10 Video Games Almost NO ONE Plays Correctly

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
There's very few ways to play a video game wrong, but you certainly might not have been playing these games as intended. For this video we'll be diving into the ways developers most likely planned for the games to be enjoyed. Our list includes Pokemon games, the Fallout series, and the Sims series among others.
10 Video Games Almost No One Plays Correctly
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at 10 video games almost everyone plays wrong!
“Fallout” series (1997-2018)
For this one, we’ll speak in the past tense because most folks do know how “Fallout” is supposed to be played today. However, there was a time back in the days of “Fallout 3” and “New Vegas” where folks were playing it wrong. The first-person camera and shooting made many walk away thinking it was a clunky FPS when in reality, these games were more RPG than they seemed. Still, some folks stayed because the viscera was ridiculous and the premise was interesting. Thankfully, more players got the memo by the time “Fallout 4” came around.“RollerCoaster Tycoon” series (1999-2020)
Now, we all know the ideal way a “RollerCoaster Tycoon” game should be played. The ultimate objective is to build the theme park of your dreams and figure out how to make it a success. But how many of us threw those dreams out of the window in favor of choosing violence? So many players wound up building complete death traps for their attendees. Many coasters exploded, many burst into flames, and many enjoyed the chaos as ratings spiraled into a game over. Why’d you all do it? For science? You monsters.“Forza Motorsport” series (2005-)
Normally, playing a racing sim like “Forza Motorsport” means you are here for motorsports. You are here to indulge in a culture of class, a prestigious world of sports that requires civil conduct and an acceptance of the rules. Not in “Forza Motorsport”. It is not uncommon to enter a lobby only to see half of the players try to turn it into a demolition derby. Expect many players to fly down the side of the road in a desperate attempt to ram the leading car. We’ll admit that there is some comedy in making the high-end world of racing devolve into utter immaturity. However, if you want to really participate in a motorsport video game where most are playing seriously, the grass might be greener in “Gran Turismo”.“Pokemon” series (1996-)
It’s pretty hard to play a “Pokemon” game “wrong”. But in the old days of “Gold/Silver” and “Ruby/Sapphire”, you could easily ignore half of the moves the games pushed on you. Moves like Growl, Focus Energy, and Tail Whip seemed like such a massive waste of time and barely made much of a difference in fights. And so, many players most likely just loaded up on the most damaging moves and played strictly to which types were strong against other types. Modern Pokemon games have luckily done a better job at making stat-effecting moves hit a bit harder.“The Sims” series (2000-)
“The Sims” games are too goofy to take too seriously, even with the recent “Sims 4”. The older “Sims” titles, though, were not taken seriously at all. Fans saw the game as a fun little life sim where you can make your characters and let them lead interesting lives so you may live vicariously through them. As for the rest of society, “The Sims” was a means to play god and make a piece of code live out the most miserable life ever. C’mon, anyone who touched this game can remember the number of fires they intentionally started and all those times they removed the ladder while a Sim was in the pool. Psychopaths.“Marvel Snap” (2022)
From the outside, “Marvel Snap” can be intimidating to jump into. There are so many cards that do different things and can affect the game in a variety of ways. Cards can move, get destroyed, power up, power down, and a bunch of other nonsense. But the goal remains the same: finish the game with the most Power on at least two of the three locations. Every once in a while, you will stumble across someone who invests everything into one location. Maybe it’s for a daily? Who knows.“Overwatch” (2016) & “Overwatch 2” (2022)
For a long time now, almost everyone has been playing “Overwatch” wrong in someone else’s eyes. At first, you had one side of the community crying out for the K/D-obsessed to play the objective. Then, of course, you had sweaties complaining that someone wasn’t playing their roles correctly, which can happen, but doesn’t justify outrage. And overall, you have a good number of folks who think they can always shotcall and boss everyone around. But how are some folks really playing “Overwatch” wrong? You’re supposed to work AS A TEAM.“Dokapon Kingdom” (2007)
In case you haven’t heard of this gem, “Dokapon Kingdom” is basically “Dungeons & Dragons” if it was scaled back and turned into a crueler “Mario Party”. You and up to three other players are to become the hero of Dokapon and amass a crap ton of wealth to win the princess’s hand in marriage. Now, the game will impose certain events upon you to get everyone to actively compete against each other. But it is possible to play the whole game cooperatively and ignore almost every competitive aspect of the game. Many folks probably played it this way just so the game isn’t lasting beyond a hundred and twenty turns. Otherwise, “Dokapon Kingdom” will never end.“Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon” (2023)
FromSoftware has spent so long making games like “Dark Souls”. After a decade of “Bloodborne”, “Dark Souls III”, “Sekiro”, and “Elden Ring”, you can almost expect what the studio is going to put out every year or two…until the newest “Armored Core VI” came out. The game did not play like any of FromSoftware’s games from the last ten years, and you know it filtered out some folks who went in expecting it to. To no one’s surprise, there were scrubs complaining about how much time you spend customizing your mech when…that’s been the point of the franchise since its inception.“Grand Theft Auto” series (1997-2013)
It isn’t almost everyone who plays GTA wrong - it really is everyone. So many players only ever grab GTA just to run around, blow up cars, take on the military, and be a total nuisance without any real consequences. If that is your reason for buying GTA, so be it. Just know that you are missing out on some quality storytelling and fun missions that make the games more exciting than just mindless violence. We don’t need to be Trevor every time we boot up a game.What’s a game you feel most people aren’t fully understanding? Did it make out list? Let us know in the comments below.