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Top 10 Times Streamers Got Instant Karma

Top 10 Times Streamers Got Instant Karma
These streamers acted out and got instant karma for it! For this list, we'll be looking at the iffy behavior of streamers that gave them a great heaping dose of justice in a timely fashion. Our countdown includes Becoming What They Hate, Line Skipping, Car-sequences, Premature Teabag, and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Times Streamers Got Instant Karma. For this list, we’ll be looking at the iffy behavior of streamers that gave them a great heaping dose of justice in a timely fashion. Have you ever experienced instant consequences when gaming? Let us know below!

#10: Premature Teabag

When you get that perfect shot in a game, it feels like your life is complete and nothing can go wrong…ever. Then, reality comes along and ruins that. And that was the case for Webzy as the streamer was having a swell time in “Call of Duty: Warzone.” After taking out two people with the circle of gas closing in, one isn’t quite down. But rather than finish the job, Webzy does a bit of a teabagging celebration. Unfortunately, the downed victim gets up and wipes him out instantly. Whoops. Reddit user “hodl_this,” the person rising from the ashes in Webzy’s video, even uploaded their own clip from their perspective, making the incident even more delightful.

#9: Price Isn't Right

Sometimes, even the NPCs can get some accidental karma, as Reddit user “pinkasfloyd7” shows us. Playing “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare,” Floyd was taking out foes in the prison section of the story. Just as they hid after getting some damage, a stranger danger NPC materializes next to them. However, unfortunately for them, COD legend Captain John Price pops up behind them and takes them out. Price, who was taking a long, smug drag on his cigar to celebrate, suddenly suffers brutal consequences. Out of nowhere, an assassin takes out the Captain just as the cutscene kicks in. If you slow down the footage, you can see Price’s shocked face just before he’s struck, which is amazing and horrifying.

#8: Swing Low

Is there anything more relaxing than swinging on a tire swing in a forest with your chums? Maybe, but this was a task that streamers Greekgodx, Nmplol, and Malena got up to. With Greekgodx swinging about, he’s having a tough time. The tire keeps knocking a rock on the floor, causing him some pain. So, he asks the others for help to stop him. While Nmplol turns him down, Malena, who’s filming, goes over to help. But instead, she pushes the tire and proudly cackles. As Greekgodx claims he’s about to fall, Malena forgets to look where she’s walking. She trips and lands on the floor as the other two mock her. Mother nature likes to dunk on streamers apparently.

#7: Line Skipping

When you think of the worst people in the world, the ones that skip queues are right up there. Maybe at the tippy-top! Summit1g decided to do just this dastardly deed in “Grand Theft Auto Online.” He went to try his hand at the Diamond Casino Lucky Wheel game, hoping to nab some big rewards. As it’s a popular event, many players are waiting in line. But Summit1g pretends someone called “Larry” is saving his space, so he jumps ahead. Well, when it’s his turn, he narrowly misses out on a major prize. But to make it even more delightful, watch the streamer’s face as he realizes if he stayed where he was originally in the queue, they would have won $10,000. Perfection.

#6: Timing Is Everything

Hackers and cheaters should stick to playing single player games where they can run riot to their heart’s content. But, to get a warped sense of pride when they sort of win, they sometimes dabble in breaking the rules when facing other players. And when Twitter user “Desperado” was playing “Valorant,” they faced off against a hacker. Afterward, “Desperado” was talking to another user about the incident. They mentioned they reported the hacker but they hadn’t been removed for some reason. With the stars aligning perfectly, as soon as they sent the message, the game’s anti-cheating system kicked in and banned the cheater.

#5: Car-sequences

One joy of facing off against real people online is that ANYTHING can happen. When playing a match in “Halo: Infinite,” Reddit user “Error0117” was going on a mini-rampage. But before they could really get going, they’re cut down in their prime. Rubbing disrespectful salt in the wound, the other gamer decided to keep firing away at Error for a good and uncomfortable time. Eventually, the gamer gets bored. As they run off to continue their celebration, an accidental hero makes their entrance. Driving an iconic Warthog, the hero comes around the corner, hits the assassin, and launches them into the distance like a “Halo”-themed home run.

#4: Fire Safety

If you’re ever doing a sketch in a video game, always keep an eye on your environment. Otherwise, you could end up like Lirik’s character, Avon Barksdale. While enjoying “Grand Theft Auto Online,” Lirik, with his arms crossed for some reason, decided to harass some beer-drinking NPCs hanging out by a campfire on the beach. After yelling some curses and insults, Lirik gets more physical when the NPCs don't react. So, he knocked one out. As the remaining two ran off, Lirik stepped onto the fire, lighting his character ablaze. After some screaming, he quickly perished as his friends mourned his fiery and dramatic end.

#3: Becoming What They Hate

For some reason, people really love simulators. They seem to enjoy frolicking in the virtual job, often doing the task well and professionally. For streamer “Schlutt” he decided to dabble in driving a truck across the highways. Feeling passionate about his responsibilities, “Schlutt” rants about irresponsible drivers. At the same time, he was drinking. “Schlutt” spoke about drunk crashers making good drunk drivers look bad by association. As he smugly states he can drive perfectly, he clips some traffic cones and loses control. After dodging one car, he then plows into the back of a lorry. We love a good dose of irony with our karma.

#2: Road Rage

With the song “Just The Two of Us” playing, you might have the feeling you’re about to watch some nice, relaxing quad-bike driving across the “Grand Theft Auto Online” landscape. But boy, things go off the rails in a flash. After nearly crashing, TikTok user “ajmt2204” just about managed to react in time. Angry at the near-collision, they kick the offending vehicle. Well, that was a bad move, as this upset the NPC, who seemingly had their aggression level set high. This revenge-seeking character went after the streamer with a vengeance. Before they could ram into “ajmt2204,” the gamer put the brakes on. Unfortunately, the NPC didn’t react quickly enough. They went straight into a gas station, exploding on impact. Whoops.

#1: Thieving Going Really Wrong

Sometimes, NPCs who do bad deeds can discover that karma doesn’t care if you’re human or code. It comes for us all! While trekking through the wilderness in “Red Dead Redemption 2,” Reddit user “Rooonaldooo99” was targeted by a horse thief. After chucking Ronaldo off the creature, the NPC went to ride off into the sunset with this new friend…only, the steed wasn’t keen on the blossoming relationship. It bucked, forcing the NPC to the floor. Showing his name-sake skills, Ronaldo boots the fallen character into unconsciousness. For an added dose of justice, the animal chooses this moment to “see a man about a horse.”
