Top 30 Iconic Digivolution Moments

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Welcome to Watchmojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most Digi-worthy evolution scenes ever!
“Digimon Adventure 02” (2000-01)
Toei Animation
S01E24 "If I had a Tail Hammer" - Ken makes Wormmon digivolve.
“Digimon Tamers” (2001-2002)
Toei Animation Inc.
S01E43 "Beelzemon's Big Day" - Impmon warp digivolves into Beelzemon Blast Mode.
#30: Flamedramon
“Digimon Adventure 02” (2000-01)
When plain, old digivolutions weren’t cutting it anymore, Davis brought out the Digi-egg of Courage and showed these digital baddies what a Digidestined can really do! The goggle-head’s unflinching bravery helped Veemon transform into Flamedramon, an armor Digimon capable of blasting fire rockets and looking all kinds of cool. After a whole season of traditional power-ups, Flamedramon’s blazing debut set a new bar for what digivolution could be. Armor digimon were fresh, exciting, and above all, incredibly powerful. Try as he might, the Digimon Emperor never stood a chance against Davis, Veemon, and the fire of courage.
“Digimon Adventure 02” (2000-01)
Toei Animation
S01E01 "Enter Flamedramon" - the first armor digivolution.
#29: Poseidomon, Ouranosmon, Hadesmon, & Gaiamon
“Digimon Universe: App Monsters” (2016-17)
God-level threats require God-level solutions; it’s basic arithmetic. So, with the fate of humanity on the line, the Appmon crew steeled their resolve and unleashed some actual literal divine intervention. Shiny, massive, and capable of busting Leviathan’s wicked face in, the God Appmon are as epic as you’d expect. However, it’s Gaiamon who takes the crown, being the result of Haru’s emotional decision to battle his old friend Yujin. It’s hard to be too choked up about it, though. Since there’s explosions all around and the theme song’s rocking in the background, the resounding feeling of “Appmon’s” finale is pure, unbridled awesomeness.
“Digimon Universe: App Monsters” (2016-17)
S01E49 "The Miraculous Final Evolution! The God Appmon Advent!" - the God Appmon appears.
S01E50 "The Bond of Hope! Haru and Gaiamon!!" - Gaiaimon appears.
#28: The Original Greymon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999)
Not to be confused with the anime series of the same name, “Digimon Adventure” is a prequel film chronicling Tai and Kari’s first interaction with Koromon. And then Agumon. And, finally, Greymon. He just keeps digivolving, changing the special from a light-hearted creature feature into a full-scale Kaiju smackdown. It gets pretty insane. While the original series certainly has its charm, there’s just as much novelty in seeing Greymon cut loose in all his monster-sized, cinematic glory. This is the kind of wide-scale carnage you don’t see in “Digimon” every day, and were it not for Kari’s whistle, it may have never stopped.
“Digimon Adventure” (1999)
Toei - Greymon first appears.
#27: Ravemon
“Digimon Data Squad” (2006-07)
As a human raised by Digimon, Keenan has some justified trust issues, mostly towards Kurata and everything he stands for. Thanks to Marcus and the others, though, Keenan put all that aside and turned that rage into something more constructive. Something like Falcomon’s Mega form. Ravemon is every bit worth the fanfare. And, with Belphemon rampaging across the human world, he couldn’t have spread his wings a moment sooner. But, while the action is next-level, the real victory here is watching Keenan finally fight for both worlds instead of just one. Plus, Kurata and Belphemon really, really had it coming.
“Digimon Data Squad” (2006-07)
Toei Animation
S01E37 "The Battle With Belphemon" - Ravemon debuts to fight Belphemon.
#26: Siriusmon
“Digimon Ghost Game” (2021-23)
Up against a Kuzuhamon who means business, Hiro and Gammamon are asked a difficult question: if humans and Digimon aren’t impure, then what are they? Their answer is Siriusmon. Right off the bat, the glorious production values paint this as a spectacle worthy of a Mega-level debut. After all, Siriusmon has swords and blasters for hands, and the show really wants you to know it. Animated aside, the moral question at the center of this battle feels like the culmination to “Ghost Game’s” themes of harmony between worlds. Siriusmon probably wasn’t the answer Kuzuhamon expected, but it’s a damn good rebuttal if you ask us.
“Digimon Ghost Game” (2021-23)
S01E56 “Impurity” - Siriusmon’s debut.
#25: Lillymon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
Selfish, bratty, and obsessed with the color pink, no one expected the ditzy diva of the Digidestined to save the day. Especially not with an oversized flower necklace. But, Myotismon’s takeover of Japan forced Mimi to grapple with what she really cared about. So, when push came to shove - or, rather, DarkTyrannomon came to play - Mimi’s pure sincerity allowed Togemon to finally bloom into the Ultimate level. Now as the new-and-improved Lillymon, Mimi’s partner wrapped things up in a quick, flowery fashion. But, really, this whole scene is more remembered as the high-point for one of “Digimon’s” best characters.
