Top 20 Power Rangers Megazords

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Power Rangers Megazords. For this list, we’ll be looking at the best titanic robots that went toe-to-toe with monsters in this long running franchise. Our picks will include single Zords and mega combinations. Since some of these are revealed at big moments, watch out for minor spoilers. What was your favorite Megazord? Let us know in the comments.
#20: Ninja MegaFalconzord
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
With the Rangers’ new Ninja powers came a new fleet of stealthy and cunning Ninjazords. While each Ninjazord can hold its own with its unique powers and weapons, the core five zords were able to pack an even more powerful punch as the Ninja Megazord. It has a great animal design and a legendary punch. And when the Falconzord is thrown into the mix, the Rangers can take flight and swoop down to decimate the forces of evil as the Ninja MegaFalconzord. While the Rangers eventually lost their Ninja Powers, the Six Ninjazords were never technically destroyed. We’d love to see them all step out of the shadows to save the day once again.
#19: Quantasaurus Rex
“Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)
The Quantasaurus (Kwahn-tah-saur-us) Rex was Time Force’s most powerful zord. But at one point, it was lost in time along with the Quantum Ranger’s morpher. When it was found and brought to the present, the Q-Rex went on a rampage until Eric managed to tame it. It went on to become a powerhouse against the mutants. The Quantasaurus dinosaur mode is vicious and unstoppable enough on its own. But when it goes Megazord mode, it has enough firepower to shrink any mutant criminal in its path down to size. If Eric or the other Rangers ever lost control of the Q-Rex, we could kiss our future goodbye. We’re glad the dangerous zord became a force for good that helped protect time.
#18: BattleFleet Megazord
“Power Rangers Operation Overdrive” (2007)
Say what you want about “Operation Overdrive”, but there’s no denying that the Rangers got some incredible tools during their tenure. Their Battle Fleet zords were particularly impressive. When five distinct vehicles combined, they formed an enormous battleship that was able to tackle any terrain. If that isn’t enough, the enormous vehicle could transform into the Overdrive Rangers’ most powerful Zord – the BattleFleet Megazord. This absolute unit was armed to the teeth with extra firepower. During battle, it can deliver a devastating punch to knock out its opponent or even carry the Drivemax Megazord for an all-out assault. While it was unfortunately no match for the might of the Corona Aurora, we still remember this powerhouse fondly.
#17: Astro Megazord
“Power Rangers in Space” (1998)
The Astro Megaship served as both a home away from home and a fantastic mode of transportation through the stars for the Space Ranger. But it also came with an incredible surprise. When it was combined with the Astro Megashuttle, it transformed into the cobalt warrior of the sky – the Astro Megazord. Armed with its saber, shield, and blaster, this titan of a spaceship is a contender all its own. Its firepower only grows when it combines with the Delta Megazord to form the Astro Delta Megazord. After “In Space”, the Megazord was formally retired. But its ship form still served as a backup base for the “Lost Galaxy” Rangers and played a crucial role in taking down the evil Trakeena’s forces.
#16: Delta Command Megazord
“Power Rangers S.P.D.” (2005)
The Delta Base HQ was an enormous stronghold for the cadets and Rangers of Space Patrol Delta. Halfway through the season, it was equipped with a new defense system that packed quite the punch. Phase One shifts the base into a crawler mode that grants it mobility and extra firepower. In Phase Two, you’d see it completely transform into an enormous titan of justice that was known as the Delta Command Megazord. It towers over any robot easily and packs enough heat to bring any alien criminal to their knees. The only glaring weakness to this juggernaut is that it can be easily piloted by both bad guys and the Rangers. Thankfully, it didn’t change hands…much.
#15: Time Force Megazord
“Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)
Whenever the battle against the mutants escalated, the Time Force Rangers called for the Time Flyers to arrive from the future. With these five Zords, the Rangers have access to three different formations for the Time Force Megazord. Jet Mode made it incredibly fast and sturdy. Its Blue setting granted it more agility and a blaster to shoot the monsters down. And in Mode Red, the Megazord can incapacitate its foes with its mighty blade. If things look really grim, both formations can combine with the Time Shadow Megazord to better their odds. The wide range of modes made this time traveling defender stand out. It was just a shame that the Megazord couldn’t stay in the present.
#14: Mega Voyager
“Power Rangers in Space” (1998)
With the evils of Dark Specter and Astronema mounting, it was time to add a little more zord power. Using Zordon’s Key Cards, the Rangers uncover five Mega Vehicles that combine to form the mighty Mega Voyager –the first Megazord to share a name with its Sentai counterpart. The Mega Voyager is a welcomed addition to the Rangers’ arsenal, as it’s armed with mega lasers and a finishing weapon known as the Mega V3 Missile. The Voyager has secured many victories for our multicolored heroes; including helping obliterate the Psycho Rangers. Sadly, it was destroyed in the penultimate episode. But it went out in a blaze of glory.
