Top 10 Plot Inconsistencies In And Just Like That

#10: Miranda Forgets About Her Fight with Carrie
“Tragically Hip”
In one of “Sex and the City’s” more infamous scenes, Aidan - instead of Carrie - comes to Miranda’s rescue after she strains her neck. Fans were outraged over Carrie’s lack of sensitivity and for not being there for her friend in her time of need. Of course, no one was more upset than Miranda, who decided to let her friend have it. Fast forward to “And Just Like That…” and this time it’s Carrie who needs Miranda’s help while she’s recovering from surgery. But, where’s Miranda? Oh, yes in the kitchen with Che. To be fair, 20 years have passed since Miranda was pinned to her bathroom floor in agony. Or, maybe this just was payback? Who knows.
#9: Charlotte’s Changed Her Tune
“Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered”
Charlotte’s always been painted as a Park Avenue Princess and the prude of her friendship group, sometimes even unfairly. But according to showrunner Michael Patrick King, she’s actually the most at ease in the bedroom. At least that would explain how she went from claiming to hate certain activities to willingly getting on her knees in the revival. We’d even accept if they’d told us that her openness was a result of how comfortable she feels with Harry. But in this season one episode from “Sex and the City,” she seems pretty adamant that she’s never going to change her mind. And to be honest, that wasn’t the biggest talking point of this scene anyway.
#8: Carrie’s Apartment’s Major Transformation
After Big stands Carrie up at their wedding, she moves back into her single gal apartment. Looking for a fresh start, she decides to spruce up the place, starting with a fresh lick of paint. The turquoise walls are still intact in the second movie. Of course, the iconic apartment features in the new series with Carrie choosing to move back to her old life. We see that at some point over the years, she’s redecorated once again. We accept that tastes change over time, but can someone explain to us how her apartment seemed to have gotten bigger? If anyone knows of any contractors who can make an apartment double in size, please, let us know in the comments.
#7: Remember the Busboy?
It’s not unheard of for actors to play different characters in the same series or even movie. And clearly, we’re just expected to suspend our disbelief, which is sometimes easier said than done. Eagle-eyed viewers may recognize Ajay Mehta from the original series. In season two, he plays a busboy who comes on to Samantha when she’s feeling particularly alone. Cut to “And Just Like That…” and now he’s Seema’s dad, urging Carrie to dish on his daughter’s love life. If the actor’s in his 80s as it’s reported online, then it’s totally legit that he could have a 53-year-old daughter. Even so, we can’t quite get the image of him and Samantha out of our heads.
#6: And Just Like That… Another Actor Returns
“No Strings Attached”
Mehta wasn’t the only “Sex and the City” alum to return as a different character in the revival. In episode nine, we’re introduced to Zed during his flirty interaction with Seema. He’s played by William Abadie, who you might recognize from “Emily in Paris”. But were you one of the fans who also remembered him from season six of the OG series? He plays Tony, a sales associate at the Prada store. Carrie clearly knew Tony well enough to ask about his girlfriend, introduce him to Berger AND sort of set him up with Charlotte. Sure, almost two decades have passed, but he clearly made enough of an impact for audiences to remember him.
#5: What Did They Do to Miranda?
When the series first aired in the late ‘90s, Miranda was a breath of fresh air. She was a strong, confident woman who never apologized for taking up space in the world. She knew what she liked and didn’t care what anyone else thought. And she was often the voice of reason among the core four, too. So we have to ask, what on earth happened? Every decision she’s made in the revival just seems so off-brand from the no-nonsense powerhouse we remembered. Now, rather than cheer in her corner, many of her scenes just make us cringe. We’re not even sure if 1998 to 2010 Miranda would recognize this character if she met her today.
#4: Justice for Samantha
“Hello It’s Me”
When we learned that the series would be returning without Samantha, we were curious to see how they’d handle her absence. The answer? Pretty poorly. Samantha was undoubtedly the fiercest and most loyal friend. And now they were asking us to believe that she’s shallow enough to ditch her friends and move abroad over a paycheck. This is the same Samantha who didn’t judge Carrie for her affair, who offered to lend her money, and who took charge after Big stood her up at the altar. She’s simply not the kind to hold a grudge. Fans also thought that this shady explanation was a bit too close to home given all the behind-the-scenes drama.
#3: The Degradation of Steve Brady
Another inconsistency that’s enraged the fans is the treatment of Steve Brady. Back in the day, he was a witty fun-loving goofball and generally just a likable character. But in the revival, the Steve we know and love is nowhere to be seen. Instead, he’s been replaced by a bumbling sad-sack that seems to have aged much faster than everyone else. To make matters worse, until episode eight he’s pretty much treated like an oblivious, inept, and passive bystander, or just as an afterthought to serve Miranda’s chaotic story arc. As far as the fans were concerned, the writers did Steve dirty. Much like many viewers, if the show does return for a second season, we want justice for Steve.
#2: How Did Carrie Retrieve Her Fendi?
“When in Rome”
Since the series began, fashion-loving viewers have kept a close eye on Carrie’s fierce accessorizing game. So, it didn’t take long for them to notice a certain Fendi bag, sorry baguette, in episode three of the revival. But hang on a minute, isn’t that the same purse she was carrying when she got mugged on “Sex and the City”? So, how does one get their hands-on another baguette from Fendi’s Fall/Winter 1999-2000 collection? Did someone find it and return it? Or did the mugger suddenly have a change of heart? Somehow, fashionista and purse were reunited (or maybe she bought - or was given - another one?). Although we do have to wonder if she ever tracked down her favorite pair of strappies, too…
#1: Miranda’s Affair with Che
Miranda’s affair with Che has pretty much been the talk of the season. But, wait a minute, wasn’t it Miranda who said? Yeah, we recall her being pretty devastated when the shoe was on the other foot. So, what’s changed? Is it ok now because she’s the one cheating? Or does an unhappy marriage simply mean infidelity will be involved? Perhaps she’s simply accepted that sometimes, people slip up. Although, is it a slip-up when she seemingly shares more screen time with Che than her husband? No matter what the reasoning, this isn’t at all in line with the Miranda we once rooted for. She deserved better, Steve deserved better, and quite frankly the audience deserved better, too.