10 Unanswered Questions We Have About The Legend of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom

VOICE OVER: Johnny Reynolds
WRITTEN BY: Garrett Alden
Nintendo has kept a lot of details about "Tears of the Kingdom" secret, which naturally means we have a ton of questions about it. For this list, we'll be looking at the biggest mysteries surrounding the next "Zelda," as well as some lingering mysteries from "Breath of the Wild" we hope it will address. Our list includes Who are the Zonai?, Will Link's Rune Abilities Return?, What's Zelda's Role?, How is Hyrule Different?, and more!
Welcome to MojoPlays and today we’ll be going over 10 unanswered questions we have about “Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.” For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the lingering questions we have about “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” before its release, as well as leftovers from “Breath of the Wild” that we hope it will answer, like, “why we can’t pet the dogs?! If there’s a “Tears of the Kingdom” question you’re sad we didn’t include, ask us about your picks in the comments!
Most 3D “Zelda” titles have featured Link going on adventures accompanied by some kind of companion. These have ranged from fairies, to a shadowy imp, to a talking boat! However, “Breath of the Wild” eschewed this tradition, in favor of more solitary adventures across Hyrule. Sure, you can tame horses and other animals, but they’re considerably less chatty than Link’s usual friends. And while you can do some occasional adventures with the champions, we’re hoping “Tears of the Kingdom” will include a more committed friend for us to go through the game with.
From the teasers and trailers for “Tears of the Kingdom” so far, it’s clear that Hyrule will be different than in “Breath of the Wild,” with floating islands rising above the familiar landscape. But how much of that landscape will remain? Have these sky islands changed or destroyed landmarks from “Breath of the Wild?” Did they uncover new areas to explore down below, either in existing locations or because you can now explore beyond previous boundaries? And what about the people? Are the various villages and kingdoms still intact and are there any new ones you can visit? Hyrule is a vast land and our number of questions about it are equally large!
“Breath of the Wild” introduces several abilities almost immediately in the Great Plateau that become staples of your journey. These Rune powers include bombs, forming ice blocks, stasis, and magnesis. But we’re wondering if all of them will carry over to “Tears of the Kingdom.” The trailers so far don’t show Link with his familiar Sheikah Slate, which is used to switch between the Runes. While Link appears to use some new abilities and something that looks similar to stasis in one of the trailers, it’s unclear if it’s a new power or an upgrade of his existing one. We just hope we can keep using infinite bombs - we don’t know if we can go back to bomb bags again.
Throughout Hyrule, you can discover many relics of the past. Some of these were once alive. There are 3 massive skeletons that can be found and photographed for a side quest. These whale-like creatures are known only as Leviathans. Are they merely clues that Hyrule used to be underwater, or did the Leviathans somehow fly through the air? The latter would certainly tie in to the new airborne setting. It wouldn’t be the first time flying whales appeared in the series, after all. And whether we see a living Leviathan, or they stay just bones, we hope we’ll get more answers.
Some of the other relics Link encounters in “Breath of the Wild” are from lost civilizations. One of these cultures is a tribe known only as the Zonai. They are connected to several of the large labyrinths found throughout Hyrule, as well as ruins in the jungle area of the Faron region. They’re also responsible for crafting the powerful barbarian armor set, indicating a warlike mindset. The trailers of “Tears of the Kingdom” have thus far shown several markings and symbols consistent with the Zonai’s, so it’s likely that they’ll be important to the game’s plot, so hopefully we can gain more insight into this lost culture.
The “Tears of the Kingdom” footage and promotional material have shown Link with what appears to be a prosthetic arm. The arm glows green and looks like it’s made of ancient Sheikah tech. From what we’ve seen so far, it looks as if it may be related to some of his new abilities, since he’s seen raising it when using some of them in the trailers. Have all of his powers been integrated into the arm now? But perhaps more importantly, if the arm is indeed a prosthetic, how does Link incur the most lasting injury he’s ever suffered? We have a feeling Ganon or maybe another villain is involved.
Given that “Tears of the Kingdom” shows Zelda and Link sporting the same or similar looks to the ones they have in “Breath of the Wild,” we can safely assume that it takes place after its predecessor. Well, at least, for the characters. Time travel is an option, as most 3D “Zelda” titles have featured it to some degree. And Link’s outfit in some shots of the trailers looks considerably less refined and more primitive than his usual getup. Given the apparent involvement of the Zonai, we’re definitely not ruling out a trip to the past, is all we’re saying.
While Zelda herself is not physically present for much of “Breath of the Wild,” she’s still a major fixture in the game, thanks to the memories you find throughout Hyrule. These help flesh out not only the game’s story, but also her character and make Zelda feel more grounded and dynamic than in past entries. We’re just wondering how active the princess will be in “Tears of the Kingdom.” And how she’s handling her trauma, for that matter! Will the game return her to the classic damsel role? Or is she once again fighting against your foe in a different way? Or does a “calamity” befall her? Are the “tears of the kingdom” hers? We eagerly await the answers to all these questions.
Dungeons are an integral part of the “Zelda” experience. “Breath of the Wild” departed from the traditional style with Divine Beasts and shrines, both of which tend to be smaller and more uniform than dungeons past. Will “Tears of the Kingdom” follow suit with simpler dungeons, or will they be more elaborate and varied? Where will these dungeons be located? Hyrule Castle appears to be floating in one of the trailers, will it be the only airborne castle, or will the new dungeons be flying fortresses too? Whatever they look like, they’re sure to put us to the test - and we’re just hoping to study up beforehand.
