Top 10 Greatest Female Power Rangers Villains Ever

#10: Queen Bansheera
“Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue” (2000)
This intimidating monarch serves as the big bad of "Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue," and Bansheera does deliver when it comes to power. Compared to some other main villains, Bansheera doesn't get a lot of screen time as she spends the majority of the series trying to regain her physical form, so the Queen is more of a looming threat than a constantly active one. Bansheera is absolutely irredeemable; a selfish and egotistical ruler who even turns some of her most loyal subordinates against her. While not the most complex character, Bansheera makes for an entertaining adversary.
#9: Dayu
“Power Rangers Samurai” (2011) & “Power Rangers Super Samurai” (2012)
"Samurai" has plenty of issues, but it does benefit from a couple of memorable villains. Along with having a pretty cool design and a solid voice actress, Dayu comes with a genuinely sympathetic back story. Originally a human called Dahlia, Dayu was born out of a desperate situation fueled by love, making her a tragic character. As an opponent for the Samurai Rangers and especially Mia, the Pink Ranger, Dayu proves to be a worthy threat. Even if she typically finds herself playing second-fiddle to other villains, Dayu's link to Deker makes her a highlight of "Samurai" and its sequel season.
#8: Nadira
"Power Rangers Time Force" (2001)
"Power Rangers" has an inconsistent track record when it comes to comedy-oriented secondary villains, but there have been a few great ones over the years. The immature Nadira, daughter of "Time Force's" fantastic main villain Ransik, is one of them. While seldom presenting much of a danger, Nadira does manage to be funny and endearing, with her dream date with the Blue Time Force Ranger being a highlight. Nadira even goes through a bit of growth towards the end of the series, reflecting "Time Force's" willingness to embrace a more mature tone.
#7: Toxica
"Power Rangers Wild Force" (2002)
As "Wild Force's" resident grower of monsters, or Orgs in this season's case, Toxica is an indispensable presence for large chunks of the season. Far from a pushover, Toxica can hold her own against most opponents. While a solid antagonist, Toxica shines the brightest whenever Jindrax comes into the picture, as these two have one of the most satisfying friendships in the series. Along with Jindrax, Toxica goes through an effective character arc that involves brainwashing, death, and a face turn. Toxica is not a static villain and her development throughout the season is well realized.
#6: Elsa
"Power Rangers Dino Thunder" (2004)
A master of disguise in the loosest of terms, Elsa masquerades as Principal Randall at the same school that the Rangers attend, including Tommy of "Mighty Morphin" fame. "Dino Thunder" plays the long game with Elsa, allowing the character to make full use of the dramatic and comedic potential of her dual identity. A human who was forcibly turned to the dark side by Mesogog, Elsa plays the part of an arrogant henchwoman with all the confidence of a seasoned veteran. One-liners, a devilish smirk, and a cool sword combine to create an entertaining villain.
#5: Pink Psycho Ranger & Yellow Psycho Ranger
"Power Rangers in Space" (1998) & "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy" (1999)
The Psycho Rangers are among the greatest villains that the franchise has ever seen. Designed by Astronema to be the perfect counters for the Rangers, the Psychos strategically and viciously dissected the heroes as they pushed them to their limits. Like the rest of the group, the Yellow and Pink Psychos are not devised to have much in the way of personalities, but they both contribute greatly to this team's impact. Out of all the Psychos, the Pink variant stands out for being particularly bloodthirsty and vile, something that "Lost Galaxy's" Kendrix learns first-hand.
#4: Tenaya 7 & Tenaya 15
"Power Rangers RPM" (2009)
"RPM" is perhaps the most ambitious season of "Power Rangers," and that is reflected by one of its main villains. While somewhat derivative of Astronema, Tenaya's interesting story arc is just one of the elements that make this character special. More than anything, Tenaya comes across as a genuine threat, someone who can go toe-to-toe with the Rangers in close-quarters combat. Known for whistling a spine-tingling tune and occasionally throwing out an arm, Tenaya is brilliant as a recurring villain who pushes the Rangers to their limits but is also a sympathetic character with a heartbreaking backstory.
#3: Trakeena
"Power Rangers Lost Galaxy" (1999)
Scorpius's daughter and successor would eventually surpass her warlord father. Pampered her entire life, Trakeena set out to prove herself, a journey that exposed the character's depth while enhancing her capabilities as a villain. Once Trakeena took her place as "Lost Galaxy's" main antagonist, any traces of Scorpius' spoiled girl had been utterly exorcised. A forced fusion with Deviot would create Trakeena's most heartless version, an evil tyrant who had the power and drive to actualize her villainous declarations. Unfortunately for Terra Venture, Trakeena was also pretty successful in her evil escapades.
#2: Rita Repulsa
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95; 2010), “Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers” (1996) & “Power Rangers Zeo” (1996)
The ultimate classic "Power Rangers" villain, Rita Repulsa represents the franchise at the peak of its campy glory. Although somewhat of a perpetual failure, Rita did get the occasional win over the Rangers, even if she eventually had to accept a subordinate role to Lord Zedd. Despite her spotty track record, Rita is an absolute treasure, a character who chews the scenery in the best possible way. Rita's look, voice, wand, and catchphrases are all deeply ingrained into the franchise's legacy, and the space witch was the perfect foil for the "Mighty Morphin" era.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Camille, "Power Rangers Jungle Fury" (2008)
Because She Combines Well with Dai Shi & Jarrod
Madame Odius, “Power Rangers Ninja Steel” (2017-18)
Because She Made the Jump from Assistant to Main Antagonist Look Easy
Roxy Clone, "Power Rangers Beast Morphers" (2019-20)
Because It’s Always Fun to See an Evil Version of a Potential Ranger
Morgana / Mora, "Power Rangers S.P.D." (2005)
Because This Villain Was Fun, If Slightly Underused
#1: Astronema
"Power Rangers in Space" (1998)
Before becoming "Lost Galaxy's" Pink Power Ranger, Karone was Astronema, the Queen of Darkness. When it comes to tragic "Power Rangers" villains, Astronema stands nearly unmatched. Andros' long lost sister, she fell in the hands of Dark Specter and Ecliptor. Astronema presented a more menacing but also a more human threat than most of her villainous predecessors, particularly Rita and Divatox. Throughout "In Space," Astronema seems to be in a constant state of change, be it shifts to the light or dark sides. Finally, Astronema also created the Psycho Rangers, a contribution that cannot be dismissed.