Top 10 Things on iCarly That Made NO Sense

#10: Carly, Sam & Freddie’s Dynamic
The “iCarly” cast always shared great comedic chemistry, but we’re not entirely convinced that these characters would be so compatible in real life. While Carly can be mischievous, she’s generally kind-hearted. Would she really be best friends with an aggressive criminal like Sam? We have an even harder time believing that Freddie would date Sam given all the times that she’s physically harmed him. Freddie is briefly with Carly and Sam at different points in the show, although it never takes long for things to go back to the status quo. When friends date and break up, it can create an uncomfortable tension in the group dynamic. Yet, that tension is virtually nonexistent here. Sam and Carly never even really discuss their mutual love interest.
#9: Why Aren’t Ms. Briggs & Mr. Howard Fired?
“iHave My Principals”
In a Season 3 episode, the superintendent fires Principal Franklin after he appears on “iCarly.” Why? Because emerging from gigantic pants and sitting on fudge balls is most unorthodox! While that’s hardly grounds to terminate someone, what’s even more impractical is that Ms. Briggs and Mr. Howard are put in charge. Unlike Franklin, Briggs and Howard do commit several fireable offenses. They spy on the students via hidden cameras, turning the school into a totalitarian state. Gibby gets detention for being “too Gibby” and Howard makes fun of Freddie’s face, which sounds like discrimination to us. They also institute a school uniform policy, although we’re pretty sure that would be a school board decision. While Franklin is reinstated, Briggs and Howard somehow remain employed.
#8: Hire Two Interns
“ iHire an Idiot”
To help with the workload for “iCarly,” the gang hires an intern named Cort in Season 4. Although Cort is completely incompetent, Carly and Sam insist on keeping him because he’s such a hunk. What makes this especially frustrating for Freddie is that they could’ve hired Brad, who’s technologically inclined and makes fudge! But wait, this is an unpaid internship. So, why not just hire Brad and Cort? Then everyone’s happy. Instead, Freddie fires back by hiring an equally bumbling intern named Ashley. The three friends clash, insisting that either Cort or Ashley has to go. Again, why can there only be one intern? This isn’t “Highlander!” In any case, both are let go, although it turns out Ashley was only pretending to be stupid.
#7: Freddie’s First Kiss
“iWill Date Freddie” & “iKiss”
Freddie is left humiliated in the second season when Sam announces to the “iCarly” audience that he’s never kissed someone before. The thing is that Freddie did share a kiss the previous season with a girl named Valerie. It wasn’t just an innocent peck on the cheek either. It was a kiss on the lips, which fellow student Jeremy describes as “impressive.” To the show’s credit, this plot point isn’t outright ignored. Freddie acknowledges that he did kiss Valerie, although he claims this doesn’t count because it was for less than a second while several others were standing around. Why doesn’t that count, though? It might not have been the first kiss that meant something special to him, but a kiss is still a kiss.
#6: Sam the Beauty Pageant Contestant
“iMake Sam Girlier” & “iWas a Pageant Girl”
To impress her crush, Sam lets Carly make her “girlier” in a Season 2 episode. The following season, however, it’s revealed that Sam used to be a pageant girl, getting second place on 19 occasions. If Sam has a history in beauty pageants, why did she need Carly to give her a makeover? Maybe Sam simply forgot everything she learned after so much time. When she enters another pageant to finally beat an old rival, though, Sam blows the judges away with an impromptu dance number. If Sam could remember the “train station routine,” we think she could remember how to get dolled up. We’re also not sure how Sam won this pageant, considering how she did in the other categories outside of the talent competition.
