Top 10 Movie Shower Scenes

Some… interesting things can happen in the shower. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 shower scenes.
For this list, we’re choosing what we feel are the most memorable scenes that occur while characters are taking a shower. While most of us use this time to either unwind or prepare for the day ahead, others seem to have a more active experience. Who said getting clean couldn’t be an adventure?
#10: “Arachnophobia” (1990)
Spiders often get a bad rap. Yet most of them probably just want to go about their business, eating insects and writing inspirational quotes on barn doors. However, when they start attacking you in the shower, when you’re at your most vulnerable, that’s when all bets are off. There are few things in this world more horrifying than a spider that doesn’t understand personal boundaries.
#9: “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective” (1994)
Burning your clothes and taking a cold shower might be a bit of an overreaction, but this scene did give Jim Carrey an excuse to show off his bum. After finding out the woman who kissed him was born male, Ace Ventura goes to great lengths erase the moment – and spoof “The Crying Game.” Interestingly enough, despite all the dramatics, he manages to keep his perfectly coifed hair from getting wet.
#8: “See No Evil, Hear No Evil” (1989)
Sometimes a criminal can be kinda hot, much to the good guy’s chagrin. And of course, a criminal’s gotta take a shower every now and then, so when you combine a sexy bad girl with water, some things are bound to… stick out more than others. Gene Wilder’s character may not have full use of his hearing in this film, but it’s clear that other parts of his anatomy are working just fine.
#7: “Naked Gun 33 ⅓: The Final Insult” (1994)
A toilet brush being used as a toothbrush should’ve been the first clue that things were going to get weird in this scene. Well, the whole movie should’ve been the first clue, really. We’re also not entirely sure why it was assumed that a simple drop of the soap would be enough to catch Leslie Nielsen’s character in a compromising position. Didn’t they see that shower caddy? He came prepared.
#6: “Carrie” (1976)
It’s only normal for a young woman’s body to go through… certain changes. Unfortunately for Carrie White, she was raised by a religious nut who abused and sheltered her into social awkwardness. It would naturally follow that her first time receiving her menses would be one of confusion, but pair her naked panic with horribly cruel classmates throwing feminine hygiene products at her, and she didn’t stand a chance.
#5: “Porky’s” (1982)
The era before Internet porn was a tough time for everyone. It saw some teens going to extreme measures to get their rocks off, including some pretty creepy peeping tom action. Though the girls in this scene don’t seem too put off with being spied on, we’re not quite sure how well this would work nowadays.
#4: “Starship Troopers” (1997)
You know what’s better than being recruited to battle deadly alien monsters hell-bent on the destruction of mankind? Communal co-ed showers. Honestly, we can’t think of a better way to bolster spirits or squad morale than checking out each other’s glistening junk before facing certain death. It’s an admirable company policy that maybe some businesses should look into implementing. We’re just saying.
#3: “Casino Royale” (2006)
007 has a track record with the ladies, so this shower scene may seem like a bit of a deviation from the expected – especially considering how he handles co-ed showers in “Skyfall.” But the scene in “Casino Royale” is quite sweet, showing that the dashing special agent has a softer side, particularly when it comes to the woman he loves. And we get to see the actor offer Bond some vulnerability.
#2: “Weird Science” (1985)
We’re pretty certain we’d take a shower with anything we brought to life using our home computer and a doll. After all, it’s a good way to get acquainted. Of course, if your creation comes out looking like Kelly LeBrock, that’s probably reason enough on its own. Gary and Wyatt may’ve been inventive enough to materialize a woman out of thin air, but they still had some work to do on their social skills.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
- “It” (1990)
- “Elf” (2003)
- “Whiteout” (2009)
- “Pitch Perfect” (2012)
#1: “Psycho” (1960)
If ever there were a compelling argument in favor of shower doors, this suspense horror flick is it. “Psycho”’s shower scene has become a cultural icon in and of itself, with Alfred Hitchcock’s depiction of a stabbing death burning its way into the collective memory of a generation. It has also spawned decades of imitations, not to mention, influenced many people to cut their showers a little bit short.
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