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Top 10 Video Game Weapons That Suck in Real Life

Top 10 Video Game Weapons That Suck in Real Life
VOICE OVER: Riccardo Tucci
Let's just be grateful none of these exist in real life! For this list we'll be looking at Video Game Weapons that are even worse than their real life counterparts from games such as Fallout 4, Borderlands, Mass Effect and Halo. Did any of your favorites make the list? Let us know in the comments!

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Top 10 Futuristic Video Game Weapons That Are Worse Than Real Weapons

Sometimes, we question the logic behind futuristic video game weapons. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Futuristic Video Game Weapons That Are Worse Than Real Weapons.

For this list, we’ll be looking at futuristic video game guns that, if they existed in the real world, wouldn’t be all that great compared to the weapons we already have.

#10: Junk Jet

“Fallout 4” (2015)

Similar to Fallout 3’s Rock-It Launcher, the Junk Jet can take nearly any junk item and propel it at targets with a powerful force. While this sounds incredibly useful -both in and out of the virtual world, when you get down to it ...the weapon is just an over glorified slingshot. Near limitless ammunition sounds great on paper, but constantly having to scrounge around for ammo would be time-consuming -and you can’t exactly carry all that ammo around. This is without even addressing the size and weight of the actual weapon, which would be cumbersome on its own. You’d get more use out of carrying a regular RPG.

#9: Tediore Weapons

“Borderlands” series (2012-)

Who doesn’t love explosions? Well, we’d imagine soldiers wouldn’t really enjoy throwing their guns away instead of reloading. In the colorful world of Pandora, people are insane enough to enjoy throwing explosive guns, but there aren’t nearly as many psychos here in the real world. Forget figuring the cost of constantly producing new guns, but the danger of the explosive gun would be even worse. Given the short timer set on the gun after running out of ammunition, if you forgot to throw it, you’d probably regret purchasing from this weapons manufacturer.

#8: Gunblade

“Final Fantasy VIII” (1999)

A gun and a blade in one seems like it’d cut out the middleman… or shoot him out. Physics would like to disagree, however, as the combination would actually hinder both. As cool as it’d be to wield Squall’s signature weapon, you’d probably find yourself at a disadvantage in both a gun and sword fight. Too large and heavy to accurately fire for an average soldier makes the gun part inefficient, while the trigger and barrel would get in the way during a melee duel. Sticking to a gun and a combat knife doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

#7: Leaf Shield

“Mega Man 2” (1988)

Razor sharp leaves? We’re not exactly sure how this is even considered useful in the world of Mega Man, let alone in the real world. Sending a group of spinning leaves around the user’s body, it is meant to protect them from projectiles while being able to launch the shield to damage enemies. However, in the end, they are just leaves. A simple handgun could easily pierce through the spinning leaves and kill the enemy instantly. How either ingenious scientist thought this was a good idea is just plain mad.

#6: Isharay Rifle

“Mass Effect: Andromeda” (2017)

Sniper rifles already pack a huge punch, and the Isharay is no different. Packing immense force with each shot, it's raw power is nearly unmatched… too bad that it has one major drawback; one shot. Firing an entire clip in one shot leaves very little room for error. But before you can even take them down, you’ll need to spend almost forever reloading each shot. It doesn’t matter how good of a shot you are, every sniper can agree that the more time spent reloading, the less time spent alive.

#5: E-11 Blaster Rifle

“Star Wars Battlefront” series (2004-)

Everyone dreams of a time when we’ll get to wield laser rifles… let’s just hope it isn’t this one. The standard rifle for Stormtroopers, one run-through will have you surprised that maybe it wasn’t the soldier’s bad aim after all. While the E11 is capable of a fair amount of damage, its inaccuracy is astonishingly terrible, with shots going awry after holding down the trigger for even a second. On top of that, the lasers shot out are large enough to see where the firing is coming from, and Darth Vader won’t protect you from incoming Rebel Scum.

#4: Cyclone

“Perfect Dark” (2000)

Submachine guns are pretty inaccurate weapons -with their excessively high rate of fire and small size, it can be difficult to keep ‘em lined up straight for any longer than a couple of seconds. So when Chesluk Industries decided to make an SMG even more inaccurate by adding suppression, what kind of secret agent would want to use one? Even if noise suppression helps, the bullets that go flying around the intended targets into walls will be more than enough to blow your cover. There are plenty of better weapons that could use suppression.

#3: PS20

“Deus Ex” (2000)

The concept of replenishing ammunition seems to be have been lost in the future. One of the worst offenders of the throwaway weapon design is the PS20. A small pistol, it’s small size and throwaway nature is meant to be used for assassination - unfortunately, most assassins don’t use such a weak weapon with only one shot. While it does fire heated plasma, even in the Deus Ex universe, it hasn’t advanced enough to pierce human skin. Even if you do nail that shot, it may not be enough to kill the intended target, and now you have to throw away a whole weapon. I think we’ll stick to suppressed pistols.

#2: Bio Rifle

“Unreal Tournament” series (1998-)

A grenade launcher-esque weapon capable of firing sticky gel material that also acts as a timed mine, what could go wrong? In the case of the Bio Rifle… a lot of things. While the explosive gel would be powerful against enemy combatants, the charge up, range, and the timed explosion could risk you and your teammates’ lives. With its latest iteration ditching the explosive technology in favor of goo that tracks a hit target, that still feels like a downgrade -making it inefficient as a grenade launcher and a rifle.

#1: Plasma Pistol

“Halo” series (2001-)

Ah, the infamous Plasma Pistol - seen as one of the weakest weapons in the Halo series, it’s hard to imagine something that fires charged plasma could be we- oh right. In any case, this little Covenant issue weapon’s plasma is so weak that even in its charged state, it can’t take down a super soldier in the 26th century; so what chance does it have against basic humans in the 21st century? Yes it can down electronic devices with a charged blast, but the effect is only mere seconds -you’d get more out of an actual EMP blast than this little guy.