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Wins, Fails & WTFs: JoJo's Bizarre Mojo & Harry

Wins, Fails & WTFs: JoJo's Bizarre Mojo & Harry
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Script Written by Adrian Sousa

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure takes over Mojo, we find out which game is the worst ever, whether Xbox One fans complain more than Playstation 4 fans, teacher on student beat downs and whether Harry and Hermione should have been lovers! Mojo Rewindo is the new show where we take a look back across our entire network of channels and highlight some of the funniest and most notable videos that we've recently published. Let us know what you think!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: the time when we reflect on videos from WatchMojoes old, new, foreign, and… feminine?

Welcome to Watchmojo Rewindo, the show where we highlight the ups and downs, the flubs and the funnies of videos you may have missed from across our network of channels. You’ll find the links to said international channels in the description below, as well as links to the videos used in this video. Why not click ‘em? It’s the holidays, man! Internationalize yourself and spread some holiday cheer!

#7: You’re Either First or Worst… or Both

Superman 64 VS E.T. Atari: Battle for the Worst Game Ever
Shout-out to Kevin, our graphics guru, for making cool new graphics for our Versus series and in doing so, breathing new life and motivation into these combative videos. The series was nowhere close to becoming - oh I dunno - a landfill teeming with E.T. Atari games. But the rejuvenated graphics engine behind Versus first served up Halo vs Call of Duty, and now Superman 64 vs E.T. Atari! Don’t miss your chance to see which of these clunkers can sink to the bottom of the swamp the fastest!

#6: Real Life Guide to Film Villains

Top 10 des MÉCHANTS inspirés par de VRAIES PERSONNES !
WatchMojo Français, they always deliver, don’t they? Their video giving you the real-deal guide to real-deal villains from not-real TV shows and movies got some of our francophone friends’ typing fingers all a twitter. And, on this day, WM Français learned a valuable lesson: don’t mess with Potheads. Well, Harry PotHeads, as WM Français eluded to the fact that Severus Rogue (aka Snape) was a bit of a villain – as he has evil qualities – and people were none-too-happy. Come on guys, we all know Sev was playing the long game! And we also know that changing his surname from Snape to Rogue removes all intimidation. ‘Riddikulus’!

#5: Jenny From the Drive-Through

¡Top 10 Canciones de SELENA!
The WatchMojo World Tour continues live from – well actually we’re all mainly in the same office. But this time, live from across the office floor, WatchMojo Español counted down the ten best tracks from Selena! So which one do you put your money on? Same Old Love? Hands To Myself? The winner was: neither of them, as Español was counting down the best songs by the late Selena, whom Jennifer Lopez portrayed in the 1997 biopic. Speaking of J-Lo, one commenter claims that if Selena was still living, Jenny from the Block would be Jenny from the MacDonald’s in the Bronx. Harsh.

#4: Quit Harrying Hermione

Top 10 Movie Characters That Should Have Been Couples
Hey! WatchMojo! Stop messing with Harry Potter stuff! Oh, sorry, this time it was MsMojo. Their list covering all the movie couples that shoulda, woulda, coulda been couples has been killing it! But! As per WM Français’ run-in with Potheads, MsMojo displeased the Potheads by saying that Harry P. should have been with Hermi G. Who knew so many people shipped Ron and Hermione to be together? I mean, you could cut the sexual tension with a basilisk fang while Harry and Hermione were in that magic tent together. Mind you, Harry’s sort Avada Kedavra-ed himself with those dance moves.

#3: Bad Teacher Show and Tell

Top 10 des CHOSES HORRIBLES faites par des PROFESSEURS !
That title came off a little sexier than intended. Well anyway, WM Français was back at it again with a sick list, as they served up the Top 10 Worst Mistakes Made by Teachers. However, a unifying, unique and unintentional phenomenon occurred in the comments section, as people kindly shared the stories of their worst and craziest experiences with teachers. Take Ludo, who has a beautiful mother with a beautiful math brain but got accused of cheating thanks to his mathematical achievements. Or baboune, who had an iron ruler thrown at his head by his teacher. You know you take measuring and straight line drawing seriously when you have an iron ruler. Head on over to their video and leave your teacher nightmares in the comments. Don’t be shy like the first day of class; WM Français are kind, bilingual people.

#2: The Anime Diet

Top 5 Surprising Dieting Myths
Myths! The series hosted by our “Hey-I’m-not-English-I’m-Welsh!” sweetheart AJ. Recently he took on the big boy topic of dieting to dispel all those things you thought were right but are actually wrong when it comes to shedding weight. Or those things you thought were wrong but aren’t completely wrong! Like how juice cleanses are silly, eating protein and carbohydrates separately while trying to lose weight is silly, etc. But it seems like people couldn’t get enough of the thumbnail from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. So! We’re happy to give the people what they want, and we are starting to switch every thumbnail of our nearly 12,000 videos to a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure screen capture! Hooray!

#1: Xbox One vs PS4: Who Complains More?

Top 10 Best Xbox One Games
It’s the holiday season y’all, and we took it upon ourselves to create lists of the top 10 best games for both the PS4 and the Xbox One. You know, so you could take advantage of those Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals to pick up a Christmas gift for the person you love most: yourself! After sifting through the analytics and comments, the WatchMojo Comment Section Sergeant reports that Xbox fans whined far more than PS4 fans on their respective lists. Now that may sound inflammatory, but it’s not a bad thing! By whined more, we mean they out-passioned the PS4 fans. Come on PS4 fans, disagree more!

There you have it: the fails, wins and controversies from across our network. To make sure you don’t miss a single Mojo minute, be sure to subscribe to WatchMojo Français, JoJo’s Bizarre Mojo, WatchMojo Español, MsMojo, WatchMojo Türkiye, WatchMojo TurtleDove, WatchMojo Deutschland, MilkMojo, WatchMojo WatchMaking…