Top 10 Power Rangers Theme Songs

These morphenomenal tunes have been stuck in our head for years. Welcome to, and today we're counting down the Top 10 Power Rangers theme songs.
For this list, we're looking at the toe-tapping, heart-pounding theme songs that got us pumped up for the multi-colored teens with attitude; whether during the opening credits, the morphing, the fight scenes, or when delivering the final blow megazord-style. With different melodies, tones, and styles to offer, you're bound to have one – or more - of them ringing through your ears all night.
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These morphenomenal tunes have been stuck in our head for years. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down the Top 10 Power Rangers theme songs.
For this list, we’re looking at the toe-tapping, heart-pounding theme songs that got us pumped up for the multi-colored teens with attitude; whether during the opening credits, the morphing, the fight scenes, or when delivering the final blow megazord-style. With different melodies, tones, and styles to offer, you’re bound to have one – or more - of them ringing through your ears all night.
#10: “Power Rangers Ninja Storm” (2003)
What starts as a peaceful introductory backstory for our heroes, takes a sudden turn into a catchy and extreme theme song. For a season focusing on teenage athletic ninjas-in-training, you need a song that blends the swiftness of the ninja with the extreme nature of said Rangers. Veteran composer/singer Jeremy Sweet pulls it off without a hitch with an alternative rock tune, mixed with Japanese flutes. The only way to top off this earworm is with lyrics that perfectly match our misfit heroes – braving the stormy weather ahead as they protect the Earth from Lothor’s forces.
#9: “Power Rangers Ninja Steel” (2017-)
Noam Kaniel –best known for the English Code Lyoko theme- took over as composer for Power Rangers since Samurai, and he makes sure to have at least one tribute to the original Mighty Morphin theme per song. Ninja Steel, however, feels more original out of the later season openers – combining traditional Japanese elements –such as a shamisen- with heavy metal. While it does still have Kaniel’s obligatory “Go, Go” reference, it is handled in a much more creative way here, allowing the song to still feel unique. Mix all that together with triumphant lyrics, and you’ve got the perfect opening for a team of rangers that fear no danger.
#8: “Power Rangers S.P.D.” (2005)
Since the beginning, Ron Wasserman has brought some of the most energetic and catchiest opening tunes in Power Rangers history, and S.P.D. is just one among them. With the Rangers acting as futuristic law enforcers protecting their city from rogue alien criminals, you need a fast-paced rock tune with even faster percussion, growing more intense during battle scenes. To really emphasize that the city and the world are in good hands, the lyrics ssure you that you can always depend on Space Patrol Delta to save the day. Sadly, this would be Wasserman’s last new Rangers theme for a long time, as his pitches for Mystic Force were all rejected.
#7: “Power Rangers Zeo” (1996)
How do you symbolize the Rangers’ triumphant rise to power? Why, with a triumphant heavy metal jam, of course. With the end of the Mighty Morphin era, it was time for a change – a new name, a new look, and a new theme song co-composed by then-newcomer Jeremy Sweet. In addition to a beautiful opening chorus and powerful melody, this opening also introduces a whole new set of lyrics, heavily emphasizing that the Rangers are stronger than ever. Little snippets of the Mighty Morphin tune by Ron Wasserman add an extra zing, creating a more grandiose feel for the new status quo.
#6: “Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue” (2000)
When your entire city is under the threat of demons, you could use a symbol of hope that everything will be alright… what better symbol than the Power Rangers? As usual, Jeremy Sweet brings his A-game to the table with his rocking and uplifting melody that bounces every chance it gets. The lyrics are not exactly grade-a material this time around, but like S.P.D., they do present an optimistic message – when the world is falling apart, you can count on Lightspeed Rescue to save the day. A little cheesy, but it’s balanced out with a rocking tune… plus, it’s Power Rangers, cheesiness is kind of their thing.
#5: “Power Rangers Dino Thunder” (2004)
There’s only one way to get fans excited for a new Dinosaur-themed season – with a roar. Being a spiritual successor to the original Mighty Morphin season, Dino Thunder decided to fully embrace its dinosaur heritage with a Triassic rock tune composed by Bruce Lynch, and performed by Steve Larkins. The chorus starts with a rumbling percussion, and then explodes into heavy metal guitar playing. The lyrics add a sense of grandeur to the whole season as well – turning the titanic reptiles into defenders of the right against Mesagog’s terror. As soon as you hear this butt-kicking jam, you’ll know whose victory it is.
#4: “Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)
There’s something about science fiction and heavy metal that just work so well together -ESPECIALLY for Power Rangers. To start with, Jeremy Sweet is once again at the top of his game with the instrumental – mashing heavy rock with electro swooshing, and a generous amount of guitar riffs. The lyrics –written by Lior Rosner- heavily emphasize the season’s theme –considering how often “time” appears in the lyrics- in the form of a ballad, retelling our heroes’ journey from the future to save the world. Couple all that with Jasan Radford’s singing, and this energetic sci-fi jingle will ensure that listeners and viewers are in for a good… time.
#3: “Power Rangers Lost Galaxy” (1999)
With the Zordon era concluded and the series’ continuation assured, it was time for another fresh start for the season – a sci-fi journey across the universe with a new team, and a new out-of-this-world theme song. Jeremy Sweet outdid himself with the instrumental – a metal tune that turns on both the power and the listeners’ energy with its raw, guitar-riffing power. Though not as lyrically gifted as its last three predecessors, the feeling is clear from the song – our multi-colored heroes are in a whole new world, and the journey of a lifetime has only just begun.
#2: “Power Rangers In Space” (1998)
When you hear that countdown, you best be ready for an epic space adventure. When it looked like the series would be coming to an end, Saban pulled out all the stops for the “final” season with an epic space opera – complete with a rocking theme song once again by Ron Wasserman. In addition to its electrifying tune and addictive lyrics, this is also the first opening to go without elements of the original “Go, Go” melody. In the end, this pulse-pounding song combined with a well-written season helped save the franchise, and kept it alive to this very day.
Before we reveal our number one pick, here are a few toe-tapping honorable mentions.
“Power Rangers Dino Charge” (2015) & “Power Rangers Dino Super Charge” (2016)
“Power Rangers Jungle Fury” (2008)
#1: “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
Taking the number one spot is the earworm that started it all. Though it only has six different words in the lyrics, they speak volumes when combined with Ron Wasserman’s heavy metal music, as he practically cheers the Rangers on. The extended version with additional lyrics perfectly highlights just how powerful our heroes really are. There have been dozens of remixes and covers of the original song –including Noam Kaniel’s cover for Samurai. Still, whether it’s Ron Wasserman, Noam Kaniel, or the movie chorus’ cover, you’re guaranteed to be hooked as soon as you hear those fateful words. – “Go Go Power Rangers!”