Top 20 Small Details You Never Noticed In Brooklyn Nine-Nine

#20: Jake’s Facial Hair
Jake Peralta has a complicated relationship with facial hair. On the one hand, he’s been highly critical of it on others, such as Charles Boyle’s ill-fated goatee, Bianca. On the other hand, he’s claimed that he’s physically incapable of growing a mustache. Despite Jake’s assertion however, upon his stay in prison due to being framed, Jake easily grows a full beard and mustache with seemingly no issue. They say prison changes a man, so maybe that would explain his sudden surge in facial follicles. But it’s far more likely that this was just a writing oversight.
#19: Two Lawns
Following a run-in with a mobster, Jake and Captain Holt’s lives are placed in danger, prompting them to be placed in witness protection. Despite their new cover identities, the duo can’t help but let their true personalities and opinions shine through on occasion. While this is most obviously reflected in the dialogue, it’s also evident from their lawn maintenance. While Holt, or Greg as he’s known in Florida, takes meticulous care of his lawn, Jake, or Larry, does not, reflecting Peralta’s typical lazy attitude. If anyone from the Nine-Nine stopped by, they could probably tell whose house was whose based on the exterior alone.
#18: Jake’s Mustang
Jake loves his car, even if it does smell like cheese. It’s played an important role at various points throughout the show. In the first season, Jake wagered it in a bet with Santiago and he eventually sold the car to pay back Terry in anticipation of the Sergeant’s new baby. While Peralta’s love for the vehicle is certainly one part sentimental, it’s also for its cool factor. The car is a dark green Mustang Fastback, the same model and color as the one used by Steve McQueen’s character in the film “Bullitt.” While “Bullitt” may not be Jake’s favorite cop movie (we all know that’s “Die Hard”), it’s still one of many fun nods to police films throughout the show.
#17: Four Drink Amy
In a season two episode “Beach House”, Gina lists what happens to Amy after she’s had a certain number of drinks. For example, after three drinks, Amy dances, and after four drinks she becomes a little “perverted”. Well, during Jake and Amy’s date in season three, Amy orders four shots in order to calm her nerves . . . and, well, that’s the first night the couple sleep together. There’s no doubt that Gina is super perceptive, but it’s also really funny just how predictable Amy is as well.
#16: Hitchcock’s Pocket Comb
Detective Michael Hitchcock is usually spoken of in the same breath with his longtime partner, Norm Scully. Hitchcock and Scully may have a mutual interest in laziness and food, but the former is easily differentiated by virtue of his inappropriate sexual comments, propensity for taking off his shirt, and bald head. And yet, in spite of that last characteristic, Hitchcock can frequently be seen carrying a comb in his pocket. While it has yet to be addressed in the show, it’s a neat bit of character through costuming. We can definitely picture Hitchcock using it on his remaining hair before approaching a woman to say something extremely inappropriate.
#15: Hitchcock’s Tattoo
Hitchcock and Scully are two of our favorites on the show, and we laughed really hard when Hitchcock got a tattoo of himself and proclaimed that he’s “Mr. Nine-Nine.” This tattoo wasn’t just a one-off joke either, as in season five when Terry and Holt are visiting Rosa in prison, they bump into Hitchcock who’s there to see his prison lover. Yes, apparently he’s got a prison lover …. He strips off his shirt in a moment of passion and there it is again, keeping things nicely consistent! We love Hitchcock, but that’s got to be the world’s ugliest tattoo.
#14: Terry’s Spider-Man House
Given that Sergeant Terry Jeffords is both uncommonly strong and extremely kind, it’s not hard imagining him as a superhero. Well, as it turns out, he lives in the same house as one! The exterior location of the home Terry shares with his beautiful wife and daughters just so happens to be the exact one used in the Sam Raimi “Spider-Man” films for Peter Parker’s childhood home. To think, Terry’s walking in the footsteps of Aunt May, Uncle Ben and the Webslinger himself! Sergeant Jeffords might not be particularly acrobatic, but the big guy knows a thing or two about great power and great responsibility.
#13: Fire Marshall Boone
The 99th precinct has a semi-recurring rivalry with the fire department — Fire Marshall Boone in particular. Boone regularly trades lame insults, pranks, and occasionally fisticuffs, with Jake Peralta whenever the two meet up. One notable incident does see them bury the hatchet and hug it out though. What you may not have noticed or known about the character is that Boone was named for one of the show’s executive producers, Marshall Boone. While the producer may have supplied Boone’s with his name, actor Patton Oswalt is unquestionably the one bringing the “fire” with his performance..
#12: Bad Texts
Charles Boyle can be…a little much sometimes. [broll: “A little much?! A LITTLE MUCH?!”] That’s what we said Boyle! So, when the precinct members are forming group texts, Boyle is excluded. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that he gets a little over exuberant and texts way more than he should. Although they eventually let him in on the groups, they soon come to regret it, with Gina claiming she’d rather be hit by a bus than read another text by Boyle. Unfortunately, her assertion proves prophetic, as the conclusion of the two-parter sees her abruptly hit by a bus while reading one of Boyle’s texts.
#11: Captain Holt’s Portrait
Here’s a little detail you may have missed unless you were on the lookout for it: the portrait of Holt that Terry painted for him to cheer him up early in season one is actually hanging in Kevin’s office at Columbia University toward the end of the same season. In real life by the way, Terry Crews actually is a gifted artist, so it’s not such a stretch that his character is this talented at painting. Holt loves the portrait, and he thinks Kevin will too because he looks so happy in it… Well, happy for Holt, at least.
