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Top 10 Disappointments of Super Smash Bros. 4

3 0
Suggested by 2071Johnny

No Ice Climbers or Solo Ice Climber

2 0
Drew Boxall
Drew Boxall 8 years ago Report
All Because The 3DS Version Couldn't Handle Them
0 0

Top 10 Disappointments of Super Smash Bros. 4

Play Trivia Top 10 Disappointments of Super Smash Bros. 4
Suggested by 2071Johnny

No Wolf O'Donnell

2 0
Suggested by 2071Johnny

Dr. Mario's return

2 0
Suggested by 2071Johnny

The existence of the 3DS version

2 0
Suggested by 2071Johnny

No way to mod the game

2 0
Suggested by 2071Johnny

No Subspace Emissary

1 0
Suggested by 2071Johnny

The end of DLC during the holiday season

1 0
Suggested by 2071Johnny

Kid Icarus over-representation

1 0
Suggested by 2071Johnny

Palutena's guidance

1 0
Drew Boxall
Drew Boxall 8 years ago Report
For DLC Characters
0 0
Suggested by 2071Johnny

No premade blocks in Stage Builder

1 0

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