#13: S.W.A.T. Megazord
“Power Rangers S.P.D.” (2005)
Alien criminals were on the rise in the not-too-distant future. Fortunately, the S.P.D. rangers were there to contain them with their Delta Squad Megazord. However, when even that isn’t enough, the rangers had a new set of toys to go with their new S.W.A.T. Mode – five high-speed flyers that morph into the S.W.A.T. Megazord. This patrol zord is resilient and quick on its feet, as it’s armed with dual magnum blasters and built-in wings for flight. When it brings the battle to space, the Megazord transforms into a large and powerful cannon to finish off the criminals. Though it was a latecomer, it proved a major asset in arresting the treacherous A-Squad, and in the final battle against the Troobian Empire.
#12: Storm Megazord
“Power Rangers Ninja Storm” (2003)
One has the strength of three; that sounds like the perfect concept for a Megazord to us. When the three Storm Ninjazords work together, they form the Storm Megazord. Created by Cam Watanabe, this ultimate Ninjazord has plenty of tricks up its sleeve –including access to power spheres that offer it all kinds of weaponry. It also has a humanoid Lightning Mode that allows it to fight faster and more agile… for about 60 seconds. When it needs to, it can summon part of a minizord that lets it combine with its fellow Megazords. Unfortunately, in the final battle against Lothor’s personal zord, the Storm Megazord was destroyed; but it DID take the Lorthorzord with it.
#11: Centaurus Wolf Megazord
“Power Rangers Mystic Force” (2006)
The mystical train themed Solar Streak Megazord was a pretty great addition to the ranger season. (xref) But one wolf themed titan stole the show. Thanks to the powers of dark magic, Koragg the Knight Wolf is able to combine with the wild horse, Catastros. This grants him two powerful battle modes – a mighty centaur or the Centaurus Wolf Megazord. This deadly combination has access to dark magic and a mighty lance, helping it overpower the rangers’ forces. Catastros is loyal to Koragg, but Nick has been able to tame the wild stallion twice to form the Centaurus Phoenix Megazord. After Koragg returns to the side of good, Catastros fights beside him one last time before disappearing, never to be seen again.
#10: Dragonzord Battle Mode
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
Tommy’s Dragonzord is a powerhouse on its own with its finger missiles and drilling tail. But when it combines with the Mastodon, Triceratops, and Saber-Toothed Tiger Dinozords, it becomes an even more powerful fighting force: the Dragonzord Battle Mode. This titan is an excellent substitute when the regular Megazord isn’t enough. It can battle either by itself or alongside Tyrannosaurus. The Dragonzord is armed with a mighty power staff that can either shield itself from oncoming attacks, or impale the monster with a devastating thrust. Though this formation was used less and less as the season progressed, it symbolized Tommy coming together with the other rangers. This was even before the Mega Dragonzord – with whom it’s occasionally confused.
#9: Legendary Megazord
“Power Rangers Super Megaforce” (2014)
Fan reactions to the 20th anniversary seasons –“Megaforce” and “Super Megaforce” - were very split. However, there’s one thing that everyone can love – the Legendary Megazord. To go with their new Super Mega Mode, the rangers are given a powerful Skyship and four vehicle zords that morph into a slick pirate Megazord with dual cutlasses. This pirate is lightning fast and able to take out an entire fleet of warships! It’s also equipped with a built-in cannon for surprise blast attacks. Using the power of the Legendary Ranger Keys, the Megazord can merge with auxiliary zords based on previous ranger teams, and make the battle a super mega win… wow, that’s cheesy, even for Power Rangers.
#8: Red Battlezord
“Power Rangers Zeo” (1996)
Tommy always gets the coolest zords. The Red Battlezord is no exception – with its slick humanoid figure granting it fast battle maneuvers, pistons for extra punching power, and blasters for long-range attacks. What makes this Battlezord even more unique is that it’s completely controlled by Tommy’s mind, making it an extension of Tommy himself. So as long as he stays calm, the zord is as easy as pie to command; but if he is stressed, it might go beserk and lose control. But, when Tommy DOES have his head in the game, he can combine the Battlezord with the Zeo Megazord to give it some extra firepower as the Zeo Mega Battlezord.
