Top 10 Best Trailers of September 2016

In cinema, TV and the gaming world, these are the most hyped trailers of the month. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Best Trailers of September 2016. For this list, we're focusing on the most buzz-worthy trailers that were released during the month of September 2016.
#10: “Nocturnal Animals”
As a whole, the verdict is partially out on Tom Ford’s “Nocturnal Animals” given the success at this year’s Venice Film Festival. And the trailer only increases the hype, featuring an unusual game of romantic tag between Amy Adams’ character and her jilted ex, played by Jake Gyllenhaal. Let’s say this: there’s not a whole lot of bright lights in the “Nocturnal Animals” trailer. But there’s plenty of stylized and symmetrical shots along with a mixture of naturalist exteriors. Oh, and Michael Shannon always provides for unnerving trailer material, too, this time with even more awkward staring, county-western garb and a seriously thick mustache.
#9: “Westworld” (Dreams Trailer)
The late Michael Crichton wrote the novel “Westworld” back in the early ‘70s, and HBO recently premiered a TV adaption on October 2nd. For the trailer, you can’t really go wrong with Anthony Hopkins’ ominous words about dreams. Even so, most viewers surely know that a combination of poignant voice-over and gentle piano means that bad things are on the way. And 30 seconds in, the darkness hits. From there, the “Westworld” trailer takes on a Lynchian feel, with Roy Orbison’s “In Dreams” playing over a collection of surrealistic images that insinuate a ton of violence. Overall, it seems clear that HBO is fully invested in making network TV even more cinematic in nature.
#8: “Fences”
Is the world ready for Denzel Washington as a baddie father? For the most part, Denzel serves up a long-winded lesson on life and how he’s THE MAN, or at least a man that deserves respect. The minimal sound design accentuates the words, and the visuals depict a character that was perhaps a bit happier in his younger days. And just when it seems that it’s strictly a Denzel joint, actress Viola Davis chimes in, essentially taking down Denzel with a few words. Let’s just see if the narrative matches the intensity of the trailer when “Fences” opens in December.
#7: “Live by Night”
Based on the first 30 seconds of this trailer, it becomes evident that Ben Affleck is some kind of old school gangster. Set in Boston during the Prohibition era, this crime thriller is based on a 2012 novel by acclaimed author Dennis Lehane. There appears to be promise for “Live by Night,” especially if Ben the director stays true to the film noir vibe. Given Affleck’s directorial history and previous collabs with Lehane, the trailer suggests that “Live by Night” just may be another excellent adaptation.
#6: “Battlefield 1” (Single Player Trailer)
Okay, so we know that YouTube loves this World War 1-themed trailer, and with good reason. Just look - these are real people, are they not? And let’s give it up for Electronic Arts, as this is one of the more realistic video game trailers you’ll see all year. Many have already heard about the new multiplayer options and weapons, which is exciting, but we’ll have to see how the anthology gameplay connects with “Battlefield” loyalists and new gamers alike. From a purely visual perspective, though, this new and improved version seems to be the real deal, which will be confirmed in late October.
#5: “Free Fire”
Much like Quentin Tarantino thrives on situational comedy fueled by the threat of violence, director Ben Wheatley seems to be doing the same, at least within the “Free Fire” trailer. Despite some of the typical shoot-em-up tropes – ala the 70s style and snappy one-liners in chaotic moments – there’s a certain graphic that stands out most: [“From Executive Producer Martin Scorsese.”] And with the casting of Brie Larson, well, shoot – that’s badass in itself. Wheatley must have some card up his sleeve, and it’s likely that his script is just as gonzo as the self-contained trailer.
#4: “Moana”
Well, here it is: the next Disney mega franchise. In the two and half minute trailer, Disney includes all the essentials. The primary conflict is addressed, the characters are hilariously introduced and oh – there’s that music by “Hamilton” superstar Lin-Manuel Miranda. Scheduled for a Thanksgiving release, the film has that usual international Disney feel, and the South Pacific setting beautifully highlights Disney’s vibrant color design. All in all, the “Moana” trailer just feels good, but that doesn’t always guarantee that certain demographics will warm up to the character depictions. Even so, “Moana” seems destined for a big holiday season.
#3: “Doctor Strange”
Oh boy, listen closely and you can almost hear a collective, worldwide buzz from the Marvel fanbase. First of all, Cumberbatch! This is happening, and you know bald Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One is going to be great. But let’s talk about the storytelling going on here, as the dialogue works magnificently with its clear delineation of who these people are. And hey – some people don’t already know about alternate dimensions of this particular universe. So, the trailer includes a little something for everybody, and it seems that “Doctor Strange” just may be worth waiting in line for, if you’re into that kind of thing.
#2: “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”
If you’re not familiar with the specifics of this film, there’s a few key lines of dialogue within the first 20 seconds to help you out. Of course, there’s the magical briefcase that takes center stage, complemented by the appearance of a child-like Eddie Redmayne. “Fantastic Beast” comes from the mind of “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling, and she even wrote this screenplay this time around, with David Yates once gain directing. For the trailer, however, the emphasis is less about reminding viewers of the Potter franchise and more about emphasizing the new characters and where they fit in this world.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Luke Cage” (Streets Trailer)
“Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare” (Story Trailer)
#1: “Passengers”
So, Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt made a space movie. For many, that’s enough information to buy ticket. With a distinct artistic feel, the trailer insinuates that “Passengers” is a bit more than the usual American sci-fi flick. Perhaps unknown to viewers, the film’s acclaimed director, Morten Tyldum, hails from Norway, and Mexican cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto is arguably one of the most sought-after DPs working today. And so, while the trailer contains some familiar genre visuals, there’s some inventive imagery throughout, implying that perhaps the cast and crew have cooked up something truly original for a Christmas time release.
So, do you agree with our selections? Which trailer gets you the most amped up? For more cinematic Top 10s published daily, be sure to subscribe to