#10: “Parks and Rec” Props
Seeing as there’s a close connection between “Parks and Rec” and “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” what with writer and producer Michael Schur having worked on both shows, it’s not so surprising that props from “Parks and Rec” were reused in “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”, as this Instagram post from Melissa Fumero, who plays Amy, points out. Could you imagine a crossover episode from the two shows? How amazing would that be? We think Amy and Leslie Knope would be super-good friends and organize lots of binders, or something…
#9: Terry’s Twins
You may have thought that Terry’s twins – Cagney and Lacey – just had really cool sounding names, but there’s more to it than that. “Cagney and Lacey” is also the name of the hit 1980s CBS show featuring Chris Cagney and Mary Beth Lacey as female police officers in New York City. The duo were known for portraying tough, realistic, and inspiring roles for women during a time when such roles were lacking, so with Terry naming his daughters after them, he’s clearly honoring the original TV show for the impact it had on female representation in television and beyond. Just one more reason we LOVE Terry!
#8: Holt’s Twitter Account Is Real
Captain Holt isn’t exactly on top of current pop culture and technology. This becomes all too apparent when his biggest competition for the position of commissioner takes to Twitter after a crisis, earning her big points in terms of public opinion. Eventually, Holt is persuaded to join Twitter himself. However, his single tweet is so stilted that his account is immediately suspended on suspicion that he’s a bot. The real kicker though? This Twitter account is real and still has only a single tweet. It’s just too bad that the Instagram account Holt and his husband make for their dog, Cheddar, isn’t real! We need more of that fluffy boy in a beret!
#7: Pride Flag Binders
Anyone who watches the show knows that Captain Holt is an openly-gay officer and has taken his fair share of crap from less-accepting New York City Policemen. But what you may not have known is that in his office there are a series of colorful binders arranged in the formation of the Pride Flag. How cool is that?! Also, if you look closely enough, you’ll see a similar set of binders displaying the Pride Flag located just behind Gina’s Desk. We always knew Gina had Holt’s back… but this just totally confirms it.
#6: Amy’s Pregnancy
File this missed detail under: “How did they do that?!” Did you know that Melissa Fumero was pregnant for the bulk of season three? No? Neither did we! Of course, there’s the reveal toward the end of the season where Amy fakes a pregnancy that allows her to appear on screen in all her pregnant glory, but for the rest of the season she was written to always be carrying objects at belly height to hide her “baby bump” and it worked incredibly well. Like, shockingly so. Let’s give it up for the directors for pulling this off, but let’s also give it up for Melissa for working an entire season while pregnant!
#5: Terry Crews’ Art
In addition to being an all-around great guy, Sergeant Terry Jeffords has plenty of talents. One of the more unexpected of these is his skill in art. When a sketch artist is out sick, he’s able to fill in for her with remarkable aptitude. He also manages to paint a portrait of Raymond Holt where the stoic captain, allegedly, looks happy. What’s even more surprising though, is that Terry’s actor, Terry Crews, is a good artist in real life too. Speaking with Jimmy Kimmel, he explained that he thought he’d wind up in special effects, and that he has actually worked as a court sketch artist before.
#4: Real Romance
In the season five episode “The Puzzle Master,” Amy is forced to investigate her favorite crossword puzzle author Melvin Stermley for a recent string of arsons taking place across New York City. Mr. Stermley turns out to be quite the handsome dude, and their chemistry begins to make a lot of sense when you find out that he’s played by Amy’s real-life husband, actor and former fashion model David Fumero. These two are super-cute together, so it was nice seeing them in action side-by-side on the show.
#3: Shredded Paper Wedding Aisle
While investigating Seamus Murphy, a gangster threatening Captain Holt’s husband Kevin, the precinct has to sift through a massive pile of shredded documents, looking for a way to bring Murphy down. Amy and Terry struggle with the task, only for Scully to be surprisingly skilled at it. Later in the season, Jake and Amy get married. Sharp-eyed viewers, or just those with good memories, will notice that the aisle created by Boyle with his DIY wedding decoration is made from the same shredded documents. Who knew the dirty laundry of a gangster could become part of such a magical moment?
#2: Andy Samberg & Chelsea Peretti
Jake Peralta has been friends with Gina Linetti since childhood, with each helping the other out of various jams during the show and reminiscing about their glory days. While their friendship on the show is fairly obvious to anyone watching, what viewers may not know is that their actors, Andy Samberg and Chelsea Peretti, have also been friends since they were kids. It certainly helps explain why their comedic chemistry on the show is so fantastic. Peretti has even admitted to having a crush on Samberg at a young age.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Problem Employees
Who Did Gina Kill?
Boyle Lends It Out to His Lady Friends
The Instagram Photo on Amy’s Desk
This is a Real Pic Taken by the Actors
#1: Kwazy Cupcakes
Kwazy Cupcakes is an in-show spoof on the popular stacking games like “Bejeweled” and “Diamond Mine.” In fact, the fake mobile game became so popular after it appeared in the first season of the show, and Captain Holt became addicted to it, that a company was hired to create the app in real life and it was actually available on app stores. This is easily one of our favorite episodes, what with Holt reprimanding Gina for playing the game and then being unable to stop playing it himself. Just remember though, there’s no such thing as a “backwards W.”