Arguably one of players’ biggest gripes with “Breath of the Wild” is how easily weapons break. Glass is more durable than most of these things! And yet, Link must still save Hyrule while never knowing if the metal sword he’s using will disintegrate in his hands! Although most players acknowledge that it does force us to switch up our playstyle and weapons constantly, it does get annoying. Has Nintendo heard our complaints? Do weapons still break with little warning? Can we at least get more repair options or some better information on how long each will last? Here’s hoping our hopes, and our weapons, won’t be shattered.
Will There Be a New Companion?
Most 3D “Zelda” titles have featured Link going on adventures accompanied by some kind of companion. These have ranged from fairies, to a shadowy imp, to a talking boat! However, “Breath of the Wild” eschewed this tradition, in favor of more solitary adventures across Hyrule. Sure, you can tame horses and other animals, but they’re considerably less chatty than Link’s usual friends. And while you can do some occasional adventures with the champions, we’re hoping “Tears of the Kingdom” will include a more committed friend for us to go through the game with.
How is Hyrule Different?
From the teasers and trailers for “Tears of the Kingdom” so far, it’s clear that Hyrule will be different than in “Breath of the Wild,” with floating islands rising above the familiar landscape. But how much of that landscape will remain? Have these sky islands changed or destroyed landmarks from “Breath of the Wild?” Did they uncover new areas to explore down below, either in existing locations or because you can now explore beyond previous boundaries? And what about the people? Are the various villages and kingdoms still intact and are there any new ones you can visit? Hyrule is a vast land and our number of questions about it are equally large!
Will Link’s Rune Abilities Return?
“Breath of the Wild” introduces several abilities almost immediately in the Great Plateau that become staples of your journey. These Rune powers include bombs, forming ice blocks, stasis, and magnesis. But we’re wondering if all of them will carry over to “Tears of the Kingdom.” The trailers so far don’t show Link with his familiar Sheikah Slate, which is used to switch between the Runes. While Link appears to use some new abilities and something that looks similar to stasis in one of the trailers, it’s unclear if it’s a new power or an upgrade of his existing one. We just hope we can keep using infinite bombs - we don’t know if we can go back to bomb bags again.
What Were the Leviathans & Will They Return?
Throughout Hyrule, you can discover many relics of the past. Some of these were once alive. There are 3 massive skeletons that can be found and photographed for a side quest. These whale-like creatures are known only as Leviathans. Are they merely clues that Hyrule used to be underwater, or did the Leviathans somehow fly through the air? The latter would certainly tie in to the new airborne setting. It wouldn’t be the first time flying whales appeared in the series, after all. And whether we see a living Leviathan, or they stay just bones, we hope we’ll get more answers.
Who Are the Zonai?
Some of the other relics Link encounters in “Breath of the Wild” are from lost civilizations. One of these cultures is a tribe known only as the Zonai. They are connected to several of the large labyrinths found throughout Hyrule, as well as ruins in the jungle area of the Faron region. They’re also responsible for crafting the powerful barbarian armor set, indicating a warlike mindset. The trailers of “Tears of the Kingdom” have thus far shown several markings and symbols consistent with the Zonai’s, so it’s likely that they’ll be important to the game’s plot, so hopefully we can gain more insight into this lost culture.
What’s the Deal With Link’s Arm?
The “Tears of the Kingdom” footage and promotional material have shown Link with what appears to be a prosthetic arm. The arm glows green and looks like it’s made of ancient Sheikah tech. From what we’ve seen so far, it looks as if it may be related to some of his new abilities, since he’s seen raising it when using some of them in the trailers. Have all of his powers been integrated into the arm now? But perhaps more importantly, if the arm is indeed a prosthetic, how does Link incur the most lasting injury he’s ever suffered? We have a feeling Ganon or maybe another villain is involved.
When Will It Take Place?
Given that “Tears of the Kingdom” shows Zelda and Link sporting the same or similar looks to the ones they have in “Breath of the Wild,” we can safely assume that it takes place after its predecessor. Well, at least, for the characters. Time travel is an option, as most 3D “Zelda” titles have featured it to some degree. And Link’s outfit in some shots of the trailers looks considerably less refined and more primitive than his usual getup. Given the apparent involvement of the Zonai, we’re definitely not ruling out a trip to the past, is all we’re saying.
What’s Zelda’s Role?
While Zelda herself is not physically present for much of “Breath of the Wild,” she’s still a major fixture in the game, thanks to the memories you find throughout Hyrule. These help flesh out not only the game’s story, but also her character and make Zelda feel more grounded and dynamic than in past entries. We’re just wondering how active the princess will be in “Tears of the Kingdom.” And how she’s handling her trauma, for that matter! Will the game return her to the classic damsel role? Or is she once again fighting against your foe in a different way? Or does a “calamity” befall her? Are the “tears of the kingdom” hers? We eagerly await the answers to all these questions.
What Will the Dungeons Be Like?
Dungeons are an integral part of the “Zelda” experience. “Breath of the Wild” departed from the traditional style with Divine Beasts and shrines, both of which tend to be smaller and more uniform than dungeons past. Will “Tears of the Kingdom” follow suit with simpler dungeons, or will they be more elaborate and varied? Where will these dungeons be located? Hyrule Castle appears to be floating in one of the trailers, will it be the only airborne castle, or will the new dungeons be flying fortresses too? Whatever they look like, they’re sure to put us to the test - and we’re just hoping to study up beforehand.
Will Weapons Still Break Easily?
Arguably one of players’ biggest gripes with “Breath of the Wild” is how easily weapons break. Glass is more durable than most of these things! And yet, Link must still save Hyrule while never knowing if the metal sword he’s using will disintegrate in his hands! Although most players acknowledge that it does force us to switch up our playstyle and weapons constantly, it does get annoying. Has Nintendo heard our complaints? Do weapons still break with little warning? Can we at least get more repair options or some better information on how long each will last? Here’s hoping our hopes, and our weapons, won’t be shattered.