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
Discotek Media
S01E35 "Flower Power" - Togemon digivolves to Lillymon.
#24: Paildramon
“Digimon Adventure 02” (2000-01)
It’s a two-for-one special on digivolutions! This one’s half the build-up, twice the hype, and comes with belt turrets, too! Yeah, if you couldn’t already tell, Paildramon is a lot more than your average level-up. It’s a literal fusion of ExVeemon and Stingmon. On precedent alone, that’s cool enough to make Paildramon an all-timer. But, even better, the fusion represents Davis and Ken overcoming their differences for the greater good. This is a union of rivals, first and foremost; the fact it comes with enough firepower to squash any unlucky Okuwamon in its path is just a lucky bonus.
“Digimon Adventure 02” (2000-01)
Toei Animation
S01E26 "United We Stand" - Paildramon appears.
#23: HerculesKabuterimon
“Digimon Adventure Tri: Confession” (2016)
After fifteen years, three series’, and more digivolutions than Izzy’s computer can count, Tentomon finally reached its Mega level. And, in a cruel twist of fate, it came mere moments before the entire digital world was rebooted. Tentomon doesn’t waste any time with goodbyes. He tells Izzy never to lose his curiosity, and then dives into the fray despite his partner’s protests. HerculesKabuterimon’s first appearance should be a rousing sight, but instead, you’ll probably be watching it through a waterfall of tears. It’s not fair that a moment years in the making ends so soon. But, that’s also why it feels so special.
“Digimon Adventure Tri: Confession” (2016)
Eleven Arts, Shout! Factory - Tentomon’s mega form and sacrifice.
#22: Greymon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
It doesn’t get more classic than this! In the second ever episode of “Digimon,” Tai and Agumon’s burgeoning friendship defined what digivolution is, was, and would be. Although, to be fair, Greymon does most of the heavy lifting. In fact, he literally lifts Shellmon into the air, and then blows it into Digi-dust. It’s not the most grand digivolution out there, but the impact it’s had on the future of the franchise makes it legendary on name alone. This was before warp digivolutions, armor variants, fusions, spirits, or anything else. It’s just Greymon. And, clearly, that’s all “Digimon” ever needed.
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
Discotek Media
S1E02 "The Birth of Greymon" - Agumon turns into Greymon for the first time.
#21: GulusGammamon
Gammamon’s got more than a few champion forms, but this one is unlike any other. For one, it’s obscenely powerful. And, oh yeah, is also a sadistic villain with plans to infect the Digital World and then Earth. If you’re shocked to hear someone as irresistibly adorable as Gammamon is capable of holding such darkness, you aren’t the only one. GulusGammamon only appeared through its rookie’s intense grief. But, in just one fight, it left an impression that traumatized Hiro and the others for all of “Ghost Game.” We can’t blame them, either. GulusGammamon’s ruthless demeanor isn’t something you can easily forget.
“Digimon Ghost Game” (2021-23)
S01E13 “Executioner” - Gammamon’s dark digivolution.
#20: MagnaAngemon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
#19: Omnimon Merciful Mode
“Digimon Adventure Tri: Future” (2018)
#18: Goddramon & Magnadramon
“Digimon Adventure” (2020-21)
#17: OmniShoutmon
“Digimon Fusion” (2010-12)
#16: MirageGaogamon Burst Mode
“Digimon Data Squad” (2006-07)
#15: EmperorGreymon & MagnaGarurumon
“Digimon Frontier” (2002-03)
#14: Magnamon & Rapidmon
“Digimon Adventure 02: Digimon Hurricane Touchdown!! / Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals” (2000)
#13: Agumon (Bond of Courage) & Gabumon (Bond of Friendship)
“Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna” (2020)
#12: Sakuyamon
“Digimon Tamers” (2001-02)
#11: SkullGreymon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
#10: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode
“Digimon Adventure 02: Revenge of Diaboromon” (2001)
#9: Angewomon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
#8: Shoutmon X7F Superior Mode
“Digimon Fusion” (2010-12)
#7: Susanoomon
“Digimon Frontier” (2002-03)
#6: Gallantmon
“Digimon Tamers” (2001-02)
#5: WarGreymon
“Digimon Adventure” (2020-21)
#4: Omnimon
“Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!” (2000)
#3: ShineGreymon Burst Mode
“Digimon Data Squad” (2006-07)
#2: WarGreymon & MetalGarurumon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
#1: Angemon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
What digivolution scene brings the waterworks for you? Let us know in the comments below!