Top 10 Unanswered Questions In The Witcher Season 1
![Top 10 Unanswered Questions In The Witcher Season 1](/uploads/blipthumbs/WM-TV-Top10-Unanswered-Questions-In-The-Witcher-Season-1_E2S3Q6-1_480.webp)
#10: Will Geralt Train Ciri?
At long last, the White Wolf and the Swallow have found each other; but where do they go from here? With Ciri now under Geralt’s protection, we have to wonder if he’ll teach his new surrogate daughter the way of the sword. If that’s the case, not only can we expect to see the former princess learn to excel with the blade, but perhaps it could lead to the two visiting Kaer Morhen – where Geralt was trained as a witcher. It would be a great way to introduce such an iconic location, not to mention Geralt’s mentor Vesemir . . . possibly played by Mark Hamill?
#9: Can Yennefer Ever Have Children?
Beauty, in exchange for fertility. That was the price that Yennefer paid when the magical artisan Giltine transformed her from a hunchback into the most dazzling sorceress in the Northern Kingdoms. However, time has certainly soured this arrangement, with Yen spending the latter half of the first season trying to reclaim her ability to have a child of her own. As such, we have to wonder if this goal of hers will continue into Season Two, or if a budding relationship with Cirilla will be enough to fill that void.
#8: What Will Happen in the Conflict Between Humans & Other Races?
Here’s a shocker – turns out that in this world humans are assholes, especially to other sentient races. With human expansion on the Continent, intelligent humanoid races have been forced into rapidly dwindling territories. We’ve seen this with Filavandrel’s Elves, who appear on the verge of lashing out; and with the Dryads of Brokilon, who fight tooth-and-nail to defend their borders. Others have had to assimilate into human society, but their frustrations aren’t far beneath the surface. As for non-humanoids, they seem to have it even worse. We’ve also seen humans trying to kill dragons for their eggs . . . and then there was the time that prick of a knight Sir Eyck slaughtered a starving Hirikka “for kingdom and glory”.
#7: What’s Vilgefortz’s Plan?
Surprise! Turns out this swashbuckling mage is actually a turncoat. Following his apparent defeat at the hands of Cahir, Vilgefortz brushes himself off and leaves the battlefield. On the way, he encounters a wounded mage who managed to defeat a horde of Nilfgaardian soldiers. Does he help his fallen comrade out? Nope. He grabs a nearby mace and beats him to death. So, what’s his real agenda? Does he have a deal with Nilfgaard? And why did he go out of his way to recruit Yennefer? At least he’s set himself up rather nicely as an antagonist for Season Two.
#6: What’s the Conjunction of the Spheres?
How did humans get here in the first place? Where did they come FROM? And what about monsters? How all these people and creatures ended up in one place is only mentioned briefly in the series; an event referred to as the Conjunction of the Spheres. Here’s hoping they expand on this further down the line, as exploration of the Continent’s history would help to give new light on the origins of the true forerunners of this land, as well as what caused the Conjunction in the first place. Was it preordained or simply the largest cosmic accident to ever occur?
#5: What’s the Aftermath of the Battle of Sodden Hill?
The clash between the Nilfgaardian Empire and a small group of mages was one of the defining moments of the first season. Not only did it give us a slew of fantastic fight scenes, it also brought Yennefer’s story full circle as she unleashed chaos - choosing to save others instead of herself. With the battlefield now a scorched wasteland, Season Two has a lot of loose ends to tie up. Has Nilfgaard abandoned its campaign, or are they simply preparing for the next phase of their attack? What became of Tissaia and the other survivors? At least tell us there’s no more of those creepy silver worm things slithering about!
#4: Will Triss Have a Bigger Role in the Story?
Complaints about her appearance aside, Triss Merigold’s role in the show was still significant, as both an ally to Geralt during his Striga investigation, and a first line of defence at the battle of Sodden. However, given that certain audiences already know her as a powerful magic user in her own right, and an essential part of the White Wolf’s inner circle, we have to wonder if Season Two will give fans what they want and boost Triss’ status from background character to spotlight sharer. Who knows, maybe there’ll even be romance in the future after all . . .
#3: What’s the Nature of Ciri's Power?
Much like her mother before her, Ciri appears to have a power deep inside her that’s beyond anything the Brotherhood of Sorcerers are capable of. All we know is that when it flares up, the ladies of this bloodline go into some manner of trance, while everything is decimated around them. Pavetta nearly consumed the Cintra banquet in a storm, while Ciri ended up crushing a field and its occupants when she was attacked by her former friends. How did this power come to be part of her bloodline?Does she have a larger destiny? Here’s hoping she learns to harness her power sooner rather later…
#2: What Happened to Yennefer After the Battle?
You’d think that after single-handedly putting a stop to the Nilgaardian army, Yennefer would stick around, perhaps help out her fellow mages and prepare for the inevitable counterattack. But nope. Instead she appears to have vanished without a trace. Did she use up all her chaos and pass out? Was she somehow teleported away? Or did she simply high-tail it after scorching the Empire’s goons to ashes? While there’s vastly different consequences for each answer, we can at least assume Geralt is going to track her down one way or another.
#1: What Was Geralt's Last Wish?
It’s the action that not only saved Yennefer’s life from a wrathful djinn, but also seems to have forever tied her and Geralt’s fates together . . . for better or worse. While the exact phrasing behind the Witcher’s final wish remains unknown, he and Yen seem to be tethered together, constantly running into each other no matter where in the world they go. Kind of handy if you’re head over heels in love, but pretty awkward if you’ve just gone through the split of the century. Fans have their theories, Henry Cavill has his theories, let’s just hope the showrunners clue us in!