Top 10 Well Deserved Punches to the Face in Anime

To be fair, they had it coming. Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the top ten well-deserved punches to the face in anime.
For this list, we'll be looking at the times in anime where characters for one reason or another got a much needed set of knuckles to the money maker. The characters that get punched don't have to necessarily be evil, just so long as fist meets face and its justified. As you'd expect, there's going to be a few spoilers in here so our spoiler alert is now in effect.
Special thanks to our user Ashjbow for suggesting this idea, check out the voting page at:
Top 10 Well-Deserved Punches to the Face in Anime
To be fair, they had it coming. Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the top ten well-deserved punches to the face in anime.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the times in anime where characters for one reason or another got a much needed set of knuckles to the money maker. The characters that get punched don’t have to necessarily be evil, just so long as fist meets face and its justified. As you’d expect, there’s going to be a few spoilers in here so our spoiler alert is now in effect.
#10: Naruto Punches Haku
“Naruto” (2002-07)
Up until this point we had no idea what was so dangerous about the demon sealed inside our favourite knuckle-head ninja. That is until the masked shinobi known as Haku layered his companion with projectiles and left him for dead. In his rage Naruto unconsciously accessed the power of the Nine Tailed Fox, coating himself in demonic chakra before landing a powerful blow that shatters Haku’s mask and sends him flying across the bridge. From that point on we knew that there was definitely more to Naruto than meets the eye.
#9: Leone Kills Prime Minister Honest
“Akame Ga Kill!” (2014)
The assassin group Night Raid deal with some heavy stuff on a daily basis, but lucky for them there’s always big sister Leone there to keep them upbeat. That’s what made this scene all the sadder. Prime Minister Honest, which he most certainly wasn’t, was a heartless glutton who would do whatever it took to secure more power for himself. As the two come to blows, Honest empties a whole of series of bullets into the assassin, but like the lion she is Leone still finds the strength to pummel in his fat face. The end is a bittersweet one at that, as a terrible villain is finally silenced, but a noble warrior is lost in the process.
#8: Handa Punches the Critic
“Barakamon” (2014)
No one likes it when something they’ve worked so hard on is suddenly ridiculed and dismissed so easily by some snob who thinks he knows better. Most of us would probably just grit our teeth and try to get over it. Not Seishu Handa. After his calligraphy is mocked by a well-respected critic, Handa lets his anger get the better of him and delivers one hell of a swing, knocking the older gentleman out cold. This action, while hilarious in its execution, serves as the tipping point for the series as Handa skips town due to the scandal, hoping to find himself along the way.
#7: Saitama Punches Marugori
“One Punch Man” (2015)
As the titular One Punch Man, Saitama has the strength to end most battles in a single blow. As such we had a lot to choose from, but in the end we had to settle on his knockout punch on the giant super villain Marugori. Sure we had seen Saitama take out bad guys before, but there was some speculation that such a titanic monster could be bested with just a single hit. Boy, were we wrong. A surprise strike grounds the giant, leaving us with little doubt that Saitama’s fists are pretty much weapons of mass destruction.
#6: Leorio Punches Ging
“Hunter x Hunter” (2011-14)
You know a character has balls when they go out of their way to take a stand in an auditorium full of well-regarded Hunters, just so they can tell a father to go and visit his son. Following Gon’s hospitalisation due to his battle with Nerfapitou, Leorio thinks that Ging should move his ass and check in on him. Ging doesn’t seem to get the message, infuriating the Hunter to no end, which leads him to bust out his power of Emission. Even if you’re regarded as a legend, Leorio won’t hesitate to land a well-placed Warping Punch to anyone who neglects his friend so easily.
#5: Kamina Punches Simon
“Gurren Lagann” (2007)
Sometimes brotherly love hurts. During a scuffle with the Beastmen, young Simon starts to lose faith in his own abilities and buckles under the strain of conflict. Well, Kamina isn’t having any of that! Ejecting from his own Gunman, he lets his little brother know exactly what he thinks of his morbid outlook with a loving punch to the face. Snapping him out of his bleak trance, Kamina offers some comforting words about belief and inner strength. To be honest, just the threat of another punch from the manliest man in anime would be enough for us.
#4: Edward Punches Shou Tucker
“Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood” (2009-10)
And the award for worst father goes to this guy. While revered among State Alchemists for his creation of a Chimera capable of human speech, the Life-Sewing Alchemist is a man who will do whatever it takes to ensure success. Case and point, when he merged the bodies of his daughter and her pet dog to create a brand new chimera. Not only is the scene heart-breaking, it leads to vicious beat-down via some frantic automail punches on Edward’s behalf. This rather harrowing encounter is made all the worse when a bloody and beaten Tucker informs him that the Elric brothers are just like him because of what happened to their mother. Give’m another one, Ed!
#3: Touma Punches Agnese
“A Certain Magical Index” (2008-11)
You will rarely find yourself cheering on a teenage boy as he knocks out a nun - but he’s in the right. In order to save his friend from being killed, Touma fights his way past the militia of battle-hardy nuns known as the Agnese forces until eventually engaging with their leader, the fiercely devout Agnese Sanctis. Even if she’s armed with a weapon like the Lotus Wand, she’s no match for Touma’s ability to break apart all magic in his path, followed by a swift knuckle-sandwich. Was that a sin? I think that was a sin.
#2: Luffy Punches a Celestial Dragon
“One Piece” (1999-)
This anime is home to some of the most epic punches you’ll ever see. From Whitebeard smashing Akainu’s face into a pancake, to Luffy shutting up Bellamy for running his mouth too much. However, none were more satisfying than when the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates socked a Celestial Dragon so hard he sent him flying through the wall. For those who don’t know, the Celestial Dragons are considered untouchable, the most holy of holy and they get whatever they want. Hitting one is a war-crime. Unfortunately for them, Luffy doesn’t give a damn. When one of them wounds his friend, he holds nothing back.
#1: Jotaro Punches Steely Dan
“JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” (2012-)
Honestly, why would you ever think threatening a guy like Jotaro Kujo would work in your favour? After using his Stand known as The Lovers to make the Joestar descendent his unwilling slave, Steely Dan has him cater to his whims under threat of killing his grandfather. Unfortunately for Dan, Jotaro’s allies manage to free Joseph, foil his plan, and leave him defenceless in the face of a very angry Jotaro. Considering all the gloating and murder that this lowlife committed, we were pretty satisfied seeing Star Platinum unleashed and delivering what has to be the beating of a lifetime. There is no coming back from that many Ora’s.
Do you agree with our list? Which anime punch to the face do you thinks was most deserved? With new top tens published every day, be sure to subscribe to WatchMojo.