Top 10 Power Rangers Morph Transformations

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Ranger Morphs in Power Rangers. For this list, we’ll be looking at the coolest suit-up sequences from across the franchise. To keep things fair, we’ll be limiting each team to just one entry. What’s your favorite Ranger transformation? Let us know in the comments below!
#10: Time Force Rangers
“Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)
It’s only fitting that a team from the future has an absolutely cutting-edge transformation sequence. Using the power of the Chrono Morphers, the Rangers each strike dynamic poses as their suits glow into existence around them. On aesthetics alone, it’s easily one of the coolest looking morphs out there. The DNA imagery and numeric background also perfectly tie into the season’s time travel motif. This sequence also owes a whole lot to a killer soundtrack that is timed just right with every single move and pose. Since this is how most every fight begins, it’s safe to say it’s always “time for, time force.”
#9: B-Squad Rangers
“Power Rangers S.P.D.” (2005)
While the higher ups at Space Patrol Delta thought this ranger team was second rate, their morphing sequence is top tier. Everything from the visual effects to poses are outstanding. For starters the way their suits project in front of them before binding onto their bodies is just plain slick. It’s further enhanced by a zooming background that adds a serious sense of speed and momentum to their movements. Not that the S.P.D. Rangers needed it. As their incredible backflips show these guys already have plenty of awesome moves. Basically, this does everything a morphing sequence should: it’s quick, it’s cool, and it always gets you ready to fight some crime.
#8: Ranger Operators
“Power Rangers R.P.M.” (2009)
When you “get in gear” for this morphing sequence, you’re treated to a scene that quite literally puts the pedal to the metal. After inserting the Cell Chip, the Rangers are instantly transported to a speeding racetrack. They then dash through various portals that slowly form their suit. Once the belt and helmet finish the transformation, the rangers end on some incredibly cool action poses. But the best part of this sequence comes after Green Ranger Ziggy questions the explosions that can come with this transformation. During a battle, the heroic Flynn purposefully morphs in a certain position so that the explosion harms his enemies. It’s great to see the heroes have as much fun with the sequence as we do.
#7: Lightspeed Rangers
“Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue” (2000)
This morph is unlike anything that came before and it’s all the better for it. Once the Rangers trigger the transformation, they pass through colored screens in the shape of their individual visors. Instead of flashy effects or dramatic call-outs, it almost looks like the suits are being painted onto the characters. By the time the visors materialize, this morph has already cemented itself as one of the most creative in the whole franchise. The most impressive part is that the transformations are both unique to each Ranger and cohesive as a whole. While that’s a fine line to walk, “Lightspeed Rescue” does it with ease.
#6: Overdrive Rangers
“Power Rangers Operation Overdrive” (2007)
To start this transformation, the Rangers have to yell “Overdrive, Accelerate!” And, as you’d expect, “accelerate” is exactly what the sequence does. The transformation moves so fast that the morpher itself ignites a few sparks. In the midst of all the action, it’s no hyperbole to say this transformation gives you a closer look at the Rangers than ever before. Within the frenetic spectacle, the morpher displays a quick projection of the Ranger’s suit and weapons. And it’s not just for show. We actually get to see each individual piece of equipment manifest and latch onto the characters. In a morph that’s already plenty epic, this kind of attention to detail propels it into all-time great status.
#5: Jungle Fury Rangers
“Power Rangers Jungle Fury” (2008)
It’s hard to compete with a season where the morphers are actual sunglasses. But before the morphing sequence even officially begins, the Ranger’s kung-fu hand signs completely steal the show. And the morph itself totally lives up to that stylish introduction. As a matter of fact, the suit-up is wonderfully paced, dynamic, and exciting. It seamlessly blends the martial-arts and mystical aspects of the Jungle Rangers into one amazingly choreographed scene. This isn’t even the final version of it, either. Later on in the season, the Master Mode transformation gives us another chic variation on the morph. It really is a masterful sequence.
#4: Wind Rangers
“Power Rangers Ninja Storm” (2003)
In a first for the franchise, this season only started with three Rangers. But that meant the production team could give each of their morphs more attention than ever before. Just one look at these transformations is enough to prove that they totally succeeded. After all, this might be the only time Rangers start their morph inside a tornado. From there, it transitions into breathtaking displays of Shane, Tori and Dustin’s respective elemental abilities. This morph sequence definitely took the season’s title of “Ninja Storm” to heart. And fortunately, the same level of detail is applied to the other rangers that join the squad later on. The eye of the storm has never looked this good.
#3: Mighty Morphin Rangers
“Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers” (1993-95)
The very first morphing sequence ever works so well because of its simplicity. We get a brief shot of the rangers’ faces as they each summon their respective powers. To this day, hearing the iconic original cast yell out their signature dinosaurs just never gets old. Usually, the sequence ends in dramatic fashion with the red ranger before transitioning to a dramatic group shot. And that’s it! Somehow, this straightforward sequence has still remained iconic to every Ranger fan. Later on, there would be plenty of variations and additions to the “Mighty Morphin” transformation. But none of them can capture the wonder of the very first time the teenagers with attitude changed.
#2: Mystic Rangers
“Power Rangers Mystic Force” (2006)
If you want to make this tremendous sequence, you’ll need cell phone morphers, some lightning, and a whole lot of flair. The combination of all those elements gives you a captivating transformation that practically speaks for itself. Every time the mystic force rangers change, the flashy CGI and outstanding coloring catches the eye. But it only gets better from there. Just when you think the morph is over, each of the Rangers strike a final pose that’s nothing short of jaw-dropping. This sequence represents everything that a great morphing sequence should be: it’s enchanting, riveting, and impressive all at the same time. It’s so good that it makes you wonder if there’s actual magic involved.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Power Rangers Finally Transform, “Power Rangers” (2017)
This Visually Stunning Morph Hugely Benefits From a Blockbuster Budget
Zeo Rangers, “Power Rangers Zeo” (1996)
While Following Up the Original Morph Is No Easy Task, Zeo Still Impressed
Dino Rangers, “Power Rangers Dino Thunder” (2004)
This Bombastic Sequence Is a Fun Spectacle in Every Sense of the Word
Space Rangers, “Power Rangers In Space” (1998)
The Numerical Code Makes Each Morph Feel Like a Grand Countdown to Something Awesome
The Ninja Rangers, “Power Rangers Ninja Steel” (2017-18)
A High Energy Sequence That’s Full of Dynamic Visuals
#1: Samurai Rangers
“Power Rangers Samurai” (2011-12)
To call these morphs superb would be putting it very lightly. For one, having the Rangers write out ancient symbols was a brilliant way to incorporate the season’s theme into the transformations. Thankfully, the suit-up kept that momentum going. The earlier symbols actually turn into the Ranger’s helmets. Everything else that happens between is well-timed, visually pleasing, and incredibly cool. Of course, it helps that “Power Rangers Samurai” was the very first season filmed in high definition. So, with the benefit of newly crisp visuals, this standout morphing sequence evolved into something truly next-level. It didn’t have to choose between style or substance. This morph definitely represented the best of both worlds.