Top 10 Times Chandler Was the Most Relatable Friend

#10: We Never Run Into Beyoncé
“The One Where Estelle Dies”
If the world is as small as they say, why have we never run into anyone super cool and famous? Just as he and Monica are about to close on their new home, they decide to check out the house next door. While looking around, they meet the person who could become their new neighbor. Janice is delighted by the reunion, but Chandler doesn’t exactly share her excitement. Why is it that the world is only small when we run into the people we can’t seem to shake off? Yet, when we even just think about meeting that special someone, suddenly, it becomes so much bigger. We’re with Chandler; so unfair.
#9: Wondering if You’d Have Better Dating Luck Elsewhere
“The One With Christmas in Tulsa”
Thanks to apps and online dating, we now have more control over how far we want to cast our dating net. Even so, many of us still wonder if we’d have better luck finding our special someone if we moved elsewhere. Chandler rethinks his dating history after his colleague Wendy hits on him while they’re alone in the Tulsa office during the holidays. He’s surprised by her attention and wonders if perhaps his better qualities are more appreciated in Oklahoma. We totally get it! How many bad dates, left swipes, and zero matches can you endure before you start considering whether a change of address may be the answer?
#8: Being Embarrassed by a Parent
“The One with Mrs. Bing”
When someone becomes a parent, are they given a handbook on how to embarrass their children? Because it sure seems like it! Okay, so not all of us have folks who share intimate details of our lives and theirs on national television. Still, most of us know the feeling of being mortified by something our parents have said or done all too well. Watching this scene where Chandler’s mom gives such candid answers during her interview with Jay Leno sure makes us grateful for our family’s anonymity. Still, who can’t relate to having a relative say something so painfully humiliating that you wish you could just burst into flames?
#7: Not Knowing When to Stop Talking
This one will resonate with the more socially awkward among us— although chances are we’ve all been there at some point. While Chandler is well known for his quick and biting wit, he sometimes misses the mark on social interactions. But don’t worry, he’s painfully self-aware, as many of us tend to be. In fact, in the uncut version of “The One with the Fake Party,” he proudly declares: “I say more dumb things before 9 a.m. than most people say all day.” He also uses humor as a defense mechanism in awkward situations, like when he and Monica run into Richard on their big date. He really couldn’t BE any more relatable!
#6: Feeling Uncomfortable during Emotional Moments
“The One With Rachel's Going Away Party”
As we just said, Chandler often uses his sense of humor to mask his feelings. During Rachel’s going away party, she takes each of her friends (minus Ross) aside for a personal farewell. When it’s Chandler’s turn, he quickly interrupts her to share how he truly feels before his defense mechanism kicks in. It’s a sweet moment, but before the first tear has finished rolling down our cheek, he ruins the vibe with a classic Chandler gag. Sometimes, it’s easier to turn to levity rather than sit in our pain and sorrow. Not everyone feels comfortable showing vulnerability, either. But you know what? It’s so Chandler, which makes the perfect goodbye.
#5: He’s “Hopeless and Awkward & Desperate for Love”
“The One With the Metaphorical Tunnel”
Affairs of the heart can get messy, and perhaps no one knows that better than Chandler. We all winced when he tried to break up with Janice in season one— although we’re not sure whether it’s because it’s excruciatingly awkward to watch or because we’ve been there ourselves. As confused as we were when they eventually got back together, we also kind of understood. The idea of getting back with an ex when we’ve been single for too long has definitely crossed our minds, too. But when he’s finally ready to commit to the relationship, he comes on a little strong, scaring off Janice. Us too, Chandler, us too.
#4: When the Food Is SO Good
“The One with All the Cheesecakes”
We think Joey speaks for us all when he says. But he’s not the only “Friends” character who understands the value of a good meal, or in this case dessert. When Chandler finds a cheesecake outside the apartment, he can’t resist tucking in. He gets Rachel to taste it, too, and soon enough, they both crave more. Eventually, they give in to their sweet tooth, prompting Chandler to say. Re-la-ta-ble. Sometimes, food is just so good that nothing will stop you from cleaning your plate in its entirety. You know, that one dish you’ll unbutton your pants for - or get Thanksgiving maternity pants for - so you feel less restricted? We’re practically salivating just thinking about it.
#3: You Come to Chandler for Jokes, Not Advice
“The One With the Tea Leaves”
Not all friends are built the same. Some are better at making you laugh, some are great when you need a comforting shoulder to cry on, and others are good at offering advice. We would say that Chandler fits neatly in that first category. So, we can understand his confusion when Rachel asks him for advice about her relationship with Joey. If you’re anything like Chandler, you probably feel as flustered as he looks when anyone turns to you for answers. But as Chandler taught us, if you’re not great at doling out advice, it’s always worth having a sarcastic comment on hand. Or, at the very least, some cheese.
#2: Sticking to a Fitness Program
“The One With the Ballroom Dancing”
Raise your hand if you have a gym membership. Keep it raised if you actually use it. Those of us who lowered our hands probably feel like that arm-raising activity was enough of a workout for now. It probably also means that you relate strongly to Chandler here, too. We all promise ourselves we’ll start going one day, but in the meantime, the only thing being tightened is our bank accounts. Just don’t ever expect to find us at the gym on Sundays. Chandler’s right; that’s a day for resting. Maybe the motivation will finally strike one day, but so far, it hasn’t been our day, our week, our month, or even our year.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Processing Emotions, “The One Where Chandler Can't Cry”
Hey, Not All of Us Wear Our Hearts on Our Sleeves, We Get It!
Telling a White Lie for the Sake of His Relationship, “The One With Joey's Bag”
The Things We’ll Do for Love, Eh?
Why He Doesn’t Dance at Weddings, “The One with All the Wedding Dresses”
This Is Why Our Dance Parties Take Place in the Privacy of Our Own Rooms
Calling Out Privilege, “The One With the List”
If You Haven’t Used This Quote, You’ve at Least Thought about It, We Know We Have!
Being Relatably Awkward, “The One with the Blackout”
Been There, Done That, Felt the Cringe Big Time
#1: Figuring Out What He Wants to Do in Life
“The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work”
Not knowing what you want to do with your life is probably one of the most universally relatable frustrations of adulthood. There’s always so much pressure to have things figured out by a certain age, but in reality, few people do. After years as a… “Transponster?” Chandler quits his job to pursue his passion. Only he doesn’t know what that is. The overwhelming anxiety that comes with finding our path and then dealing with resumes, interviews, and rejections is something many of us know all too well. Still, if Chandler could start his journey in his 30s, we felt reassured that we didn’t need to have everything figured out yet, either.
Which Chandler moment do you think couldn’t BE more relatable? Sharing it in the comments would be perfection.