Top 5 Arma 3: Life & Altis Life Videos - Let's Play Countdown

Prison Breaks!
Whiney Babies!
All this and more on today's Let's Play Countdown!
Shout out to the creators of our featured videos: Robbaz, RHINOCRUNCH, PsiSyndicate, FRANKIEonPCin1080p, and TheDevildogGamer. Great work!
#5: Robert the Carjacker - Arma 3 Altis Life
Youtube channel: : Robbaz
Of course, car chases are not new to video-games, and neither is running from the cops, but it’s definitely more fun when the cops are real people.
Although the gleeful commentary while our host is being chased is pretty great by itself, it’s equally hilarious when he gets arrested - if only for how serious the cops are taking the whole situation, and how un-serious he is in return.
If you’ve seen any of Robbaz’s videos before, you’ll know that most of the fun comes from his commentary - something that’s so easily identifiable, he even gets recognized by the cops who’ve just apprehended him. Listen to that “squee”.
Their enthusiasm dies back down, however, once they get back to base and realize that’s he’s stolen and chopped their other vehicle already.** Getting sent to jail doesn’t seem to dampen Robbaz’s spirits even a little bit though.
Anyway, much like the next few videos we’ll see today, what’s funniest about seeing people play this mod is the semi-realistic ways certain events unfold - like when he steals this truck and you can hear the owner calling for help for the cops as he drives away.
#4: ARMA 3: Altis Life — Cop Cadets — Part 1 — First Day!
Youtube channel: : PsiSyndicate
Many games have shown us what it’s like to be a carjacker, and Robbaz has shown us what it’s like to be a caryacker, so let’s go now to a look at life on the other side of that thin blue line. And what better guide than PsiSyndicate.
This video is the first of a series where our host Lewis plays as a cop. Although this clip showcases his first day, it is by no means an easy first day on the job.
It’s maybe that first traumatic experience that pushed Lewis down the darker path that so many cops fall victim to: after only 6 minutes on the job, he’s already negotiating a bribe from a suspect he’s taking to jail.
Around the half-way point, this video has a rather shocking twist. While investigating the rather seedy part of town, or rather the “drug area of the map” our rookie cop gets himself into some pretty hot water. Several criminals ambush him, and claim that they’re making a citizen’s arrest. Taken hostage on his first day, that’s some bad luck. The criminals do not, however, make it very far with their hostage.
#3: ARMA 3 Altis Life - Fugitive
Youtube channel: TheDevildogGamer
Nothing like getting stopped by the police to ruin a night of fun with your buds. There you are, having a good time on the way to the gun store, and a police checkpoint ruins your day.
Little tip for those aspiring to enter the field of law enforcement: try to speak with confident authority. For an example of how not to speak to potentially dangerous subjects, don’t do what Donny Don’t does:
See, if only he’d spoken with more confidence, he might have been able to avoid the situation that followed. This kicks off a big game of cat and mouse for most of the video. At one point early on, the players run into another group of police looking for them, try to turn and run, end up having their wheels blown out and and are forced to make their escape on foot.
What’s great about this video, and the Mod in general, is that it provides a great example of the sort of organic situations that can arise when everyone is playing their roles. Obviously this type of thing only works when everyone agrees to play their part– which not everyone does, but honestly I think it’s just amazing how well it works.
It’s also a good example of how driving with your lights off can cause some disastrous - but hilarious results.
#2: COPS - SWAT Sniper - (Altis Life RPG) (Arma 3)
Youtube channel: RHINOCRUNCH
So, like I said, when people play their roles well, this game is magic to watch. And when they don’t… well, funny stuff still happens. Nowhere are the two sides better exemplified than in this video - expertly edited to be like an episode of Cops, complete with theme music and an “epic” montage.
The similarities don’t stop there. Once they’ve apprehended a suspect - well, gunned him down, revived THEN apprehended him - they argue with the suspect about his supposed guilt on the way back to the impound, in a conversation that sounds like it could have been ripped right out of the show. Well, that is until they run into some “rebels” and have a shootout that probably wouldn’t make it to television. And I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen an epic sniper showdown on Cops either, but it’s been a while.
As is the case in real life, these cops do come into conflict with the local press - a member of which they detain against his will. Actually, the guy who’s playing the reporter becomes so upset with his unlawful detainment that he breaks character and then disconnects. Even cops like to troll, apparently.
#1: PRISON BREAK! - Arma 3: Life - Ep.4
Youtube channel: FRANKIEonPCin1080p
If you search for Altis Life videos on YouTube, one name always floats to the top (especially if you prefer to watch in English). Frankie is the king of these videos, and it doesn’t take too long to figure out why.
In this clip, Frankie and friends decide to ambush and hijack a prison bus, use it to gain access to a prison, and then bust a bunch of dudes out. Just the first step of this plan is ambitious and intense: one player poses as someone stopped by the side of the road asking for help, and the rest of his accomplices wait in ambush for the police to arrive...
What’s amazing about the server they’re playing on is how many people play their parts. Without using silly voices or outrageous personalities, both the criminals and police here play along like it’s the real thing. It’s like watching an improvised episode of Prison Break. In fact, this is about as serious and committed as I’ve ever seen someone get in a let’s play video, let alone a whole group of people. Check out the scene where they negotiate with the swat team!
Actually this all leads to the climax of the video. After negotiating for the first half of the money, they decide to take the negotiator himself as a hostage, and discover that he’s got the other half of the ransom on him! Bad move coppers!
The outlaws then have a little mishap with the C4 trying to make their escape, but thanks to the magic of respawns, they manage to make a pretty epic chopper getaway.
Well, that’s it for our countdown. Let us know which other types of let’s play videos you’d like to see us cover, and for more great content published every day, be sure to subscribe to