Top 10 Most Exciting Trailers of July 2017

Between sequels, threequels, second seasons of highly anticipated series and a behind the scenes look at a trainwreck - there's a lot to get excited about. Join as we count down the Top 10 Must See Trailers of July 2017.
#10: “A Wrinkle in Time” (2018)
We start off with the first teaser trailer for the long overdue big screen adaptation of this cherished Y.A. sci-fi novel. Before we go any further, yes... we did get a made-for-tv movie adaptation in the early 2000s, but the less said about that, the better. Based on this first look however, it would seem that Disney is taking the appropriate measures to make amends for their past mistake. With the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, Zach Galifianakis and Chris Pine onboard, Disney clearly isn’t pinching pennies. Though we don’t see much, the teaser trailer certainly makes a compelling pitch with it’s picturesque, reality-bending visuals.
#9: “Westworld” Season 2 (2016-)
Not since Game of Thrones debuted in 2011 has an HBO series generated such immediate and massive buzz. Westworld was arguably THE must-watch show of 2016, and then, HBO dropped a bomb on fans - they’d have to wait until 2018 for a second season. Heartbreaking as that may have been, based on this first Comic Con trailer for the second season, the showrunners have put that extra time to good use. The return to Westworld promises more of everything we loved about season 1, just… amplified. Beautiful cinematography, a mixture of nostalgia and contemporary technological dread, and more violence than even the old west can handle. Looks like it was worth the wait.
#8: “Kingdom Hearts III” (2018)
Kingdom Hearts is a franchise like no other, bringing together Square Enix and Disney characters in an RPG that, on paper, sounds insane, and in practice, has proven massively successful - inspiring one of the most dedicated fanbases in gaming. With this trailer for the long-awaited and highly anticipated Kingdom Hearts III, one of Disney’s most cherished properties, Toy Story, finally finds its rightful place in this shared universe. Revealed at D23, this trailer takes us to the place where it all began, Andy’s room, and re-introduces us to some classic toys, which is sure to make your inner child shriek with joy.
#7: “Justice League” (2017)
Though the DCEU may have gotten off to a rocky start, Wonder Woman inspired confidence in the franchise’s potential. As a result of its success, audiences are looking at Justice League with fresh eyes and careful optimism. Capitalizing on this momentum, and perhaps looking to ease fears of instability following the news of Joss Whedon replacing Zack Snyder as director, DC and Warner Bros. released this EPIC 4 minute sneak peek at Comic Con. We get Wonder Woman doing what she does best, a healthy dose of humor, scenes of Aquaman underwater, our first proper look at the villain Steppenwolf, Alfred’s dry wit, and some truly inspiring action and dialogue. Oh… and a tantalizing tease.
#6: “Blade Runner 2049” (2017)
First came the announcement trailer. Then, the official first trailer in May 2017. Next stop on this hype train that shows no sign of slowing down, is this second trailer, which doesn’t give much more away in terms of plot, but does delve deeper into the tone, style and world of the film. It’s also masterful in its ability to peak curiosity, teasing the central conflict in such a way that it leaves viewers desperately searching for answers. As the sequel of to one of the most revered sci-fi film’s in the genre’s history, Blade Runner 2049 has a lot riding on it, but this trailer certainly sells the film as a worthy successor.
#5: “Kingsman: the Golden Circle” (2017)
If you missed out on 2015’s sleeper hit “Kingsman: The Secret Service,” you should really check it out. Directed by Matthew Vaughn and starring Taron Egerton, it proved that there’s still room for innovation in action flicks, space for more than just James Bond in the spy genre, and plenty of potential for comic book adaptations beyond superhero properties. The first Kingsman was a stylish cinematic thrill-ride, and based on this second trailer, it looks as if, despite the odds, the franchise has somehow managed to one up itself in every category. It’s amazing just how much action they managed to fit into a 2 minute trailer.
#4: “Thor Ragnarok” (2017)
With New Zealand director Taika Waititi at the helm, we knew that Thor’s third solo outing was going to be a LOT of fun, but until we got this trailer, we couldn’t fathom just how much. Okay... we were admittedly pretty optimistic after seeing the teaser in April 2017, but seriously, who thought that Marvel would be willing to take their God of Thunder to such wonderfully weird places? This first official trailer doesn’t hold back, promising a colorful film that has embraced the zany space aesthetic fans love in Guardians of the Galaxy, and is packed to the brim with plenty of awesome beat-em up action courtesy of Thor and Hulk.
#3: “Ready Player One” (2018)
Ernest Cline’s novel “Ready Player One” is a thrilling adventure story set in both an MMORPG and a dystopian future. A love letter to geek culture past, present and future, it has been heartily embraced by its notoriously critical target demographic. That means there’s a lot of pressure to do the source material justice with this adaptation, but with Steven Spielberg at the helm, the ship seems to be on the right course. Though this first teaser goes light on plot details, it makes a strong visual statement: we are going to bring to life the many unbelievable virtual worlds you imagined while reading this novel, and we’re going to do them all justice.
#2: “Stranger Things” Season 2 (2016-)
Everyone’s favorite nostalgic sci-fi horror series is returning for its second season in October, ensuring that Halloween 2017 will be a memorable one for both young and old. Before now, we’d only been treated to a short teaser trailer, which wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy the voracious appetites of Netflix subscribers, who can’t get enough of this young group of friends and the horrors of the Upside Down. Thankfully, Stranger Things came to Comic Con, and brought with it this thrilling footage. Mike and the gang may have returned to their childhood entertainment, but more trouble clearly lies ahead. Thankfully, we also get to see Eleven making her comeback to the world of the living!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
“The Shape of Water” (2017)
“It” (2017)
“Doctor Who Christmas Special” (2017)
#1: “The Disaster Artist” (2017)
Some movies are so bad they achieve cult status, but “The Room” is in a league of its own. The production was so odd that actor Greg Sestero wrote a tell-all, best-selling book about his experiences on set with the man behind it all, Tommy Wiseau. And now, bless their hearts, James Franco and Seth Rogen have adapted his story to the big screen. If you haven’t seen “The Room”, grab some popcorn, a few friends with a high tolerance for cringe and watch it right now. This hilariously on-point trailer is the promise of a potentially incredible companion piece to what many have called the “worst film ever made.”