Top 10 Plot Holes In Rick And Morty You Never Noticed

In a comedy about the fabric of space, time, and existence, there are bound to be a few loose threads. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’ll be counting our picks for the Top 10 Plot Holes in Rick and Morty You Never Noticed.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the concepts or plot devices that just don’t quite fit together when placed under a little scrutiny. Get ready to drink the Szechuan sauce, spoilers ahead.
#10: Portal Gun Tech
Over the course of the show, the portal guns used by the Ricks have become a big MacGuffin. A sought-after piece of technology, down and out Ricks on the Citadel try to bootleg the portal gun formula, and the big bad of the show (The Galactic Federation) wants it too, as proven by their failed interrogation of Rick C-137. But why? In the first episode, we see Rick and Morty entering a Federation spaceport to use a Federation-operated transporter to get back to their own dimension. If the Federation already has such technology, why are they so determined to get the portal gun fluid?
#9: Time Travel on the Shelf
Falling into the ‘why even tease it?” category, we can see from the box in the garage that Time Travel is something that Rick has toyed with, but it is a concept that is literally "shelved." This makes sense from a writing point of view because timey-wimey stuff always quickly devolves into paradoxes. But the fact that it is there means that Rick – who can apparently do ANYTHING – has played with the idea but gave it up. Did he accidentally mess up the past? The future? Is it something even Rick can’t handle? Just the fact that it is there for the audience to see creates a lot of problems.
#8: Rick Potion #9 Cure
When Morty is a little creep and wants a love potion for Jessica, Rick mixes up some nonsense and BAM! Cronenbergian monsters. What’s Rick’s follow-up plan? Cut losses and run, of course. But if Rick can peek into other realities, and find one where a version of him figured out the cure, couldn't he have just learned how to make the cure and fixed his own world rather than hop an entire dimension? It’s probable that Rick just couldn’t be bothered, but you’d think that Morty would call him out on it. Instead, it’s treated like jumping ship was the only option.
#7: Citadel Citizens
Morty is 14-years-old across all the dimensions and parallel timelines we’ve seen so far. But on the Citadel, there are Mortys who are cops, club owners, budding politicians/tyrants, and more. Those things all require training or at least a little time, so did they start when they were in diapers? And if some Mortys get careers in their preteens, then why is there a Morty School? And what happened to their families? And let’s not forget Citadel Ricks. Mortys only come from Beths who hooked up with Jerrys because Rick left. If they could leave their families before, why do they stay at the Citadel now at jobs they hate?
#6: Beth's Life
We get a little glimpse into Beth's childhood in “The ABC's of Beth,” but that is it. We know (based on the timeline) Rick disappeared when Beth was young and by 17 she was pregnant with Summer. We don't know anything about her mother, like when Mrs. Sanchez died or if she’s actually dead at all. There was a fake-out about Rick's original wife and Beth dying, but there are still so many questions. Like, from the Citadel we can see all the Ricks of the central finite curve had a Beth (or else no Morty), which means they all met/married her mother. So, what happened? You'd think Beth would know more, but she seems in the dark.
#5: The Citadel
With so many Ricks and Mortys in one place, there are a lot of questions. Like which dimension are they in? How did they extract it from the Federation prison after they collided? Furthermore, did all these Ricks and Mortys just abandon their own dimensions to live on the Citadel? Rick C-137 lambasts the irony of them forming a government to stay safe from the government, a point that seems legitimate when he points out later that one Morty is enough to keep a Rick hidden. So, really, what is the point of the Citadel at all? We have yet to see any interstellar diplomacy, but maybe it’s just because they’re all Rick-holes.
#4: Origins of Galactic Federation
The Galactic Federation is (or at least was) a galaxy spanning government. With roughly 6,048 planets in the Federation, it controls significant portions of the galaxy. It has apparently been doing this for over 850 glaagnars – um, which sounds like a lot? Although it seems to exist in most dimensions, we don’t actually know anything about it. How does it function? Why? Do the member planets of the Federation get to vote? Can anyone become a ranking member? Ricks don't like it because they don't like being told what to do, which also begs the question: Why doesn’t Rick just go to a dimension where the Federation doesn’t exist?
#3: Jerryboree
In “Mortynight Run” we learn that one enterprising Rick created a daycare for Jerrys. Rick casually mentions that it is on a cross-temporal asteroid, meaning it is a finite space existing in all dimensions at the same time … So, wouldn't this make it the most valuable spot in the galaxy? How do multiple Ricks arrive there, go in, and just walk out the door back into their own reality? Wouldn't the Galactic Federation be ALL OVER THAT as you could move between Rick worlds but ALSO have access to the Sanchez/Smith family super easily? Plot hole aside, we think we need a “Siege of Jerryboree” episode; laser showdown in the ball pit!
#2: Time & Age
While time travel seems to be off the roster, there is still a lot of chronological manipulation. In one episode, Rick freezes time for weeks. In another, he and Morty are trapped in a Teenyverse for months (at least as long as it took for Morty to become the leader of the indigenous peoples there). With all this, it makes you wonder how old Morty is now. Furthermore, if Rick can freeze time on a whole planet, can't he just freeze time in places he doesn't like – like the Galactic Federation headquarters or the Citadel? Problem solved!
#1: ‘Infinite’ Dimensions
The show is built on the idea of infinite parallel universes. BUT if there are infinite dimensions/timelines, that means literally every conceivable dimension is true at once. Including one where something (a creature, an event, a person, a fart from a housefly – who cares, all are possible because of infinity!) destroys all dimensions. Speaking of dimensions, if Rick hates the Galactic Federation so much, why not go to a reality where they don't exist? WHY NOT GO WHERE THERE IS SZECHUAN SAUCE!? The Citadel mentions the 'Central Finite Curve' suggesting that there are finite realities with in the infinite – but that sounds like a lot of yadayada-science. Something is either infinite or it is not.