Top 10 Jackass Stunts With An Unpredictable Outcome

#10: The Gauntlet
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
This is probably one of the most dangerous stunts ever seen on “Jackass.” Various athletes, including BMX legend Mat Hoffman, attempt to speed through a course while avoiding numerous swinging obstacles. Most of it goes as planned; skateboards are kicked out from under feet, and numerous people eat crap on the ramps. And then someone tries it blindfolded. We expect this run to be the worst of the bunch, but in a move that defies all odds, he actually makes it through the gauntlet. Hoffman gives a “can you believe it?” gesture, and quite frankly, no. No we can not.
#9: Karate Chop
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
This mini stunt is a double whammy of unpredictable outcomes. The concept is simple - Dunn holds numerous boards of wood, and others attempt to karate chop through them. Dunn confidently tells Bam that he isn’t going to break the boards - right before Bam karate chops clean through them and smacks Dunn in the face. That was funny enough, but then Pontius got involved. After a lot of build-up, Pontius decides to abandon the boards entirely and kicks Dunn in the nether regions. Dunn is clearly in excruciating pain, but everyone laughs anyway. That is, everyone except Pontius. He seems legitimately concerned about Dunn and the power of his own kick.
#8: Buckethead Golf
“Jackass 3D” (2010)
This was probably one of their dumber ideas. Dunn, Steve-O, and Knoxville stand on a small indoor court while Knoxville hits a golf ball at the wall. Their only source of protection are metal buckets that they wear over their heads. Both Steve-O and Dunn cover their, um, sensitive areas, but it wasn’t them who needed to worry. In a stroke of pure rotten luck, the golf ball bounces back and hits Knoxville right in the throat. Of all the areas on the body that the ball could have hit, it finds the tiniest opening and goes straight for it. Knoxville could hit that ball 100 more times and not get the same outcome.
#7: Snake River Redemption
“Jackass 3D” (2010)
Nothing seemed right going into this stunt. Dunn is not a professional stunt jumper, that gap was quite large, and his uphill ramp, according to Knoxville, “looks like a piece of microwaved bacon.” Furthermore, Dunn had failed this same jump numerous times on the show. Granted, that was in a crappy BMX, but still. But, thanks to the power of his motorized bike, Dunn makes it clean across the river. Of course, the landing wasn’t exactly smooth. Dunn slams into the opposite ramp and crumples to the ground, with the handlebars of the bike ramming into his gut. We don’t know what’s more unexpected - the fact that he actually jumped the river or the hilarious way in which he came to a complete stop.
#6: Golf Cart Antics
“Jackass: The Movie” (2002)
Few stunts in “Jackass” history have gone from 0 to 100 so quickly. Golf Cart Antics is mostly harmless fun. The gang drives golf carts through a mini putt course and run into various statues - and each other. They then take the carts to the larger course and drive through shoddy ramps and sand bunkers. But then Dunn decides to get crazy. Abandoning the harmless fun for incredible danger, Dunn tries driving the cart off a pig statue. Instead, the statue flips the cart and both Dunn and Knoxville go crashing to the ground. Knoxville is trapped in the cart and could have easily broken his neck in the fall. Talk about bringing the fun to a screeching halt. Luckily, everyone was OK.
#5: The Shopping Cart
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
There was a plan for this stunt. We just never saw it. Dunn squeezed his way into a shopping cart and was going to get launched out of a truck loading dock. It seemed like a very stupid idea, but Bam prevents everyone from seeing the outcome. Instead, he pulls a prank on his good friend and lowers the door right before Dunn is launched. Instead of flying into some boxes, Dunn slams into the metal door at high speed. What we’re slowly learning throughout this list is that very few “Jackass” stunts actually went right for Dunn. He’s clearly in pain, but to Bam’s credit, he probably prevented a much worse outcome. That initial idea just did not look safe.
#4: Paper Cuts
“Jackass: The Movie” (2002)
We’re just going to say it - of all the horrible, dangerous, and disgusting things that the “Jackass” guys did over the years, this is probably the worst. Knoxville and Steve-O are given paper cuts by Dunn, and it’s enough to make even the most hardened amongst us wince in agony. It even proved a little too much for camera operator Lance Bangs. Knoxville points out that Bangs is going to puke, and he seemingly credits this to “the pepperoni.” After some not-so-friendly egging on by the crew, Bangs passes out and collapses to the ground. It comes completely out of nowhere, and it certainly tickles the cast and crew. They’ve probably never laughed so hard.
#3: The Anaconda Ball Pit
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
In this ridiculously dangerous stunt, Knoxville, Dunn, and Wee Man (but mostly Knoxville) attempt to wrangle an anaconda inside a children’s ball pit. Knoxville does what he can, but the snake certainly wins this round. The stunt goes about as well as expected, with Knoxville’s arm getting shredded by snake bites. The surprising part comes after the anaconda is successfully wrangled. Poor Dunn (again) is attacked by a second anaconda, prompting Knoxville to joke that they had totally forgotten about it. And aside from a brief reference by Pontius, viewers also had no idea that there was a second snake. It was just as surprising for us as it was for Knoxville and Dunn.
#2: Big Red Rocket
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
Of all the things to nearly kill Knoxville, the Big Red Rocket probably came closest. This stunt is quite simple in theory, but incredibly complex in execution. The production team needed to build a functioning rocket, and suffice to say, it did not go well. Upon Knoxville’s first launch, the rocket explodes and a piece of speeding shrapnel misses his chest by inches. Knoxville is fully aware how close he came to death, but he laughs it off anyway. It’s shocking and unpredictable moments like this that proves just how dangerous “Jackass” can be. They are always one quick accident away from “a picture wrap,” as Knoxville calls it.
#1: The Toro Totter
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
It was abundantly clear that The Toro Totter wasn’t going to end well. But we never could have predicted just how disastrous it became. Dunn, Bam, Pontius, and Knoxville sit on a four-way teeter-totter and take turns avoiding a charging bull. It’s not long before everything goes haywire. Dunn falls off and is gored in the back by the bull. Bam bails without a partner. Pontius gets his leg squished between the bull and the seesaw and bails after falling off. And most shocking of all, Knoxville remains in the ring with the bull and proceeds to get battered around like a ragdoll. Nothing about this stunt turned out how we thought it would. It made for great entertainment, though!