Top 10 Video Games That Make You Feel Powerful

#10: “Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance” (2013)
Though Raiden wasn’t too popular back when he debuted in “Metal Gear Solid 2”, he’s since become a fan-favorite character. As a cyborg ninja, Raiden’s main weapon is his sword. He’s ludicrously fast and strong, able to just pick up bosses and throw them across the map. He’s even powerful enough that he can just hack and slash his way through combat encounters that would require some careful stealth in other games – not to mention defeating a Metal Gear that would usually be a final boss in the first thirty minutes. There are those who feel Raiden is so powerful the game stops being fun, but most people love this bombastic take on the “Metal Gear” formula.
#9: “Diablo III” (2012)
The “Diablo” series has long been one of the best ARPGs on the market, but it has a glaring issue that many veteran players have been pointing out for years: many of the classes and builds can be extremely overpowered, and if you know how to manipulate the game, you can be basically invincible. The good news is that the game gets drastically harder as you progress, but the first time you play the campaign, you’ll definitely feel like you have an unfair advantage. By the time you get really good, though, after pumping many hours into playing, you’ll feel like you’ve earned your immense power – and you definitely have.
#8: “Fallout 4” (2015)
You’ll end up pretty powerful even when you’re only halfway through a given “Fallout” game; you’ve invested a decent number of skill points and you’ll have a wide array of weapons already. But “Fallout 4” throws all that pacing out of the window by presenting you with power armor and a minigun and sending you out to kill a Deathclaw – all within the first hour of gameplay. Though the power armor does need fusion cores to work and the pieces break constantly, after enough time, keeping it in good shape won’t be an issue. Sure, you can choose to ignore it, but if not, you’ll immediately be the strongest wastelander in the Commonwealth.
#7: “Batman: Arkham Knight” (2015)
The Caped Crusader has always been pretty skilled in the “Arkham” games. Sure, he can’t take too many bullets, but nobody stands a chance against him in a fistfight. In “Arkham Knight”, he’s the strongest he’s ever been, with a fancy new batsuit that uses fluid to enhance his mobility. This batsuit allowed him to do new “Fear Takedowns” that let him annihilate half a dozen targets one after the other without engaging in combat. But it’s not just Batman himself that’s powerful, so is the Batmobile and its infamous tank mode. Love it or hate it, you can’t deny that Batman driving around Gotham in a literal tank is beastly..
#6: “Control” (2019)
The Federal Bureau of Control has been taken over by an insidious entity called “the Hiss.” With its director dead and its staff in complete chaos, Jesse becomes the new Director and is granted a roster of supernatural abilities by the mysterious “Board.” Along with a shape-shifting gun that can pull off all sorts of attacks, Jesse also becomes telekinetic, which allows her to toss enemies around; create a shield of rubble; and even fly for short periods of time. Once you start unlocking more of these powers as you progress, you truly become a force to be reckoned with.
#5: “Doom” (2016)
As the Doom Slayer, you’re the only thing standing in the way of Hell’s forces and the rest of existence. This may sound like you’re pretty outmatched, but you’ll have a huge arsenal of devastating weapons at your disposal, free to dispatch demons as you see fit. “Doom” can get tricky in places if you’re playing on a higher difficulty setting or you’re not an FPS aficionado, but nothing compares to overcoming those impossible odds. Id Software’s silky-smooth controls do wonders for conveying this sense of power when you’re playing “Doom”; especially when you get your hand on the BFG.
#4: “Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor” (2014)
With one of the most robust combat systems of any modern action game, once you start leveling up Talion and unlocking the power of the wraith, you’ll be taking out any and every orc before you know it. You need higher-tier abilities to really make the most of the combat, but eventually, you’ll have seemingly endless tools at your disposal. Whether you want to prioritize a stealth build and strike enemies from behind, or you want a glorious, gruesome battle for the ages, it’s all at your fingertips. And the satisfaction of killing your Nemeses definitely can’t be overstated.
#3: “Asura’s Wrath” (2012)
Asura could possibly be the most powerful character in a video game, and that is saying a lot. “Asura’s Wrath” is an anime-inspired game with a lot of QTEs, and it’s this cinematic, narrative focus that lets it have such insane, violent encounters totally unhindered by the actual combat system. Not that the combat isn’t great when you get a chance to play; it’s a lot of fun - but it’s the story itself that makes you feel imbued with the power of a god. Do you want to blow up a planet-sized boss by punching it to death? Of course you do!
#2: “God of War III” (2010)
Every “God of War” game bar the 2018 soft reboot is all about Kratos becoming more and more of a monster – taking down gods both out of revenge for their manipulation and so he can prove himself the strongest Greek hero of all. So, of course, you’re going to feel unbeatable when you kill the entire Greek pantheon, including the likes of Zeus. “God of War III” marked the end of the Greek cycle in the franchise, and it definitely ended with a bang. Though Kratos’s massacre brought untold suffering to the Greek world, nothing compares to being the actual God of War.
#1: “Saints Row IV” (2013)
Between a zombie outbreak, monstrous energy drinks, and trips to cyberspace, it didn’t seem like “Saints Row” could get zanier than its third entry. Oh, how wrong we were. In its fourth outing, you’re the President of the United States and, after a devastating alien invasion, you’re left trapped inside a computer simulation of Steelport. But being in a simulation has some benefits, namely, that you’ve got all the superpowers now. Super-speed, telekinesis, super-jumps, gliding – you can do anything you want. The only downside is that said powers make the game unbalanced, but then again, that’s sort of the whole point!