Top 10 Craziest Things in Dead Rising

Which parts of the Dead Rising series stick with you the longest and come back from the dead to gnaw on your memory? Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Craziest Moments from Dead Rising - Capcom's long running totally not a ripoff of Dawn of the Dead series of games!
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Special thanks to our user “Dan Paradis” for suggesting this topics using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Ted Smith and Snowflake
“Dead Rising 2” (2010)
A boy and his pet tiger – yep, this is weird. In “Dead Rising 2”, motocross champion-turned-zombie slayer Chuck Greene ends up in the clutches of one Ted Smith, a tiger trainer with a chip on his shoulder. As revealed through dialogue, Ted is severely anti-social and potentially intellectually disabled, befriending the tiger Snowflake and forsaking human connections due to past mockery. Ted’s short temper and willingness to feed other survivors to Snowflake are definitely troubling, as is his dying plea for Snowflake to eat him. Once Ted is slain, though, we then get to witness Chuck tame and offer Snowflake to his daughter Katey as a pet. Does that make him a great father, or a terrible one?
#9: Dragon Punch
“Dead Rising 3” (2013)
Over the course of “Dead Rising 3”, players can find a great deal of interesting and unusual weapons to construct using other weapons and components. One such unorthodox weapon is the Dragon Punch, built by combining – of all things – a Motorcycle Engine and Boxing Gloves. When equipped, the Dragon Punch lets players smack zombies around with over-the-top punching attacks. One of the attacks even allows the player to perform a Shoryuken, the famed move from the “Street Fighter” games. For bonus points, Dragon Punch is actually an alternate name for the Shoryuken. Well played, Capcom, well played.
#8: Massive Bomb
“Dead Rising 3” (2013)
On the topic of impressive firepower, here we have an end to all zombie conflict… and clothing. Created through a combination of an Enormous Bomb and a Laptop, the Massive Bomb’s size requires it to be carried outside of one’s inventory at all times. However, once the device is activated and thrown, the main draw becomes clear: it can eradicate hundreds of zombies at once. The device lures in all nearby zombies before vaporizing them in one fell swoop, with the amusing side-effect of also stripping the player of their clothes. It’s at once awesome and hilarious.
#7: Sean Keanan
“Dead Rising” (2006)
When cults are involved, can you really expect anything other than crazy shenanigans? Sean Keanan leads the True Eye cult, who believe that by executing other survivors they themselves will be spared from death or becoming zombies. For his part, Keanan sends forth his disciples to kill photojournalist Frank West on sight, prepares captives for execution, and battles attackers with a ceremonial sword. At once unhinged and devoted to his beliefs, it’s fitting that Keanan meets his end at the hands of a mannequin his cult had worshiped.
#6: Freedom Bear
“Dead Rising 2” (2010)
Liberty’s most adorable warrior, hard at work. The prospect of Chuck Greene finding over-sized Robot Bears in “Dead Rising 2” is amusing in and of itself, even before the idea to modify said stuffed animals comes to mind. So we’re hard-pressed not to laugh hysterically – or gape in awe – at the sight of Freedom Bear, one such bear armed with a LMG and ready to kill. Freedom Bear can be set on the ground and left to act as a sentry, gunning down any zombies that cross its field of view. That this magnificent creation was brought back for “Dead Rising 3” is hardly a surprise.
#5: Real Mega Buster
“Dead Rising” (2006)
It’s not a Capcom joint without at least one inter-franchise nod. Enter the Real Mega Buster, a fully-functioning replica of Mega Man’s iconic weapon that shoots actual energy blasts. Further, its shots can kill any foe in less than five hits and it can be used 300 times. Setting aside the absurdity of a “Mega Man” weapon appearing in a setting somewhat closer to reality, the challenge tied to obtaining the Mega Buster is truly something else. To get the Real Mega Buster, players must kill 53,594 zombies in a single playthrough.
#4: Cliff Hudson
“Dead Rising” (2006)
Mental instability and combat experience, what a winning combination. When Frank West happens upon a hardware store decorated with headless zombie corpses, he’s soon greeted – and attacked – by Cliff Hudson. A veteran of the Vietnam War, Hudson relies on sneak attacks, smoke-producing flares and ferocious machete strikes to get the drop on Frank. Once bested, however, the reason for Cliff’s brutality is made clear: he witnessed his granddaughter getting devoured by zombies and was overwhelmed by flashbacks to his time in Vietnam. Cliff very much serves as a reminder that, for all their bizarre and comical traits, the Psychopaths of “Dead Rising” are deeply troubled human beings at their core.
#3: Psychopath Chuck Greene
“Dead Rising 2: Off The Record” (2011)
Tragedy leads to insanity, apparently. “Off The Record” offers an interesting spin on Chuck Greene, portraying him as a bitter loner divorced from reality after losing Katey to the zombie horde. When Frank West encounters him in this alternate version of “Dead Rising 2”, a misunderstanding leads Chuck to hop on his Slicecycle and attack Frank mercilessly. Setting aside his attachment to said chainsaw-protected motorcycle, what illustrates Chuck’s loss of sanity best is his protectiveness of the doll taped to his back, implied to be a stand-in for Katey. It’s quite sad, but not unexpected when zombies are loose.
#2: Chef Antoine
“Dead Rising 2” (2010)
How about we not have what he’s having? Discovered by Chuck Greene in the Royal Flush Plaza, Chef Antoine Thomas is unrelenting about his desire to prepare the ultimate dish for a magazine reporter that will never come. It becomes increasingly clear that Antoine has crossed a line with his cuisine; specifically, he’s opted to start cooking with human flesh and is holding survivors captive to use for his meals. Combat-wise, Antoine is just as unhinged, given his attempts to force apples down Chuck’s throat, hit him with a frying pan and toss anything not bolted down at Chuck.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Ultimate Grim Reaper
“Dead Rising 3” (2013)
Dylan Fuentes
“Dead Rising 3” (2013)
“Dead Rising” (2006)
#1: Adam the Clown
“Dead Rising” (2006)
They somehow made clowns seem even less appealing and sane – hooray. Encountered by Frank near the Space Rider roller coaster, Adam MacIntyre makes a terrifying first impression. He’s a clown performer in full makeup, he wields twin chainsaws, and his high-pitched voice is deliberately at odds with his anguish over the demise of his audience. Adam also breathes fire when provoked and can spin his chainsaws in circles as an attack, making the fight with him all-the-more nightmare-inducing. And that’s before getting into his gruesome demise, wherein he falls on his own chainsaws. Have fun sleeping tonight.
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