Top 10 Best & Worst Power Rangers Crossover Episodes

Team-up episodes can end up being either a morphenomenal success, or a Super Mega fail. Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 BEST and WORST Power Rangers Crossover Episodes.
For this list, we'll be doing something a little different - we'll be alternating between five of the best and five of the worst Power Rangers team-up episodes - based on the writing, execution, and how they represented the teams. Fair warning, if you haven't seen any of these crossovers, there WILL be spoilers.
Team-up episodes can end up being either a morphenomenal success, or a Super Mega fail. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 BEST and WORST Power Rangers Crossover Episodes.
For this list, we’ll be doing something a little different - we’ll be alternating between five of the best and five of the worst Power Rangers team-up episodes - based on the writing, execution, and how they represented the teams. Fair warning, if you haven’t seen any of these crossovers, there WILL be spoilers.
#5: WORST: “Time for Lightspeed”
“Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)
Vypra, the princess of Demons and bland acting, is back from the dead, and enlists Ransik’s help to raise a powerful “super demon” to combat the Rangers. Thankfully, the Time Force Rangers get some unexpected help from some new friends – the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers. Honestly, this crossover would’ve worked better as a two-parter instead of a single episode, because everything felt incredibly rushed. We have no explanation as to how Vypra returned, and the big bad “super demon” is just another generic monster of the week that gets easily beaten. That being said, it was awesome seeing all 12 Rangers fighting side-by-side; the symbolic uniform exchange at the end was also a nice touch.
#5: BEST: “Always a Chance”
“Power Rangers In Space” (1998)
After an accident during a monster attack, Carlos loses his confidence in his Ranger abilities. Adam, his Ranger predecessor, tries to train him, but to no avail. Later, when Carlos is under attack, Adam whips out his old, broken morpher, and morphs into the Black Mighty Morphin Ranger. He was warned that using the battered device was risky, but he’s more than willing to chance it – which inspires Carlos to get back in the fight. Seeing Adam back in black is plenty awesome, but what really drives this crossover home is the message – sometimes, no matter the risk, you just need to take a chance and do the right thing.
#4: WORST: “Once a Ranger”
“Power Rangers Operation Overdrive” (2007)
When Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa’s son –just go with it- unites the Overdrive villains to disable the Rangers’ powers, five veteran Rangers are called in to take the fallen team’s place. While the Veterans are a breath of fresh air, the Overdrive Rangers are at their worst – they just throw in the towel as their actions apparently amount to nothing without their powers. They do come back eventually… and destroy a monster in the most overpowered way possible before FINALLY fighting alongside the Veterans in the final brawl. Ultimately, this 15th anniversary team-up only helped establish an infamous season’s reputation by failing to highlight the BEST of both teams equally.
#4: BEST: “Thunder Storm”
“Power Rangers Dino Thunder” (2004)
Lothor escapes the Abyss of Evil and hypnotizes the three Wind Ninja Rangers into serving him. This catches Mesogog’s attention, and the two baddies form an unstable alliance while the Wind and Dino Rangers clash. The whole concept is excellently done – not only serving as an epilogue for Ninja Storm, but also pitting two Ranger teams against each other –the veterans overpowering the inexperienced rookies. Fortunately, Lothor’s spell is broken, and all 11 Rangers band together to drive back the unholy allied forces. In the end, the Dino Rangers bid the Ninjas goodbye, promising to continue their great work as Rangers; meanwhile, Mesogog disposes of the fallen Lothor permanently.
#3: WORST: “Clash of the Red Rangers”
“Power Rangers Samurai” (2011)
An evil robot escapes from Corinth into our dimension to make a deal with the Nighloks; Scott the Red RPM Ranger chases after him, and ends up butting heads with Jayden and the Samurai Rangers. This “movie” could’ve been something intriguing with a conflict between Ranger teams of different worldviews, but the special suffered from a plethora of production issues. The most glaring problem was how Scott is the ONLY returning RPM Ranger, and how he’s only seen morphed due to contractual issues with his actor –he could only provide voice work under a pseudonym. Additionally, the episode aired too early, spoiling elements for SUPER Samurai and making it feel even lazier.
#3: BEST: “Reinforcements from the Future”
“Power Rangers Wild Force” (2002)
Three mutant/org hybrids named “Mut-Orgs” have escaped to the year 2002 to destroy the future, and even the combined forces of Wes, Eric, and the Wild Force Rangers aren’t enough to take them down. Fortunately, help arrives in the form of a badass Jen, the other Time Force Rangers… and a reformed Ransik –who finally makes peace with his old foes. After weakening the monsters, all 12 Rangers unite to defeat them in one of the most well-choreographed battles ever. Along with being the perfect redemption to one of the series’ best villains, this crossover successfully advances both seasons’ stories and characters, creating a natural bond between both parties.
#2: WORST: “Shell Shocked”
“Power Rangers In Space” (1998)
The Power Rangers meeting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… sounds like a dream come true, right? Even the concept doesn’t sound too bad on paper – Astronema brainwashes the Turtles to turn on the Rangers and hijack the Megaship. It COULD have been great… if it didn’t involve the infamous live-action Ninja Turtles mess, The Next Mutation. Unfortunately, its reputation shows with hideous reptile designs, uninspired voiceover work, and horrendous writing and dialogue; not even the final brawl with both teams battling side-by-side could salvage this trainwreck. Considering how critically acclaimed In Space was, crossing over with what’s considered the WORST Ninja Turtles series may not have been the smartest move.
#2: BEST: “To the Tenth Power” & “The Power of Pink”
“Power Rangers Lost Galaxy” (1999)
When the Psycho Rangers return yet again, it takes the combined efforts of both the Space AND Galaxy Rangers to wipe them out. By fighting perfectly in sync with their respective colors, both heroic parties manage to obliterate their Psycho doppelgangers… except for Psycho Pink. Not only does she survive, but she also unleashes an unstoppable storm that threatens to destroy everything in sight. To silence the storm, Kendrix bravely charges in… perishing for her friends –both old AND new- and her colony. This crossover left a MONUMENTAL impression – starting with a fun union between two great teams, and ending with one of the most heroic tragedies in the series.
#1: WORST: “Legendary Battle”
“Power Rangers Super Megaforce” (2014)
This ‘legendary’ event had been building up since Megaforce’s beginning – Troy having unexplained recurring dreams about an ultimate battle with two decades’ worth of Rangers fighting together. When the big day arrived… it was a Super Mega letdown! In addition to being a year too late for the 20th anniversary, only a small handful of veteran actors returned –and they barely got to say or do anything. The titular battle itself is extremely underwhelming – with nothing but poorly edited stock footage, unnecessary commentary, and some of the WORST plot holes ever made. Fans trudged through TWO lackluster seasons for this moment… only to be severely disappointed.
#1: BEST: “Forever Red”
“Power Rangers Wild Force” (2002)
Taking the number one spot is the all-star reunion of the most iconic Ranger color. The last remnants of the Machine Empire are planning to avenge their fallen kingdom with a blast from the past, and the only ones that can stop them are ten Red Rangers from the first ten seasons. This crossover has it all – a decade of Rangers getting back in their prime, TWO epic fights both morphed and unmorphed, and plenty of continuity nods to the last ten years. The special could’ve been longer, or featured a less absurd resolution, but these are small qualms with what felt like a true 10th anniversary love letter to devoted Ranger fans everywhere.