#7: Defender Torozord
“Power Rangers Lost Galaxy” (1999)
As one of the first Rangers who could turn into his own Megazord, the Magna Defender set the bar pretty high. When the Defender grows to gigantic size, he can combine with his loyal Torozord. The pair form the titanic warrior known as the Defender Torozord. Armed with its mighty lance and ax, the Defender Torozord can effortlessly cut any foe down to size. Even though the Defender lost his way, the Torozord remained loyal to him when he needed it. The big bull also served Mike just as well when he took the reigns. The Torozord’s loyalty really showed in the season’s penultimate episode when it sacrificed itself to save the colony. Its tremendous power and legacy deserve to be commended.
#6: White Tigerzord
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
Remember when we said Tommy got the coolest zords? Well, when Tommy became the White Ranger, he also gained the power of the White Tigerzord. Controlled by the mystical sword, Saba, this swift and ferocious feline can shift into an all-powerful warrior mode. This form allows it to pelt its enemies with devastating thunderbolts. (Xref/Mega Tigerzord) If needed, it could combine with four of the Thunderzords to form the even MORE powerful Mega Tigerzord. This monster could easily take down its foes in a blaze of glory. The Tigerzord served Tommy well. However, it was tragically destroyed in Season 3 alongside the Thunder Megazord during an intense ambush. Seeing the two of them literally fall to pieces was just too much to bear.
#5: Thundersaurus Megazord
“Power Rangers Dino Thunder” (2004)
Originally, the Bio Zords were three living machines created with dinosaur DNA. But when tamed by the Dino Thunder Rangers, they transformed into the new Dino Zords. They combined to form the Jurassic champion known as the Thundersaurus Megazord. With a handy assortment of weapons, including an enormous drill arm, the Megazord can definitely hold its own in a fight. It can also swap out its arms with the auxiliary zords for some more literally handy weapons. Sadly, the Megazord was destroyed in the season finale. However, it made an unexpected comeback in Beast Morphers during the big Dino Rangers team-up. It proved that the best of zords never truly go extinct.
#4: Wild Force Megazord
“Power Rangers Wild Force” (2002)
With the Wild Zords portrayed as sentient wild animals, “Wild Force” introduced a whole JUNGLE full of enormous beasts. When the core five Wild Zords came together, they formed the king himself – the Wild Force Megazord. It had incredible strength and shared a deep connection to the Rangers. However, this Megazord’s greatest feature was its versatility. It can work with any number of the other Wild Zords to unleash a plethora of unique combinations. While each formation had distinct abilities, some combinations were definitely more overwhelming than others. (Xref/Predazord) Arguably the only machine more ferocious than the Wild Force Megazord is the Predazord. It was made by three of nature’s fiercest hunters.
#3: Samurai Megazord
“Power Rangers Samurai” (2011) & “Power Rangers Super Samurai” (2012)
Modeled after the Japanese art of origami, the Rangers’ Folding Zords start out small, but they grow big and boy are they ready to fight. When they combine the RIGHT way, they form the Samurai Megazord – a gigantic samurai warrior that’s twice as strong. Controlled by the Rangers’ swords, this warrior wields a mighty katana that will ensure victory is theirs. Its power only grows when it combines with its fellow zords. Among its powerful and unique combinations, we have to highlight the ultimate samurai battle machine – The Gigazord. In the final battle with Master Xandred, the Samurai Megazord is the only combination left standing before it deals the final blow to the Nighlok threat.
#2: Supertrain Megazord
“Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue” (2000)
The Rail Rescues start out as a high-speed super train that doubles as a carrier zord for the Lightspeed Megazord. However, thanks to Miss Fairweather, this locomotive can rocket into the air and morph into the mechanized giant – The Supertrain Megazord. In addition to being enormous and easily towering over its fellow Megazords, it’s also armed with Gatling Blasters and a turbine for extra firepower. However, this powerhouse is not invincible – it’s been overloaded twice and heavily damaged by Diabolico. But it is sturdy enough to get back in the fight. It fought valiantly throughout this season… That is until Diabolico and Olympius damaged it beyond repair. We’re still mourning the loss of this truly awesome titan.
#1: Mighty Morphin ‘Dino’ Megazord
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
Taking the number one spot is the Megazord that started it all. When Rita Repulsa escalates a battle, it’s time to summon the Dinozords. They morph together into a powerful tank mode and an unstoppable battle mode. In battle mode, this titan comes equipped with cranial lasers and a sturdy mammoth shield. Monsters will try to knock it down, but it always springs back on its feet and uses the Power Sword to deliver the last devastating blow. When that isn’t enough, it combines with Dragonzord and Titanus to form an ultimate battle tank – The Ultrazord. Although this one won countless battles it was time to call on the power of thunder with the Thunder Megazord in season 2. But we’ll never forget the original.