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Top 10 Lines from Movies That Gives Us Chills

Top 10 Lines from Movies That Gives Us Chills
VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Jesse Singer
Feel our arm... CHILLS! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for those movie quotes that, good or bad, give us those chilly feels in our bones each and every time. Our countdown includes "The Sixth Sense," "Casablanca," "Independence Day," and more!

#10: “Always”
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2” (2011)

The “Harry Potter” series has magic, good and evil, half-giants, elves and weird candy. But in the end, everything comes down to love. The love Harry’s parents had for Harry, the love he and his friends have for each other, and in a give-us-chills moment - the love Severus Snape had for Harry’s mother Lily. Which is the reason, as we learn in the final film in the series, he protected Harry this whole time. When Dumbledore knowingly asks him, [“Lily! After all this time?”]... One word is all Snape needs to say: [“Always”. ]

#9: “It’s Not Your Fault”
“Good Will Hunting” (1997)

Robin Williams’s Dr. Sean Maguire and Matt Damon’s Will Hunting have a number of amazing and powerful moments together in “Good Will Hunting”. But maybe none hits harder than the scene near the end of the film when we learn that both Sean and Will suffered horrible physical abuse when they were younger. Sean opens up to Will about his dad’s alcohol use disorder and Will reveals that he suffered at the hands of his foster father. Sean tells him what happened isn’t his fault, but Will remains closed off and emotionally distant - simply responding [“I know”.] But Sean doesn’t take “I know” for an answer, and keeps telling him over and over and over again, until it finally sinks in.

#8: “My Name Is Maximus Decimus Meridius…”
“Gladiator” (2000)

“Gladiator” is an epic tale of revenge. Maximus, a celebrated Roman General, is set to become the next emperor of Rome. That is until the emperor’s son, Commodus, kills the current emperor: his own father. When Maximus refuses to submit to him, Commodus commands that he and his family be killed. Maximus escapes, but can’t save his family - setting him on a path that reaches a bone-chilling moment on the sand-covered floor of the great Colosseum. Maximus has become a great Gladiator - and following a masterful battle, Commodus asks the masked fighter to reveal himself. He does this with a quote that is powerful in its simplicity and unsettling in its forthcoming declaration of vengeance.

#7: “Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!”
“Independence Day” (1996)

Along with big special effect action sequences, many blockbusters have at least one big time speech that brings the audience to their metaphorical feet. In 1996’s “Independence Day,” that speech was the one given by Bill Pullman, as President Thomas J. Whitmore, just prior to the massive aircraft battle against the invading Alien ships. It’s a rousing speech about freedom and humanity's need to come together. To fight as one, against the threat of total annihilation. It’s a darn good speech. But it’s that last line - a line that was added last minute, by the way - that gets us every time.

#6: “You Met Me at a Very Strange Time in My Life”
“Fight Club” (1997)

We know the rules. We aren’t going to talk about fight club. But we are going to talk about the conclusion of the “Fight Club” movie (that’s okay, right?). In the final scenes, the narrator, played by Edward Norton, comes to a big realization about who he is, who Tyler Durden is, and what the truth is about the past months of his life. Then, as he and his girlfriend Marla watch the city explode around them, Norton calmly admits to her that, [“You Met Me at a Very Strange Time in My Life”.] With buildings collapsing and “Where Is My Mind” by The Pixies playing, this perfect last line says nothing and yet it says everything.

#5: “Long Live the King”
“The Lion King” (1994)

It’s a moment fit for a Shakespearean play - which makes sense since “The Lion King” was inspired by the immortal bard’s classic, “Hamlet”. In “The Lion King”, like in “Hamlet”, the king’s brother kills the king in order to ascend to the throne. The wildebeest stampede is one of the most iconic scenes in the history of Disney animated films, but the moment we want to talk about comes at the end of it. When Mufasa - not knowing that Scar was the one that set the stampede in motion - asks his brother for help. And that’s when it happens. Scar looks him in the eye and says, [“Long live the king”] before launching him to his demise.

#4: “If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him…”
“Casablanca” (1942)

“Casablanca” is replete with iconic moments. From gin joints to beautiful friendships, the film has lines that make us laugh, cry, smile… and of course, give us chills. And when discussing the latter feelings, we have to mention Rick’s speech to Ilsa at the end of the movie. You know the one when he tells her to get on the plane with Victor. We know they love each other and we know how hard it is for Rick to say what he’s saying. But we also know it’s what he has to do. Would we be able to do it? To say goodbye like that? We don’t know. Would you?

#3: “Carpe Diem”
“Dead Poets Society” (1989)

Given that Latin hasn’t been a major subject in most schools for a long time, so why do we all know what “Carpe diem” means? Well, for a whole generation, that knowledge can arguably be traced back to “Dead Poets Society”. In the film, Robin Williams doesn’t just tell us what it means, he makes us feel it. Seize the day! Grab opportunity! Make your life extraordinary! It’s a sentiment that can’t help, but give goosebumps to those who hear it. And speaking of “Dead Poets Society”, let us not leave here without standing up on our desks and declaring an “O Captain! My Captain!” to another chill-inducing line from the movie.

#2: “I See Dead People”
“The Sixth Sense” (1999)

Sometimes when a movie has a big twist or a shocking surprise, the spine-tingling moments are diminished whenever you watch the movie again. But that isn’t so much the case with “The Sixth Sense”. Instead, the iconic [“I see dead people”] line still hits hard each and every time - just differently than it did the first time. When you don’t know the secret, then the moment Cole reveals his ability to Malcolm is alarming at face value. Come on: it’s a kid that can see dead people! However, if you watch the movie again, knowing the big twist, then Cole’s reveal takes on a whole other level of disturbing given who he is revealing it to.

#1: “Envy Is My Sin”
“Seven” (1995)

In 1995, “Seven”, a film about a serial killer inspired by the seven deadly sins shocked audiences to the tune of over $320 million at the box office. In the crime thriller’s climax, as ​​John Doe brings Mills and Somerset somewhere far and isolated - neither they, nor the audience, have any idea about the horrific way the final two sins would be revealed. Envy and wrath were the two remaining. And it is with John Doe’s revelation that he is envy, and the actions he took because of it, that he turns Mills into wrath. Mission complete! Chills every time!

Why don’t you tell us about your chill-inducing lines? Let us know in the comments.
