Top 5 Dating Simulator Videos - Let's Play Countdown

Welcome to WatchMojo's Let's Play Countdown, where we count down our favorite Let's Play videos in a specific category. Today we're delving into the super serious, hardcore players only world of dating simulators. Who knew there were so many games in this genre? For this list we've tried our best to find a wide variety of games and a mix of well-known and less well-known Let's Players.
Thanks and congratulations to our featured video creators: PewDiePie, VoicesFromTheDark, Lucahjin, Markiplier, and jacksepticeye!
#5: Pewdiepie plays Dreamboy 2
WAIT! Don’t go. Or stay, if you were going to - but please keep an open mind. Now, I know that Pewdiepie might not be your cup of tea - but I promise you that we’ve finally found the ideal medium for our divisive swedish mega star: dating simulators. Well, that might not entirely be true either, but hey, you’re still watching right?
As you’ve may have guessed, the goal of this particular dating sim is to befriend One Direction...or maybe more (wink wink)? I say particular, but I should say peculiar, since the production value on display is...well there isn’t a lot of production value on display, frankly. I’m pretty sure they just reused the same stock image of 1D over and over again. Officially licensed product? I think not.
That’s not to say Pewds doesn’t have any trouble with this one - he’s only about 4 minutes when he realizes his years of gaming might not be enough. I mean, how could he have known that Louis would get injured playing football? Man, these games are so lifelike.
So I’m not sure if it’s intended theme of the game or the overall quality, but our host does seem to begin to lose his drive somewhere in the middle of episode 2. Welcome to the club pal, welcome to the club.
You might feel like this is a pretty poor excuse for a simulation and you’d be right, but these ripped-from-fan-fiction scenarios are so preposterous, and the dialogue options so bad that you can’t look away.
Check out this meltdown that Pewdiepie has while trying to impress Harry Styles. How many young individuals have had similar meltdowns dreaming about he who refuses to get a haircut? I rest my case - perfect simulation, game of the year, half-life 3 confirmed, NEXT ENTRY!
#4: Dark Plays: Katawa Shoujo [Playlist]
Committing to voicing or roleplaying a character on YouTube can be tough. Committing to do so for almost every character in an relatively obscure dating simulator? That is true dedication. Before we go on any further, we have to commend VoicesFromTheDark on that note alone. Hey, it’s definitely an about-turn from PewDiePie’s content, amiright?
So, when we say he voices every character, we really aren’t making that up. And Katawa Shoujo has a shit-ton of dialogue and characters. Oh it can’t be that many you say? Try 82 episodes worth. Granted, his voice might not the be very best choice for the female characters, of which, again, there are many, but people really seem to dig it. Apparently the story in Katawa Shoujo is top notch, and Dark - our host - gives that story the respect its fans would argue that it deserves.
And that’s what I think gives this series its edge. While it’s not in your face funny, and the premise may seem a bit silly (if not daunting) at first, there’s a level of honesty and authenticity to it that is so rarely distilled in gaming on YouTube. Dark does this because he loves it, and the fans watch because they love it too - haters be damned.
All seriousness aside though, I’ll give you good money to compose a compilation of all the times he says “dots” throughout all 82 episodes…
#3: WTS Saturday Wario Date
We hope you haven’t had your fill for unlicensed dating simulators because we got a preeetty good one coming up here. Everyone knows the main power couple in the mushroom kingdom is Peach and Mario, a relationship which has survived in spite of Mario’s very public Mushroom addiction, but you know who never gets any love, literally? Wario.
Of course, as lucahjihn soon finds out, Wario’s just working on his next scam here. Playing the game completely cold - as in, she’s never tried it before - everything on display here is about as new to her as it is to you. This makes watching the clip a sort of adventurous experience because - stay with me here - all the crazy crap therein is just as new to you as it is to her.
Plus, Lucah lets on early that she has always secretly shipped Wario and Waluigi, and as she inches the two closer and closer to a love match, she inches closer and closer to totally losing her shit. Spoiler alert, Lucah’s ship comes in, and her reaction is as entertaining as the intimate descriptions are disturbing.
Honestly, this is worth the price of admission just to hear the vivid, text-only descriptions of the love scene - and to picture it happening between Wario and Waluigi. Love has no gender - even in mushroom kingdom.
#2: DO YOU DESERVE LOVE!? | Kitty Powers Matchmaker
I know we’ve been looking at a lot of big name YouTubers just now, so in the spirit of giving a hand to some of the smaller channels, we’d thought we’d check out a little niche channel that we discovered while doing our research. This Markiplier guy’s got a good thing going, you all should check him out.
Anyway, herein, Markiplier (I hope I’m saying that right), does provide a voice for much of the onscreen dialogue we see in this clip, although his approach is somewhat different. See if you can catch it…
Anyway, after a few more...loosely produced games, it’s kind of refreshing to see that Kitty Powers Matchmaker is actually pretty polished. It’s not exactly AAA, but hey, at least there’s a love scene when you make a successful match. I mean, kinda have to imagine that the real action is happening below the bubbles there.
I gotta say this game does come off as rather easy. Of course nobody wants to come up short in the game of love, but Markiplier really seems to be knocking it out of the park with the matchmaking here. I mean, if this game is any indication, maybe there’s a career in matchmaking for this young man if he can’t manage to get by with YouTube. It’s hard to get recognition out there...anyway, I wish him the best of luck!
#1: CHICK MAGNET | HuniePop #1
Topping off our list is yet another mostly-unknown youtuber out there that we’d like to throw a shout out to: our #1 pick is a young man with a charming accent named Jack-cepti-cye - check him out I, I know he’ll go far.
Anyway, Jack is playing Huniepop - which might be the game with the mostest things stuff we’ve seen so far:
The mostest production value. The mostest voice acting. The mostest fanservice and yes, the mostest match-3 gameplay
So, as someone who has admittedly not played a lot of these games, I gotta ask...Is she, like...holding them up cuz she has to or is that a cultural thing...or….? Nevermind don’t answer that. Don’t read the comments either.
As is the case with a lot of let’s play content, what’s most prominently on display here is Jack - and less so the ridiculousness of boob-tetris *I MEAN* HuniePop. That’s not to say game doesn’t arouse any curiosity from me as a view. But, without having to play it, just tell me: do you ever make the Hunie ...pop?
Well then! That answers one question but raises so many others...But I think we’re out of time for today.
What’s your favorite dating simulator Let’s Play? And which Let’s Play topic would you like to see us cover next? By the way, if any Mojoholic out there wants to make a WatchMojo dating simulator… please don’t. For more lists published daily, be sure to subscribe to