Top 10 Grand Theft Auto Side Characters

Number 10: Ken Rosenberg
When dealing with stress, cocaine rarely helps. As a defense lawyer in over his head with mob politics, players first meet Ken after a drug deal goes sour in Vice City. Rosenberg’s nerves apparently never really recover from the incident: every subsequent meeting with him finds him even more irate than the last, despite his apparent stint in rehab between games.
Number 9: Brucie
Rather than an inherent fear of ending up at the bottom of a river like Mr. Rosenberg, this juice head’s insecurities stem from major self-esteem issues. Brucie clearly suffers from chronic overcompensation. Let’s just say that you can work out all you want, but living a lie ain’t no way to be, Bro…
Number 8: Salvatore Leone
A veteran of the franchise, Salvatore meets his untimely end at the conclusion of GTA III, before reappearing several years earlier in Liberty City Stories and San Andreas. Like any good mafia Don, Sal is warm and fatherly one moment, and raging and murderous the next, but darned if you don’t want to him to like you…
Number 7: Lance Vance
Much more than the token black friend with a comical name, Lance becomes a bit of a tragic character in Vice City. If only he had gotten a bit more respect from Tommy, maybe things would have turned out differently. Oh well, that’s business.
Number 6: Frank Tenpenny
Voiced by Samuel L. Jackson, few players should have been surprised when this corrupt police officer turns out to be the main antagonist in San Andreas. Fewer still should have been surprised that he dies at the end, because of there’s one group that never gets a break in this franchise, it’s the cops. Samuel L Jackson really is in everything isn’t he?
Number 5: Yusuf Amir
He’s crass, he’s vulgar, he’s the physical embodiment of excessive wealth. But damned if he isn’t lovable. Maybe it’s because he’s one of the few friendly characters that stays friendly. It’s definitely not his taste in music. Or underwear.
Number 4: Little Jacob
So, if Brad Pitt’s character from Snatch had and baby with Barrington Levy, it would probably be Little Jacob. All kidding aside, what makes Little Jacob such a refreshing character is that while he is a stereotype of sorts he does not fit the typical gangster stereotype that is so common in the series. Good luck with your comprehension though, turning on the subtitles probably won’t help.
Number 3: Catalina
Unique to the franchise, Catalina is a walking stereotype, femme fatale and vivacious villain all rolled into one. After Carl is reluctantly forced to partner with her in both crime and the bedroom, Catalina moves to Liberty City where she becomes pivotal in the story of GTA 3. Catalina is as memorable as she is vulgar and unpleasant. What can we say? Daddy issues…
Number 2: Roman Belic
Nothing’s closer than family, and anyone who’s played GTA 4 for even an hour is sure to remember their favorite “cuuuuuzzziin” (soundbite). You might be bailing him out of trouble every second mission, but despite his shortcomings, Roman’s a lovable bit of comic relief that’s there to greet you as you take your first steps in Libery City, even if he won’t stop calling you to go bowling.
Number 1: Lazlo Jones
Didn’t see it coming did ya? The one character who’s been in the past 6 major GTA titles is actually never on screen in any of them. No matter where you are, you can tune in and hear the manic DJ banter with his equally manic guests. Not only a staple of the franchise, Lazlo Jones is a real person: he has co-written and produced content for many of the games, and currently has a radio show on the internet. No we’re not joking, look it up."