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Top 10 Things We Need To See In Super Smash Bros For The Switch

5 6
Suggested by WHoopes311

New Characters

3 0

Top 10 Things We Need To See In Super Smash Bros For The Switch

Play Trivia Top 10 Things We Need To See In Super Smash Bros For The Switch
Suggested by WHoopes311

New Story Mode

3 0
Drew Boxall
Drew Boxall 7 years ago Report
Spread the word
1 0
Suggested by WHoopes311

Character Endings

3 0
Lue Davies 7 years ago Report
Like Mortal Kombat And Street Fighter
0 0
Suggested by Lue Davies

Characters Fans Wanted

3 0
Lue Davies 7 years ago Report
Introducing Fan Character Requests Into The Game Like Shovel Knight, Bomberman, Scorpion (Mortal Kombat), Shadow The Hedgehog etc.
0 0
Suggested by WHoopes311

New Stages

2 0
Suggested by WHoopes311

New Items

2 0
Suggested by WHoopes311

New Battle Modes

2 0
Suggested by WHoopes311

Upgraded Final Smashes

2 0
Suggested by WHoopes311

Inclusion Of All DLC

2 0
Drew Boxall
Drew Boxall 7 years ago Report
Including ACTUAL Palutena's Guidance Conversations For The DLC Characters (Especially Bayonetta)
1 0
Suggested by WHoopes311

Getting Of Worthless Items

2 0
Drew Boxall
Drew Boxall 7 years ago Report
Getting RID Of Worthless Items
0 0

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