Top 10 Smite God Skins

So divine! Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Smite God Skins. For this list, we're calling upon the best designs released for Smite Gods, taking into account both the visual feast on offer and their divine voice packs.
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#10: Thanatos - Jack the Reaper
Chills. When conquering the lands of Smite, there are few who can conjure fright as effectively as this badass. With epic gold armour, flames and the headless floating pumpkin head, this seasonal skin is cool all year round. But since it is based so heavily on Halloween, it’s best used at that time of year, especially with such a haunting voice, the organ pipes and that absolutely terrifying laugh. There’s nothing quite like having Jack the Reaper dive bombing into battle when he uses Hovering Death.
#9: Apollo - Elite Agent
More like Super Agent. With dual wielding pistols, witty remarks, and a helicopter entrance, Apollo, Agent Apollo, is one of the funnest gods to play as. The radio chatter voice pack and detailed stealth gear make you feel like you’re playing a super powered Solid Snake, strangely in his element surrounded by godly chaos. Players who come from an action game background will certainly feel right at home.
#8: Ra - Ra’merica
In Ra we trust. With stars emanating as he fires off attacks, red and blue strobe lights, and a giant firework on the tip of his weapon, this bald eagle is a fantastic tribute to the land of the free. Released for to celebrate July 4th, he will even try to sing the Star Spangled Banner, as best he could mind you. His vocal pack leans more on the comedic side, but it fits just fine for someone who Smites with the stars and stripes. We salute you.
#7: Neith - Ms. Diagnosis
Oh doctor. Neith is already a pretty fanservice-y character, so it makes sense that she’d go all the way and sport and equally fan service intensive nurse outfit. Although, it should be noted that since she’s normally hardly ever wearing anything anyway, this skin actually covers her up quite a bit. Then again, let’s face it, her pseudo-bed side banter really sells her as the very naughty nurse that she is.
#6: Bakasura - Feaster Bunny
Happy Feaster. When he takes that hood off, the stuff of nightmares emerges. Red eyes, green vomit, and pink fur all make for one of the most horrifying skins out there. Aside from his undeniably frightening appearance, terrible sounds this seasonal monstrosity produces are some of the best you’ll hear, and spawning mini Feaster Bunnies really doesn’t get old. Hopefully you got the chance to nab this seasonal exclusive skin before it was too late.
#5: Geb - G.E.B. 1
Target acquired. Geb is already an imposing force to be reckoned with, but upgrade to this battle ready mech and your enemies will cower in fear of this sci-fi inspired design. Transforming into an aerial warship and using mini jet fighters are only some of the perks this skin delivers. His robotic voice has an omnipotent aura about it, making this mech a true god amongst robots. Those double kills never felt so good.
#4: Poseidon - Poolseidon
Ah, summer; a time when even the lowliest bro can feel like a god. This first limited edition skin proved how much fun Hi-Rez Studios would be having with their game. Not only did they transform the terrifying Kraken into Quaken, but they also shackled the god of the sea with some water wings and a brutal sunburn. That giant pool noodle may seem silly at first, but as anyone who’s bit hit with one can tell you, those things really pack a wallop, in game and in RL.
#3: Freya - Pixel Buster
All your base are belong to us! Teeming with old school video game charm, this god has all the amazing retro sound bytes to make every match a trip down memory lane. Seemingly a mashup of Tron and Megama, references aside, this skin just looks great. It’ll definitely score extra points among those who recall the references, but shooting pixel blocks should please players of any generation.
#2: Athena - Red Star
Back in the U.S.S.R. Transforming this Greek goddess into a Russian star gave us one hell of a soldier. Sort of dressed for those cold winters, it’s her accent that really sells us on her geographic move. That is, if the star on the edge of her spear is imagery that’s too subtle for you to have interpreted. Simple but effective, the cold war never looked so hot.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Isis (Scarlet Coven)
Hercules (Derpules)
He Bo (He Bro)
Chaac (Slaughterhouse)
Aphrodite (Afro-Dite)
#1: Mercury (Mercury Run.exe)
Energize! As if he wasn’t fast enough, this skin sells his speed like no other. This Tron inspired look coupled with his deep and frightening voice makes every insult he spouts hurt so much more. Not only does he zoom across the battlefield in a blur, but catching a glimpse of him is a sure sign that serious smiting is about to happen. As funny as he can be, we like our gods to inspire fear in others, and that’s why we can’t stop choosing this amazing skin for glorious punching action. Smite on!
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