were actually created exclusively for the show, including Finn, Raven, Jasper and Murphy. Most notably, Lexa was an original character fabricated for the second season of the show. The actress who portrays her, Alycia Debnam-Carey, says she didn’t even have to audition for the part. Similarly, Eliza Taylor was contacted for the part of Clarke and was asked to go in for a reading. Soon thereafter, she was on her way to film the pilot.
#2: Many of the Characters' Names are Based on Science Fiction Authors
Author Kass Morgan clearly knows her sci-fi, because when it came to naming her characters, she took ideas from the names of many of her favorite writers whose work undoubtedly served as inspiration for her story. Octavia is named for Octavia Butler, Wells for H.G. Wells, Bellamy for Edward Bellamy and Clarke for Arthur C. Clarke. There are, of course, some exceptions, but for the most part the names which don’t have literary sources are the ones created by the showrunners rather than Morgan.
#1: Trigedasleng and Dothraki Have Something in Common
Writers like J.R.R. Tolkien are famous for having created entire fully functional languages for their characters to speak, but did you know that this is done for TV as well? David J. Peterson is a professional language creator, and not only did he come up with Trigedasleng, the tongue that the Grounders speak on “The 100”, he has also worked with the creators of HBO’s popular series “Game of Thrones”. Both Dothraki and High Valyrian are his creations as well as several languages for the show, “Defiance”. If you listen closely, you can probably hear the similarities!