Top 20 Power Rangers Villains of All Time

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Power Rangers Villains of All Time. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most sinister baddies to ever battle teams of teens with Attitude. Our picks come from the show, comics and films. Since these entries cover big plot points, expect spoilers ahead. Who was your favorite Ranger villain? Let us know in the comments.
#20: Lothor
“Power Rangers Ninja Storm” (2003)
When he was banished from the Wind Ninja Academy, Kiya Watanabe changed his name to Lothor and vowed to conquer the earth with an army of Evil Space Ninjas. This baddie was so funny that it’s easy to forget how threatening he actually was. Lothor led an attack against a school that allowed him to capture students and incapacitate their master in the very first episode. He was also a master planner. At the end of the series, it’s revealed that the losses he suffered were all part of a bigger scheme to get a fearsome army. And did we also mention that he's a beast in combat? While Lothor was definitely a bit of a clown, there’s no denying that he could be seriously evil.
#19: Vrak
“Power Rangers Megaforce” (2013) & “Power Rangers Super Megaforce” (2014)
Standing as the youngest member of the royal Armada family, Vrak was sent to wipe out Earth’s resistance in preparation for an impending invasion. Along with being incredibly strong, the cunning villain’s strongest asset was his mastery of manipulation. He easily deceived other villains into forging alliances with him and managed to brainwash one of the Rangers’ closest allies. And whenever the good guys thought they had gotten one over on him, he debuted a new form to keep them on their toes. Vrak knew exactly how to keep both Rangers and villains wrapped around his fingers while he stayed one step ahead of everyone. That sinister quality is what made his final destruction so satisfying to watch.
#18: Void Queen
“Power Rangers Dino Fury” (2021-22)
(Void Knight) In the first half of “Dino Fury”, the intimidating Void Knight tried to revive his beloved wife Santaura. When he succeeded, she turned herself into the malevolent Void Queen, usurped Void Knight’s operation, and even brainwashed her “darling” husband into becoming her obedient slave. Sure, she wants to destroy all of humanity, but could you blame her? Santaura and her husband were imprisoned by humans before they were forced to give up their only child. It was honestly hard not to sympathize with her…even though she threatened the entire human race. Thankfully, a family reunion helped her turn away from the path of evil.
#17: Heckyl & Snide
“Power Rangers Dino Charge” (2015) & “Power Rangers Dino Super Charge” (2016)
(Sledge) Sledge was a fun villain in his own right. Having an ill-tempered bounty hunter use his prisoners to attack the Rangers was a fun and inventive concept. However, a two-for-one villain ended up stealing Sledge’s thunder. Heckyl is a humanoid alien who tried to keep the Dark Energem out of evil hands. Unfortunately, he ended up bonding with it and created his monstrous half, Snide. While Heckyl is cunning and manipulative, Snide is aggressive and blunt. Together they became a dangerous outlaw that had no trouble taking command of Sledge’s ship. However, that didn’t stop their partnership from being a bit rocky. If the two sides had gotten along a little better, they might have overwhelmed the rangers.
#16: Dai Shi
“Power Rangers Jungle Fury” (2008)
While many people struggle with their inner darkness, not everyone had it as bad as Jarrod did. After struggling with his own demons, he was possessed by an evil ancient dragon named Dai Shi. Thousands of years before the series began, the beast planned to conquer the world with an army of creatures until his spirit was sealed away. Dai Shi got right back to business once he got into a modern human body. While Jarrod did commit some heinous acts, he also pushed back against the entity inside him when he could. Their bad bond had plenty of parallels to real toxic relationships. As a result, seeing Jarrod gain the strength to free himself from Dai Shi’s influence was a cheer worthy moment.
#15: Goldar
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
Every good villain needs a great general. Fortunately for the early big bads, the ferocious Goldar was one of the first to debut in the series. Since the beginning, he’s been a formidable foe for the original Rangers. Goldar was often able to match or even overpower rangers in a fight. And he was also an expert at psyching them out. While Goldar became more comedic and less threatening over time, he never completely gave up his desire to snuff out the Rangers. Even after he was destroyed, his legacy as a merciless warrior still stood. Goldar's legendary history made him the perfect candidate to be revived in “Beast Morphers” as the even more powerful Goldar Maximus.
