Top 10 Best Stewie and Brian Moments From Family Guy

They’re too different to ever be pals… and yet, here they are. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Brian and Stewie Moments from “Family Guy.”
For this list, we’re recalling some of the funniest, most heartwarming, and most iconic scenes for our favorite Griffin Family twosome. If you haven’t seen these two in action, there WILL be spoilers.
#10: Drunk Brian & Stewie
In order to control his temper, Stewie starts drinking until he’s too intoxicated to be his usual tyrannical self –much to Brian’s chagrin. To get him to kick the habit, Brian takes Stewie out drinking so that he’ll get so drunk, he’ll never want to touch alcohol again –only to end up getting drunk himself. After an inebriated guy’s night out, the two end up driving their car through the bar’s wall –neither of them gets hurt, thankfully. In the end, Brian’s plan works, and Stewie vows never to drink alcohol again, learning to accept that he can’t change his true nature thanks to his friend’s overexposure technique –sadly, that doesn’t rule out Stewie getting tipsy off of cough syrup later on.
#9: “Stop! Wait!”
When Brian and Stewie use the time machine - again - they end up traveling all the way back to the very first episode of the series –and have a playful jab at what their show used to be. Unfortunately, their meddling of the past– mostly Brian’s - has disastrous effects on the future, and they’ll have to go back to stop their previous selves… only to end up in a loop where all of their future selves come back to try and stop their OTHER future selves. This eventually proves too much for Stewie who forces all their alternate selves to go home – restoring the timeline as we know it, and reminding us how frustrating time travel really is.
#8: You & I
Halfway through Brian and Stewie’s European trip, the two break out into a catchy musical number that explains how different the two really are from each other. While the song definitely highlights their differences, it also showcases just how well they work as a duo – singing in perfect harmony, bouncing off each other, and even shooting clever jokes and comebacks at one another. That alone is a perfect example of how the “Road to” episodes work – emphasizing the duo’s camaraderie – even if they claim not to see it at first. It also helps that they usually have each other’s back, like Brian does when Stewie later learns the sad truth about his favorite show.
#7: Stewie Saving Brian’s Life
While fans were outraged when Brian was unexpectedly killed in Season 12, the one who took it the hardest was Stewie. He blamed himself for destroying the one tool that could bring his best friend back, and he was the last to accept Vinny as the new family dog – even then, he never really moved on. However, when an opportunity to save Brian emerges, Stewie takes that chance… and succeeds. It may seem like a cop-out, but be honest, these two have become inseparable up to this point in the series; and while Stewie won’t remember this dreadful arc, Brian will never forget how his best friend saved his life.
#6: Friendship Divided Over a Bear
The only other “person” Stewie likes more than Brian is his teddy bear, Rupert. When his jealousy of the doll finally reaches its peak, Brian chews Rupert to pieces in a drunken haze – effectively crushing his and Stewie’s friendship. Brian can’t understand why Stewie – unquestionably the smartest baby alive - still cares about some stuffed bear… until the toddler reveals that he would’ve still had ONE friend after Brian eventually passes on – for real, this time. Eventually, Brian makes amends by helping Stewie spread Rupert’s ashes and delivering a tearful eulogy, and then secretly buys Stewie a replacement Rupert to give him his sole confidant back – showing that even the most intense falling-outs can’t keep the duo split up forever.
#5: “How You Coming on That Novel?”
During the “Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story” afterparty, Brian mentions that he’s been working on a novel. During the episode “Brian the Bachelor,” Stewie decides to playfully badger Brian about why he hasn’t been making any progress on the book after three years – his voice becoming more and more high pitched with every question. Stewie prods Brian like this twice throughout the episode, and tries to go for a third in a later episode… but Brian’s a poor sport. It’s always funny to watch Stewie get under Brian’s skin –and see how high his voice can get, though the gag kind of loses its charm when Brian tries to use it against him.
#4: Cool “Whip”
When Brian gives Stewie a piece of pie, Stewie asks for some “cool hwhip” – putting a heavy emphasis on the “h” of whip. This greatly annoys Brian as he tries to get Stewie to pronounce it correctly, but to no avail – though he can say “whip” by itself just fine. This ended up starting one of the show’s funniest running gags – Stewie unintentionally annoying someone, almost always Brian, by mispronouncing a word –though some have proved to be immune to the gag. Others have tried their take at the gag, and while it usually ends hilariously, no one can do it quite like our dynamic duo can.
#3: Tender Moment Locked in a Bank Vault
In the Season 8 bottle episode, Brian and Stewie end up locked in a bank vault for a weekend of tension, disgusting sight gags, and just overall trying to put up with each other. Near the end, however, Brian confides a personal secret to his young friend – he keeps a gun in his safety deposit box… in case he ever wants to kill himself. Taken aback by this, Stewie admits that Brian is the only one in his life that he really cares about, and that the dog gives HIM purpose. While the episode’s gross-out humor didn’t win over the audience, this scene makes up for it by cementing how strong Brian and Stewie’s bond really is.
#2: “Where’s My Money?”
Stewie decides to become a bookie for a big boxing fight and asks Brian to place a bet –and the dog ends up owing the toddler $50. He tries to procrastinate paying his debt, but Stewie is having none of that – he viciously beats Brian up with a towel rack, tries to drown him in a toilet, shoots his kneecaps, and even sets him on fire –all while demanding his money. While Stewie torturing his best friend is brutal to watch, it’s absurd and funny how high he can escalate things. The moral of the story – never, EVER make a wager with Stewie; fortunately, Brian gets his revenge with a few mind games –and a hilariously cruel payoff.
Before we unveil our duo’s number one feat, here are a few honorable mentions.
Brian Is Stewie’s Monster
“Would You Shave My Coin Purse?”
“Heart and Soul”
Destroying “Surfin’ Bird”
#1: Road to Rhode Island
What starts as Brian going to pick up Stewie from his grandparents quickly turns into a Bob Hope and Bing Crosby episode as they embark on a convoluted and hilarious journey back home –with Brian getting closure with his departed mother along the way. This was not only the very start of the “Road to” miniseries but also the start of the true dynamic between our favorite talking dog and conniving infant as they work together and bounce off each other. Before this episode, they were just two family members who constantly butted heads; but from this episode on, they would only grow closer not only as partners in crime but also as best friends.