#5: Nevel Is Carly’s Boyfriend in an Alternate Universe
Parodying “It’s a Wonderful Life,” Carly sees what the world would be like if Spencer was born normal. In this alternate reality, Carly isn’t friends with Sam or Freddie and therefore never created “iCarly.” Worst of all, Carly is dating her nemesis, Nevel Papperman. Hold on a second! Carly first encountered Nevel when she tried to get him to write a review for her website. If “iCarly” never existed, Carly and Nevel likely wouldn’t even know each other. They don’t go to the same school, they have no friends in common, and it’s hard to imagine any universe where Carly would like Nevel. You could argue that this was simply all a dream, but it’s still unclear if Carly’s guardian angel was real or not.
#4: Spencer’s Income
Becoming an artist after dropping out of law school, Spencer doesn’t have the most lucrative job. Yet, he can afford to live in a massive Seattle apartment, complete with multiple bedrooms, kitchen and living areas, and a spacious studio where “iCarly” is shot. Speaking of which, we guess Freddie borrows the tech equipment from the AV Club, but who’s paying for all of the wacky props on “iCarly?” Once the rent’s paid, Spencer still has enough money left over to buy movie memorabilia and replace Carly’s worldly possessions after burning her room down. Maybe the government is paying the bills since Spencer and Carly’s father is in the Air Force. Given their extravagant lifestyle, however, you’d think that Uncle Sam would’ve cut them off.
#3: Spencer Inadvertently Setting Things on Fire
Carly’s room wasn’t the first thing that Spencer accidentally set on fire and it wouldn’t be the last. Arguably the show’s funniest running gag, Spencer attracts fires like bees to honey. We can definitely see how cooking stir-fry, baking bread, or setting up faulty electrical wiring might result in a fire. Most of the time, however, Spencer’s fires defy all logic. Whether he’s playing the drums, ringing a front desk bell, or ironically using a fire extinguisher, Spencer can start a fire even when there’s nothing flammable around. As hilarious as this is, it also makes no sense whatsoever. We’re heard of playing with fire, but can fire play with you?
#2: People Think Fred Is Funny
Lucas Cruikshank, aka Fred, is a divisive comedian, to say the least. Although his popularity online amounted to a film series and several television appearances, a lot of people find Fred’s brand of comedy obnoxious. In this episode, Freddie is seemingly the only person who doesn’t think that Fred is a comedic genius. This encourages Fred to quit, albeit as a publicity stunt, which causes “iCarly” to lose viewers. The episode acts as if you have to like Fred, even to the point that Freddie is basically bullied into apologizing for having a different opinion. Considering that “Fred: The Movie” has a 0% score on Rotten Tomatoes, we think it’s safe to say that Freddie isn’t Fred’s only critic, contrary to what this episode suggests.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Gibby Exposes Himself on Live Television, “iShock America”
But “Jimmy Fallon” Isn’t a Live Show
Sam Checks Herself Into a Mental Hospital, “iLost My Mind”
How Did a Minor Do This Without Parental Consent?
Nevel Hacks iCarly, “iRue the Day”
Why Not Post a Message, Letting Viewers Know That The Website Got Hacked?
The Car Giveaway, “iGive Away a Car”
Nevel Tries Getting iCarly Shut Down for Fraud… By Committing Fraud Himself
What Did the Goat Do?, “iGot a Hot Room”
Seriously, This Question Still Keeps Us Up at Night
#1: A Universe of Doppelgangers
Many of Dan Schneider’s sitcoms seem to exist in the same universe. This has amounted to some fun crossovers, most notably “iParty with Victorious,” but it also raises several questions. In the “Victorious” crossover, it’s mentioned that Tori Vega shares a resemblance to Shelby Marx. That’s because they’re both played by Victoria Justice. So, are Tori and Shelby doppelgangers? Well, not exactly since Justice was also Lola Martinez on “Zoey 101,” which has a few connections to “iCarly” and “Victorious.” Does that make them all triplegangers? Justice is far from the only one who’s played multiple characters in the so-called Schneider-verse. While we don’t have time to go over them all, Carly occasionally watches “Drake & Josh,” which Miranda Cosgrove previously starred in as Megan Parker.