#14: Ivan Ooze
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie” (1995)
For the Rangers’ very first feature film, they needed a villain who could pull out all the stops. And no one was better for the job than Ivan Ooze. After being sealed away for 6,000 years, he wasted no time getting revenge on Zordon by bringing the mentor to the brink of death. But Ivan didn’t stop there. He usurped Zedd and Rita, cut the Rangers off from their powers and brainwashed legions of parents to help him uncover his evil machines. Ivan accomplished all of that while being ridiculously hilarious and charismatic. Unfortunately, we had to deduct points because he was easily destroyed after taking a knee below the belt. Despite Ivan’s silly defeat, he’s still a memorable villain.
#13: Emperor Gruumm
“Power Rangers S.P.D.” (2005)
Within Emperor Gruumm’s very first scene, he blows up an innocent planet. That alone should be an indication of how much of a threat this big bad really was. After Gruumm and his Troobian Empire conquered countless galaxies, he turned his sights on Earth. Since he had an army of Krybots and ties to the criminal underworld, the good guys couldn’t take the warlord lightly. The only thing he wanted more than conquest was to destroy his hated enemy Doggy Cruger. Why? Well, it turns out that Cruger cut off one of Gruumm’s horns. Knowing that he held such a petty grudge after acquiring so much power confirmed that this warlord was truly demented.
#12: Trakeena
“Power Rangers Lost Galaxy” (1999)
When we first met Trakeena, she was nothing more than a spoiled princess obsessed with her beauty. But she eventually trained herself to be a better fighter. And when her father Scorpius got destroyed by the Rangers, she stepped up and assumed the throne to get revenge. Trakeena went to desperate lengths to try and avenge her father. Not only did she attack a colony full of innocent people, but she even gave up her treasured beauty to gain more power. By the time Trakeena appeared in a crossover special, she had turned into a complete eldritch abomination. It was amazing that we got to watch a villain devolve so much after being pushed too far.
#11: Diabolico
“Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue” (2000)
You know the old saying about making a deal with the Devil? Well making a deal with Diabolico is even worse. If you turn your back on him, he’ll make you suffer in the worst possible way. And he became powerful enough to wreck megazords. Despite having a sinister reputation, he had an admirable character trait. Diabolico was fiercely loyal to his fellow demons. While he stood by most without question, he made any being who betrayed his trust or harmed his closest allies pay dearly. It was refreshing to get a villain who cared about his underlings. In fact, Diabolico’s sense of loyalty was so strong that he sided with the rangers against a demon that didn’t share his values in the finale.
#10: Koragg the Knight Wolf
“Power Rangers Mystic Force” (2006)
Of all the villains in the underworld, few were as mighty as Koragg the Knight Wolf. He had a mastery of dark magic, fighting skills, and the loyalty of his Zord. The combination of all those talents allowed Koragg to easily overpower the Mystic Force Rangers with barely any effort. However, much to the annoyance of his fellow baddies, he believed in a very strict code of honor. Korragg refused to fight anyone weaker than him or resort to underhanded tricks. It turns out that his nobility came from the fact that the villain was actually a warrior named Leanbow who had been corrupted into becoming a force for evil. Fortunately, his valiant nature allowed him to break free of the Koragg identity.
#9: Master Org
“Power Rangers Wild Force” (2002)
3000 years ago, the original Master Org was destroyed. But in the modern era, a bitter human took up that malicious mantle by consuming traces of the og big bad’s essence. Master Org started his evil career by slaying his fellow colleagues. When he found out their son became the red ranger years later, the villain gloated about what he’d done. Master Org also fully turned his back on humanity and attempted to destroy everything. Speaking of, he was powerful enough to slay all the wild zords. The villain’s deeds were nearly eclipsed by Zen-Aku’s cool and tragic storyline. (xref) But Master Org emerged as Wild Force’s best baddie by being a grim example of what happens if you let revenge consume you.
#8: Rita Repulsa
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
How could we forget the witch that started it all? After being trapped in a dumpster for 10,000 years, Rita Repulsa was ready to make the nearest planet feel her wrath. Unfortunately for the Mighty Morphin rangers, Earth was her immediate target. When it came to evil deeds, nothing was too underhanded for Rita. She used diabolical spells, made monsters grow, and brainwashed a good guy into becoming an evil ranger. What also made Rita so memorable was her sheer determination. Even though she was kicked to the curb in Season Two, she came back just as wicked as ever. It really says something that she only stopped doing evil things when she was purified and became known as the Mystic Mother.
