Top 10 She's the Man Lines We Still Quote Today

This rom-com may have come out in 2006, but it’s no less relevant today. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 She’s the Man Lines We Still Quote Today.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the most iconic quotes from this teen sports romantic comedy.
#10: “Does He Have Your Number?”
At the beginning of the movie, Viola is headed home after a crappy day and is confronted in front of her house by her twin brother Sebastian’s girlfriend. She remarks how similar the two siblings look, which perhaps gives Viola the idea that kicks off the action of the story. But Viola is clearly disdainful of Monique, and the way she treats her brother, so when Monique asks to have Sebastian call her, Viola is ready with this savage comeback. She basically leaves Monique speechless because of how cutting it was.
#9: “What Does Your Heart Tell You?”
Viola spends the movie pretending to be a guy so she can get away with playing soccer, but sometimes she takes her charade a little too far. In this scene, she’s trying to give Duke advice on his love life and while she initially has the right idea, she instantly scrambles and spews out some pretty misogynistic ideas. Duke hilariously reprimands her, telling her that she has issues because of the way she talks about women. Obviously, only Viola (and the audience, of course) can see the irony of this.
#8: "So You Play the Beautiful Game….?"
When Viola (disguised as Sebastian) arrives at Illyria and meets her new roommate, she realizes she has to talk the talk as well as walk the walk. She may look like an (admittedly dorky) guy, but she spends this awkward scene trying out different masculine lingo. While trying to ask the guys if they play soccer, she uses just about the most cringeworthy slang ever, showing just how much work she’s going to have to do if she’s actually going to pass as a boy at her new school.
#7: “And When My Eyes Are Closed, I See You for What You Truly Are...”
When Viola is pretending to be Sebastian, she has to show her new buddies her cred as a guy, so she has a string of women show up to fawn over her. What she doesn’t expect however is for Monique to show up and risk blowing her cover. She avoids her as much as possible, and then delivers this scathing line in a voice that is so hilarious we’re surprised anyone actually took her seriously. It’s kind of mean to do this to Sebastian’s girlfriend, but considering what a despicable character she is, she kind of deserved it.
#6: “Then Why Don't You Date Him, Mom?”
At the start of “She’s the Man,” Viola announces to her overbearing mother that she has dumped her boyfriend, Justin. Her mom responds with shock, unable to process why her daughter would break up with someone who is so “handsome and rugged and chiseled and great.” Considering the low key creepy vibe that her mom is giving off, Viola isn’t totally out of line when she delivers this retort. The really weird part though is that her mom’s reaction makes it look like it’s not completely out of the question.
#5: “Girls with Asses Like Mine Do Not Talk to Boys with Faces Like Yours.”
When Monique shows up looking for Sebastian, she encounters Duke and the other Illyria guys and asks where she can find her boyfriend. Before they realize who she is however, one of the guys starts hitting on her. She’s ready with a quick response though, instantly shutting him down and letting him know just how highly she thinks of herself. Though she’s not the most likable character, we could all take a page from her book when it comes to responding to unsolicited catcallers with confidence.
#4: “Heels Are a Male Invention Designed to Make a Woman's Butt Look Smaller.”
In this scene, Viola may be dressed as Sebastian, but she drops her cover for a minute while she’s on the phone with her mother and trying to defend her outfit choices. She drops this very perceptive quote when explaining why she won’t be wearing high heels and honestly, we couldn’t agree more. Think of this next time you’re considering putting on stilettos for an event and contemplate who you’re really wearing them for. And also if you might need to make a quick escape...
#3: “I Can Do This. I Am a Dude!”
Sometimes we all need to hype ourselves up a bit, and this is the perfect quote to keep in your mind when you need a little confidence boost. When she gets to Illyria and is getting ready to meet her roommates for the first time, Viola gives herself a little pep talk to prepare for her big performance pretending to be her brother. It’s a hilarious moment in the movie and we can’t help but think of it every time we look in the mirror to get ready for a big work meeting or other high pressure moment.
#2: “I’m Allergic to the Sun.”
When Viola shows up on the soccer field at Illyria for tryouts, she’s alarmed when they’re supposed to split up into shirts and skins. Of course, she doesn’t want to wind up topless in front of a bunch of guys, revealing her secret. So she does a bit of quick thinking and comes up with a brilliant excuse for not being on the “skins” side. The coach seems to have some doubts about the authenticity of her claim of being deathly allergic to the sun, but luckily he lets it slide.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
"Oh, for the Love of God! It Burns!"
What It Feels Like to Get Hit in the Balls by a Ball
"I Get Really Bad Nose Bleeds."
The Reason Why One Would Keep Tampons in Their Boots
“Remember: Inside Every Girl, There’s a Boy.”
Paul Sure Knows What He’s Talking About
"I Mean, Suck it Up! Be a Man! Rub Some Dirt in it!"
What to Say When You Discover Someone’s Got a Tampon Up Their Nose
#1: “Ask Me If… I Like… Cheese.”
As they become better friends, Viola masquerading as Sebastian ends up giving Duke some advice on how to manage his love life. In particular, he seems to have a problem striking up conversations with girls, so she has some pointers on how to make the dialogue flow effortlessly. Now of course, her idea of scintillating conversation… involves gouda. Honestly, if we had a date that wasn’t going to plan, we’d be happy to try out this question ourselves. And if they said no? Well, that would be a serious red flag.