Top 10 Games BANNED on Twitch

That's not the kind of twitching they want to promote...Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Games BANNED on Twitch!
Special thanks to our user “Dan Paradis” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: “Porno Studio Tycoon” (2016)
There are few things that Twitch will absolutely decline to participate in, and sexuality, as you’ll soon find out, is most definitely one of those things. This early access title is advertised as a business simulator in that you must take on the responsibilities of a real movie studio, including choosing when to release the film, hiring a crew, and managing the budget. If you came for the digital porn, you’re in the wrong place, because the game really is just a business simulator that happens to be about the porn industry. That said, the mature theme, odd groaning noises, and partial nudity throughout were enough to make Twitch say “no thank you.”
#9: “BMX XXX” (2002)
We’ll give you three guesses as to what this game combines! As you probably assumed, “BMX XXX” is primarily a BMX-oriented action game with the odd nipple thrown in for good measure, because why not? The game was filled with adult humor and nudity, as players could create fully naked female characters to play as and watch live action clips of topless strippers. Because major retailers didn’t carry the game due to the sexual content, it did abysmally, selling only 100,000 copies and leading Acclaim Entertainment to bankruptcy. At a time when adult content was rarely seen in gaming, this game drummed up a ton of controversy, and clearly, by being exempt from Twitch, it still is.
#8: “The Guy Game” (2004)
“The Guy Game” is a trivia game in concept, but it’s certainly unlike any trivia game you’ve ever played! Well, trivia VIDEO game, at least. After every question, real footage shot during spring break is shown with host Matt Sadler asking the same question to a young woman, and if they guess incorrectly, they expose their breasts. As the player succeeds throughout the game by correctly guessing trivia and outcomes, the women’s breasts become increasingly clearer and more distinguishable until they are finally completely uncensored. As you can imagine, the game was quickly declared immoral crap, and became subject to a lawsuit, as one of the models was underage at the time of filming.
#7: “Fahrenheit [a.k.a.Indigo Prophecy] Director’s Cut” (2005)
Yes, believe it or not, the director’s cut of “Indigo Prophecy,” which was released for the PC, has been banned from being streamed on Twitch. This is because Twitch has a rule that AO (or Adults Only) rated games are not allowed to be streamed on their service due to their vulgar and inappropriate content. The director’s cut of “Indigo Prophecy” was rated AO due to the game’s explicit sexual content, including full frontal female nudity and a graphic interactive sex scene. Funnily enough, the remastered version of the game is a copy of the director’s cut and was given an M rating by the ESRB. They’ve really grown more lenient over the years, haven’t they?
#6: “Hatred” (2015)
Like a more extreme “Grand Theft Auto,” “Hatred” is about one thing and one thing only: killing innocent people. You play as a man fed up with the world and the people in it who decides to go on a killing spree, and the gameplay revolves around the extreme violence which goes with that concept. Like the director’s cut of “Indigo Prophecy,” this game is omitted from Twitch due to its AO rating, and is only the third game in ESRB history to be rated AO based on graphic violence rather than sexual content. It was even so controversial that Valve deleted it from Steam Greenlight, which almost never happens, only to bring it back after community outrage.
#5: “Manhunt 2” [AO version] (2007)
Like the two games before it, the uncensored version of “Manhunt 2” has been banned from Twitch for carrying an AO rating, and like “Hatred,” is one of the few games rated AO due to extreme violence, which this game has in spades. Originally rated AO and publicly condemned due to its relentlessly bleak tone, sadistic nature, and horrifically brutal violence, “Manhunt 2” underwent various edits, including blurring the executions, omitting innocent bystanders, and removing the scoring system, in order to obtain an M rating. However, an unedited PC release soon followed on Direct2Drive, complete with an AO rating, yet remained banned in the UK and Ireland, and now on Twitch!
#4: “HuniePop” (2015)
“HuniePop” is two things. First, it’s very sexual. But it’s also a surprisingly deep and complex puzzle game, wherein players have to match tokens to win the game. The concept revolving around the tile matching premise is that you are on a date with a woman, and the tiles signify what a specific woman prefers and dislikes, and if you match enough “prefer” tokens, the date is successful. Go through enough successful dates, and you’re rewarded with sex. Due to the game’s strong sexual content and mature theme, Twitch has banned both the uncensored version of the game and the censored version which can be found on Steam. What can we say, they REALLY don’t want sex on their platform!
#3: “Yandere Simulator” (2014) (Alpha)
While “Yandere Simulator” hasn’t officially been released, the developer, YandereDev, has been unveiling test builds throughout the years in order to debug. The game follows a high school girl who must stop other students from declaring their love to her crush by any means necessary, including blackmail and, yes, murder. After a year of inquiries from the dev as to why his game was banned from their service, Twitch finally responded. Some of the reasons included the game’s inappropriate sexual elements involving teenagers, including taking panty shots in exchange for weapons, and the game’s general malicious attitude, like brutally murdering other students or driving them to suicide.
#2: “RapeLay” (2006)
This one is an absolute no brainer for why its banned, and some of this footage is so disturbing that we’re using screenshots for YouTube’s guidelines. The concept of this game is both simple and horrifying: you play as a man who stalks and subsequently rapes a mother and her two daughters while controlling the forced sexual positions with the mouse. Yes, this is a real game that real people thought up and decided to make. Unsurprisingly, the game garnered enormous amounts of controversy upon release, including a condemnation from a Supreme Court Justice, and has been banned from Twitch due to its explicit sexual content and immoral concept.
#1: “Second Life” (2003)
Yes, surprisingly (or perhaps unsurprisingly, considering what you personally do in the game), the seemingly harmless virtual world game “Second Life” has been banned from Twitch. We say seemingly harmless, because this is a game in which anything goes, and as you can imagine, “anything goes” usually equates to “let’s see how many effed up things we can do in this game.” Some of these things include acting out torture porn and kidnapping and raping others, among more, often very serious offenses. Twitch has stated that the game is “often sexually explicit,” which is the main reason why it has been banned from their service. Leave it to the internet to turn a harmless game into a twisted porno!