#7: Astronema
“Power Rangers in Space” (1998)
Handpicked to become the Princess of Evil, Astronema commanded respect. She had sly plans, an army of Quantrons and formidable servants. Astronema’ indestructible right-hand general Ecliptor was a particular standout. (xref) But there was more to the sinister diva than met the eye. It turned out that she was actually the long-lost sister of Red Ranger Andros. After this revelation, she tried to turn good before she was brainwashed with cybernetic implants. Fortunately, Astronema overcame the odds and reclaimed her identity as Karone. She even got to become the second Pink Lost Galaxy Ranger a season later. Astronema’s fascinating full circle journey from villain to hero is always fun to revisit.
#6: Ransik
“Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)
Not all Power Rangers villains are born evil. In Ransik’s case, he was born into a future that showed him nothing but prejudice because he was a mutant. Since society wouldn’t accept him, he decided to eliminate humanity by becoming a powerful mutant warlord. The formidable leader had a tough army full of mutant prisoners and robots. However, we never forget that there was a broken spirit underneath his cold and hardened exterior. We were truly worried that Ransik would be destroyed by the end of his season. Thankfully, his story ends on a high note. Ransik agrees to pay for his crimes before helping another team of rangers fight their greatest enemy.
#5: Lord Drakkon
“Boom Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (2016-)
Every Ranger fan knows that Tommy Oliver went from being the evil Green Ranger to the most legendary Ranger of all time. But in an alternate universe, his story took a much more sinister turn. There was a dimension where Tommy infused himself with greater power and became the tyrannical ruler Lord Drakkon. While he is as ambitious and determined as his good counterpart, he’s also much more ruthless, unpredictable, and willing to snuff out anyone who defies him. Even when Drakkon is defeated, the negative effects of his reign still linger on. This evil counterpart provided a great twist on a classic ranger story. Drakkon’s plotline also made us consider ourselves lucky that the original Tommy managed to escape the dark side.
#4: Psycho Rangers
“Power Rangers in Space” (1998)
Of all the Evil Rangers we’ve seen over the years, none have been as formidable as the Psycho Rangers. They were specifically designated to be faster, smarter, and stronger than their good counterparts. This sinister team also had the frightening ability to take both human and monster forms. Honestly, if the Psycho Rangers weren't so obsessed with their respective do-gooder counterparts and were able to cooperate, we’re not sure the Space team would still be around.
Although the evil team was initially defeated, their return in a crossover led to the death of a ranger. That’s a wicked accomplishment that most big bads can’t even boast about! Through their twisted acts, recognizable designs and tremendous power, the Psycho Rangers become iconic franchise villains.
#3: Venjix Virus/Evox
“Power Rangers RPM” (2009) & “Power Rangers Beast Morphers” (2019-20)
There was a dimension where a sentient computer virus called Venjix dominated the entire globe. It refused to stop until it was sure that every last remnant of humanity was completely wiped out. Venjix’s sadistic personality, near destruction of a planet and terrifying might all made him a top-tier villain. But he cemented his legacy after he found a way to survive after his apparent destruction. After Venjix traveled to the main universe, he rebranded as Evox and nearly spelled the end of the Rangers as we know it. The most terrifying thing about this viral villain is that it was made by a human. While its creator never meant to cause civilization’s downfall, Venjix/Evox clearly had no problem bringing humanity to its knees.
#2: Mesagog
“Power Rangers Dino Thunder” (2004)
This mad scientist took the Jekyll and Hyde story to a frightening new level. Anton Mercer was once a scientist who experimented with dinosaur DNA and technology. While on the cusp of a major breakthrough, he accidentally ended up transforming into the monstrous Mesagog. Mercer remained trapped in his own body while his evil counterpart tried to bring back the age of the dinosaurs. As if his appearance wasn’t terrifying enough, his twisted scientific expertise and fighting prowess were even more intimidating. Mesagog was even strong enough to take out another main villain for good. If he got rid of his human half earlier, no one would’ve been safe from this Jurassic terror.
#1: Lord Zedd
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
From the moment he made his chilling debut in Season Two, we knew Zedd was not to be taken lightly. His mastery of dark magic and enormous Serpentera zord put the Rangers on the ropes more times than we could count. Even when Zedd was toned down after being called “too scary”, he still gave the Rangers a run for their money. Like Rita, Zordon’s Energy wave was the ONLY way to end the emperor’s reign of terror…for a time. Zedd made an explosive return in “Dino Fury” over 20 years after his supposed end. Seeing this master of evil come back after so much time away made for an awesome twist. This was the moment we knew we might never escape Lord Zedd’s wrath.