Top 10 Times Eric Was the Best Character on Boy Meets World

#10: Brotherly Advice
“Dangerous Secret”
When Cory thinks that his best friend is “spending nights” with a female companion, he thinks it’s time to move things to the next level with Topanga. So naturally, he goes to his older brother for advice. It probably would have been the best advice if Eric simply recommended that Cory just talk to Topanga about everything. However, the big brother actually manages to bring out a good metaphor to point Cory in the right direction. Eric tells his sibling a story about an old friend he always used to compete with and wraps the talk up nicely with an epic comparison. [“Fall off and break your head”] This hilarious scene gave Mr. Matthews a chance to give us all some valuable advice.
#9: Introducing Kyle
“The Pink Flamingo Kid”
Most people have internal conversations with themselves. But they don’t all give their inner monologue voice its own name. Then again, Eric Matthews isn’t like the majority of us. Apparently, he calls himself Kyle during personal conversations with himself. One of the best examples comes when Eric telling his parents about his new get rich quick scheme inspired by Mr. Feeny selling antiques. When he refers to himself as Kyle, Alan and Amy Matthews are confused as to who that is. This leads Eric to casually mention his self-naming habit. Why? Honestly, only Eric and Kyle know for sure.
#8: Eric Matthews’ Fool-Proof Study System
“Poetic License: An Ode to Holden Caulfield”
Since Eric has never been the best student, all of his classmates are skeptical when he pitches them a fool-proof study system just before finals. His process has them all throw a shoe into a pile, pick out a stranger’s, and take them to the movies. It turns out that Eric’s ridiculous methods are exactly what the tense students needed. The next day, his classmates reveal the plan was shockingly successful because it helped them loosen up enough to actually retain information. Who knew Eric was capable of imparting such sage wisdom? While Mr. Feeny is impressed, Mr. Matthews unfortunately still didn’t do too well with his own academic tests.
#7: Revenge Proposal
“They’re Killing Us”
As Cory and Topanga’s wedding approaches, Eric assumes he will naturally be the best man. He’s so hyped for the event that he breaks into his brother’s dorm room, throws Cory over his shoulder, and dances around as he sings “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”. But Eric’s best intentions go awry when he accidentally knocks over a candle and sets the room on fire. After finding out he’s definitely not the best man, he decides to get some payback. Eric makes a dramatic proposal to Topanga in front of everyone. His over-the-top declaration of commitment is hilarious, unforgettable, and a great way to get his brother back.
#6: War With Topanga
“Angela’s Men”
When multiple couples break up, the guys and girls agree to respect the results of a wrestling match to determine who gets the apartment. The girls pretty much demolish the boys. But Topanga in particular humiliates Eric. In the aftermath of the loss, his revenge plot involves sneak attacking Topanga while wearing crazy costumes. Despite the advantage of surprise, Eric fails time and time again. It’s absolutely hilarious seeing him persevere while never phasing Topanga in the slightest. His attempts become such a joke that he gets hit with an epic burn for his behavior. Over time, even the actors had trouble keeping it together when Eric popped up.
#5: Good Looking Detective
“Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow”
After Eric doesn’t get accepted into any of the colleges he applied for, he finds himself a little bit lost and insecure. Unsure what to do next with his life, he wallows in his misery at home. A day of watching TV and eating a giant bowl of cereal in his bathrobe actually leads to inspiration. Upon binge watching several detective shows, he’s motivated to become Eric Matthews, a good looking detective. He even comes up with his own theme song. While we’re not sure how many cases he’d be able to solve in a flash, his theme song is a definite winner. We’d definitely check out Eric’s show.
#4: A One Man Show
“An Affair to Forget”
Eric sees dollar signs once he learns his parents spent big bucks on a night out to watch a one woman show. He decides to put on his own show to get a nice paycheck for himself. To no one’s surprise, Eric’s big performance is completely ridiculous. Even his own parents fall asleep during his performance. His overdramatic accounts of his birth and childhood are absolutely hysterical. While the script is already funny, Eric’s commitment to his own art really puts this bit into hilarious territory. It’s a shame that not too many people stuck around until the end. The conclusion was actually quite entertaining.
#3: Future Eric
“Seven the Hard Way”
On a more somber episode of this usually jovial show, the members of the gang get into a huge argument that jeopardizes all of their friendships. We even see a flash forward into the future of what will happen to them if they can’t find a way to make up. It’s pretty difficult to watch the downfall of such a tight group that we’ve come to love. Thankfully, Eric is there to break the tension. His future sees him as a long bearded and robe-wearing nomad who goes by the name Plays with Squirrels. Although this sounds pretty zany, it’s actually kind of fitting for Eric. This flashforward gave us a great glimpse at his potential future.
#2: Giving Up Tommy
“Can I Help to Cheer You”
More often than not, Eric is the guy that keeps things light and funny in this show. But his sweet relationship with Tommy gave us a very serious scene with the class clown. When a family wants to adopt the young child, Mr. Matthews instinctually wants to step up first. But Eric comes to realize that he can’t provide Tommy with the same life that another home can. In a heartbreaking scene, Eric tells Tommy that he’s not going to adopt him. Giving up Tommy was the hardest and most selfless thing Eric has ever done. This scene made it clear that there were hidden depths of maturity and emotion within Mr. Matthews.
#1: The Feeny Call
Nothing could beat the classic Feeny Call. What started out as Eric simply calling out to Mr. Feeny from the other side of the fence has since become one of the character’s signature traits. Actor Will Friedle has spoken about how the whole thing started as Eric just saying “Mr. Feeny” in the script. But once he chose to over exaggerate the performance, an unforgettable line was born. This unique way of getting Mr. Feeny’s attention has become so legendary that Eric even passed it down to Riley and Maya in “Girl Meets World”. There is no escaping the Feeny Call in any generation of this show.