Top 10 Things You Missed in Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 1

With “Obi-Wan Kenobi” now wrapped up, it's time to go over all the hidden details you may have missed! For this list, we’ll be consolidating the most interesting and fun bits of easter eggs, callbacks and so forth that might’ve gone over your head from this Jedi-centric show. Major spoilers ahead! Our countdown includes the T-16 Skyhopper, Tala's abandoned comlink, The New & Not-So-Improved Interrogation Chamber, and more! Do you want them to make a Season 2? If so, what do you want to see? Let us know in the comments!
#10: The Revenge of the Sith
“Part III”
Obi-Wan and Anakin’s first meeting in the ten years since their fateful duel on Mustafar has Vader opt for a very particular method of torture. At the end of “Episode III,” Obi-Wan cuts off Anakin’s remaining limbs at the edge of the lava bank. Anakin’s precarious position eventually causes him to catch fire as a resigned Obi-Wan looks on in heartbreak. Here, harboring resentment for his former Master, Vader naturally gets poetic by setting ablaze some flammable rocks. Though he doesn’t say it explicitly, it’s clear that Vader is dragging Obi-Wan across the flames as comeuppance for what happened to him. Thankfully, though, Obi-Wan’s rescued by Tala before things can get quite as ugly.
#9: Tala’s Abandoned Comlink
“Part IV”
“Part IV” holds many parallels to Leia’s Death Star rescue in “A New Hope.” But more observant fans have noticed that this rescue follows very similar beats. In particular, Tala relays Leia’s location on Fortress Inquisitorius to Obi-Wan but is approached by a suspicious Imperial officer. Upon being drawn away, she leaves behind her comlink, though Obi-Wan remains ignorant of this. It’s a small moment, but it harkens back to the original movie when C-3PO has to leave his behind to deal with some stormtroopers. Also unaware, our heroes, about to be garbage-mashed, call out in distress only to similarly get radio silence. Thankfully for Obi-Wan, his circumstances aren’t quite as dire.
#8: Screaming Stormtrooper
“Part III”
The Wilhelm scream is a popular inside joke within the industry, and any movie buff will be sure to pick up on it whenever it shows up. While “Part III” of “Obi-Wan Kenobi” doesn’t feature the exact sound effect, it does harken back to a particular use of it in the original “Star Wars” movie. Specifically, it comes when Luke and Leia are in the midst of a shootout with Stormtroopers on the Death Star, and it comes when Luke blasts one off a ledge. Here, Obi-Wan is forced to fight Stormtroopers upon being discovered at a checkpoint on Mapuzo. When he blasts one from his perch and sends him to a brutal demise on the laser gate below, we hear a very similar sort of scream.
#7: Thermal Detonator
“Part V”
Escaping the Empire doesn’t come without its fair share of sacrifices, first and foremost being Tala. After being wounded by blaster fire, she chooses to take as many Stromtroopers with her as possible via a thermal detonator. The last time we saw this was in “Return of the Jedi,” where Leia threatens Jabba with an explosive end if he doesn't give into her demands. Given how Jabba talks her out of it, we don’t get to see just how potent the explosion could be. Now we know, and it is a doozy! Might be something for Mando to stock up on.
#6: Quinlan’s True Eyes
“Part III”
Upon learning of an Underground Railroad of sorts from Tala, Obi-Wan sees that fellow Jedi Quinlan Vos is alive and has been helping, leaving an intriguing message scrawled on the wall. While this adage can be adopted in a myriad of ways, the fact that it comes from Quinlan makes us wonder if it’s a reference to his special ability. Namely, Quinlan’s retrocognition allows him to touch objects and see the memories of those associated with it. In any case, we’d be more than thrilled to see Quinlan in live-action, you know, aside from the kid version that appears in the background of “The Phantom Menace.”
