Top 10 Movie Fights Won Without Lifting a Finger

#10: Fighting Without Fighting
“Enter the Dragon” (1973)
If anyone can win a fight without fighting, it’d be Bruce Lee. In one of his most famous roles, Lee plays… Lee, a martial artist sent undercover to a fighting tournament on a private island. On the ship ride over, Lee observes one of his fellow passengers mistreating the boat’s crew. The belligerent man tries to pick a fight with him, wanting to see Lee’s style. Lee tells him that he fights without fighting and then suggests they take a small boat attached to the ship to fight on a nearby beach. When the man gets into the boat, Lee lets the line out and then hands the line off to the crew the man was harassing; giving him a taste of his own medicine!
#9: Briefcase Struggle
“Twins” (1988)
Julius Benedict is a relatively sheltered man, having lived his whole life in the South Pacific. However, when he learns he has a twin brother, the huge, incredibly skilled man rushes to Los Angeles to meet him. Still rather naïve, Julius is approached by one of two bikers, who show interest in his expensive-looking suitcase. When the guy’s friend rides past and tries to snatch the case, Julius is so strong he manages to hold on to the case effortlessly, causing the rider to fall off. Julius even diagnoses him with a mild concussion and offers to take him to a hospital. Considering what he’s capable of when he’s actually trying, we feel like the biker got off easy!
#8: Assassination Failures
“The Pink Panther Strikes Again” (1976)
Inspector Jacques Clouseau is a woefully incompetent, yet surprisingly lucky detective. Still, he’s so bad at his job that his former boss, Chief Inspector Dreyfus, is driven insane with hatred for him. Dreyfus manages to blackmail the world’s governments into sending their best assassins after Clouseau. While in Munich at an Oktoberfest, Clouseau is pursued by a succession of hired hands. Despite their cunning and outlandish disguises, the assassins all manage to take out each other or themselves while trying to get Clouseau, who remains oblivious, despite unintentionally thwarting their efforts at every turn! Sometimes it takes the worst to thwart the best.
#7: Luke Skywalker’s Last Stand
“Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi” (2017)
The climactic battle of this divisive “Star Wars” film sees Luke Skywalker arrive to help the Resistance group cornered by the First Order. Stepping out to confront the walkers, Luke survives a hail of blaster fire without a scratch. When his nephew Kylo Ren comes down to fight him lightsaber to lightsaber, Luke evades every blow. It’s only once Kylo Ren hits Luke with a lightsaber that he realizes – Luke isn’t there. He is projecting his image through powerful use of the Force. In reality, he’s sitting in concentration on another planet entirely! Although Luke doesn’t defeat his opponent, his battle buys enough time for the Resistance to escape. While the effort marks his end, he doesn’t lift a finger… technically.
#6: Little Girl Rampage
“Firestarter” (1984)
This sci-fi horror film follows Andy McGee and his daughter Charlie, who both have psychic powers, and the government agency that seeks to weaponize their abilities. During a confrontation in a barn, Andy dies before he asks that Charlie use her powers to take down the facility. Charlie then goes berserk, using her pyrokinetic abilities to burn agents alive, launch fireballs, and destroy vehicles. She makes good on her promise and turns the whole place to ash! And she does it all by merely looking at her targets! When will shady government agencies learn?
#5: Gladiator Fight
“Monty Python’s Life of Brian” (1979)
A hilarious satire of many things religious, “Life of Brian” is, naturally, about Brian. The hapless protagonist finds himself involved in many events surrounding the beginning of Christianity. While working in the local colosseum, he encounters the radical Judean People’s Front… sorry, the People’s Front of Judea. During their conversation, a huge, intimidating gladiator battles a much smaller gladiator. Throwing away his weapons, the smaller gladiator runs for his life. Eventually, the bigger gladiator becomes exhausted and suffers a theatrical heart attack. This cheeky David conquering a Goliath by running away is a small part of the scene, but it still gets a big laugh!
#4: Deadpool vs. Colossus
“Deadpool” (2016)
Irreverent vigilante Wade Wilson, a.k.a. Deadpool has just captured his nemesis, Francis, when he’s interrupted by the X-Men. Well, two they could afford, anyway. Colossus, the enormous metallic do-gooder, tries to convince Deadpool to become a superhero and do the right thing – instead of causing mayhem. While they’re arguing, Francis gets away. This makes Deadpool so angry, he punches Colossus. Of course, this breaks his hand and wrist. You’d think Wade would learn his lesson after the first time, but he uses both his other hand and one of his legs in a vain attempt to injure the metal man. While Colossus does give him a smack, Deadpool practically defeated himself. Sometimes maximum effort isn’t enough.
#3: Bilbo Tricks the Trolls
“The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” (2016)
Bilbo Baggins is adventurous for a hobbit – but he’s still not much of a fighter. That’s why, when he and the company of dwarves he’s traveling with are caught by a trio of trolls, things look dire. Despite their size and strength though, the trolls are fairly stupid. And they have a fatal weakness – sunlight. Thanks to some quick thinking, Bilbo stalls the trolls by pretending to give them advice on how best to cook the dwarves. He does this long enough that, with a little help from Gandalf, the sun hits the trolls; turning them to stone. Not bad for the first adventure of his first adventure!
#2: Yondu Udonta Takes Out His Traitorous Crew
“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017)
Yondu is a blue space pirate. As cool as that is, his weapon of choice is even more awesome. Through a special device on his head, Yondu can control a specialized arrow by whistling. While he uses it to great effect in the first “Guardians” film, its best use is in the sequel. Betrayed and imprisoned by most of his former crew, Yondu manages, with help from Baby Groot, to get a hold of his head fin, which gives him control of his arrow again. While Yondu goes through the trouble of giving himself a strangely appropriate theme song, all he needs to do to get revenge on the traitors is to put his lips together to blow them all away!
#1: Battle of Wits
“The Princess Bride” (1987)
Westley may be a man of action, but his mind is even sharper than his sword. Although his final bluff against Prince Humperdinck is quite impressive, his duel against Vizzini is even better! After besting 2 of the 3 thieves who have abducted Princess Buttercup, Westley is faced with their leader, Vizzini. Challenging him to a battle of wits in which Vizzini must guess which of two cups is poisoned, Vizzini proceeds to dazzle with his dizzying intellect, all the while fishing for a reaction. After switching glasses when Westley’s back is turned, the pair drinks – and it turns out Vizzini guessed wrong! Both glasses were poisoned, and Westley is immune to the poison. This battle is inconceivably funny, and it’s over before it begins!