#5: Frozen Jedi
“Part IV”
Hands down, the “Part IV” moment that shakes us to our core is when Obi-Wan discovers scores of deceased Jedi frozen in some sort of liquid on Fortress Inquisitorius. While we could probably make a reference to Marvel’s The Collector, we’re more interested in identifying any familiar faces. While some fans claim to see Mace Windu somewhere, the two most seem to be identifying are Coleman Kcaj and Tera Sinube. While we still don’t have confirmation, the former Ongree does seem to be on Obi-Wan’s right as he enters the chamber. And the latter Cosian might be the first one he looks at directly. Whether we know these Jedi or not, though, the scene remains chilling all the same.
#4: The New & Not-So-Improved Interrogation Chamber
“Part IV”
For general viewers, the Fortress Inquisitorius will seem like a fresh, new location in “Star Wars” lore. But for gamers, they’re already more than familiar with it having played “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.” At the end of the game, players are confronted by Vader in the Interrogation Chamber where Reva takes Leia in “Obi-Wan.” While the room looks a little different five canonical years later, that’s understandable seeing as Vader kinda wrecked the place the first time out. It also isn’t the first time the glass has been replaced, as Vader had to hold back rushing water in the tunnel much in the same way Obi-Wan has to here. Maybe thicker glass next time, fellas?
#3: Who Really Killed Anakin
“Part VI”
Among other things, “Obi-Wan Kenobi” has done an excellent job of recontextualizing key relationships in “Star Wars.” Take for instance how Obi-Wan breaks down to Luke the Anakin-Vader dynamic in “A New Hope.” While some fans - not to mention Luke himself - have criticized Obi-Wan’s “certain point of view,” the series finale here shows where Obi-Wan’s perspective originated. After Obi-Wan apologizes to his former Padawan, Vader assures him that he didn’t kill the man formerly known as Anakin - Vader did. Does this let Obi-Wan off the hook for misleading Luke? Maybe not. But it at least shows this is Vader’s own take on things, too. And who is Obi-Wan to argue?
#2: T-16 Skyhopper
“Part I”
It’s always the little things that leave the biggest impact. After getting his hands on a toy ship from a Jawa, Obi-Wan chooses to leave it for Luke as a gift. At least until Owen decides to return it, in pieces. The model is that of a T-16 skyhopper. Not only do we see an older Luke playing around with one in “A New Hope,” but he makes a point of mentioning before the assault on the Death Star that he used to fly around on a real one, shooting up womp rats back in the day. No shooting up womp rats means no target practice, no target practice means the Death Star doesn’t get blown to pieces. We can’t say this all stemmed from a toy that Obi-Wan left him, but it’s a really nice touch that has some larger-than-life implications.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Call Me “Darth,” “Part VI”
Now We Know Why Obi-Wan Calls Vader “Darth” in “A New Hope”
Force Sensitive Leia, “Part I”
Already Leia’s Displaying Her Talent for the Force
No Lightsabers, No Problem, “Part V”
Vader’s Showing of the Force Practically Makes Us Forget the Weapon Exists
Leia’s Only Hope, “Part IV”
As Resourceful as Leia Already Is, We Remember Who Her Real “Only Hope” Is
Vader’s Wheeze, “Part VI”
We Thought We Heard a Little “Return of the Jedi” in There…
#1: Vader’s Scar
“Part VI”
Obi-Wan’s “Part VI” clash with Vader is epic, to say the least. And seeing him go beast mode in the second half of it is everything we wanted. Much like how he damages Vader’s breathing systems, Obi-Wan slashes open a gash in Vader’s helmet, exposing his face in a very similar manner to what Ahsoka does in “Rebels.” But less noticeable is perhaps the laceration Obi-Wan gives Vader atop his head. While this may look like any old wound, fans will notice it being in the exact same spot as the scar an unmasked Vader later sports in “Return of the Jedi.” We didn’t necessarily need to know how Vader got that scar, but learning it came from Obi-Wan in a pivotal moment is incredibly satisfying.