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Top 5 I Am Bread Videos - Let's Play Countdown

Top 5 I Am Bread Videos - Let's Play Countdown
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
On Watchmojo's Let's Play Countdown we take a look at some of our favorite Let's Play videos in a specific category.
Today, we're watching YouTubers get toasted. Nicely toasted.
Or rage quit. Violently rage quit.

Shout outs to the creators of today's featured videos: iHasCupQuake, PewDiePie, TobyGames, H20Delirious, and Gavin & Michael from LetsPlay

#5: BUTTERED TOAST - I am Bread

Channel: iHasCupQuake

Like we often do for these countdowns, we figured we’d start you off with one of the more subdued entries to get you warmed up. For more bread-related puns, check the comment section of any of today’s videos. Seriously, any of them. Here we go.
This video is also a good way to kick off this countdown since CupQuake is entirely new to the game as well - so, if you’re unfamiliar with I Am Bread, you get to experience it first hand along with her. Is it just me or is that first bit with the jam strangely erotic? Maybe I’m projecting.

Anyway, you know what they say: Bread always lands jelly side down. Especially if you’ve got jelly on both sides...
I gotta say though, CupQuake is preeeetty good at this game. I mean, she successfully gets toasted in both levels she attempts here. No that is not a euphemism.

What’s interesting about this video, and a few of the others that we’ll see today, is that it highlights not only how this specific game was marketed, but also how YouTubers have affected the gaming industry as a whole. You’ll notice that she mentions that the developers of I Am Bread sent her a download code for this game.* In fact, most of the clips we’ll see today used played on early access and were released in the same week. Game devs are aware that there’s almost as many people watching video games as playing them. While indie games like I Am Bread are pretty much tailor made for YouTube consumption, we’ll probably soon be seeing features built into AAA titles that make recording and publishing vids like this even easier. Let’s Play is the future, people.

#4: I AM BREAD! #1

Channel: PewDiePie

Ahhh PewDiePie. You know, we’ve done 6 episodes of this show so far and although Pewds has been a contender for almost all of them, he hasn’t been on a single one. But, there’s only so long that we can hold out not featuring the current king of YouTubers, and we figure this is a good list to put him on. And, for those of you who loathe the guy, he takes a little dig at his haters early on in this clip.*

Like CupQuake, PewDiePie is also playing an early access version, and it’s just a little glitchy.

If you know PewDiePie, you should know what to expect in this clip. If you don’t, I figure a few seconds of the video should do all the explaining you need.

Remember how I said that CupQuake was pretty good at this? Well I mostly meant that in comparison to PewDiePie here - although it’s debatable as to whether or not he’s actually trying to do well here… And that’s probably part of the reason why he’s so popular.

Soundbite: “who keeps the toaster so far away from the bread?”
People with hands PewDiePie, people with hands.

#3: I AM BREAD Gameplay Part 1 - BREAD RAGE - Let's Play I Am Bread (Gameplay & Commentary)

Channel: TobyGames

So, you know what this countdown has been missing so far? Funny voices.

Of course it’s not rare to hear a guy making voices, or even to have 2 hosts having a conversation while they play - but a host who converses with himself in multiple voices, that’s something. Pretty sure he’s still battling a lawsuit with that skateboard.

So, Tobuscus might not be the loudest host we’ll see today, or the funniest, but I can safely say that he is the worst at the game. It’s not like he’s really trying - and this really is a meant-to-fail kinda scenario - but man does he ever suck at this one. Spoiler alert, he does not get toasted. *
If you’re looking for a good demonstration of how not to play this game though, look no further.

However, if you’re hoping to see the thrilling progression of his skill level, you can check out his later installments, as he played I Am Bread for a whole weeklong series of episodes. A week of playing this game? Who ever said being a Let’s Player was easy?

#2: Delirious Plays I Am Bread! (Trying to make toast)

Channel: H20Delirious

Like pretty much everyone else, Delirious is playing an early access version of the game, which becomes clear pretty quickly. (glitches)

If there’s one thing that Delirious conveys better than anyone else, it’s desperation. If his frantic commentary wasn’t evident enough, just listen to that button mashing.*

Giving credit where credit is due, Delirious is the first person I’ve seen so far to use the oven to toast himself. I guess that good resourcefulness right? Actually, because he tries the Kitchen level a few times, he seems to find a number of different ways to get crispy: I own the game and I did not know about that rocket.

All that being said, he does lose his composure from time to time as well…

#1: Let's Play - I am Bread

Channel: LetsPlay

Back by popular demand from our Surgeon Simulator countdown, today’s top pick goes to Gavin and Michael from Rooster Teeth, operating here on the “LetsPlay” channel. Even if you haven’t seen their videos before, it only takes a second to get the set-up here: instead of one host, there are two. YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP.

Actually, if you have seen their foray into surgeon simulator, you might be surprised at how composed the guys stay during this video. This is even more surprising when you realize that they are actually playing together - check out that coordination as they climb the fridge!

As entertaining as I found Gavin & Michael’s 45 minute glutenous romp, this is a game about toasting bread so I’ve kind of run out of critical commentary here. Hey look, another funny glitch!

That’s it for today’s countdown. Let us know in the comments what category of Let’s Play videos you’d like to see us cover next. For more countdowns published every day, be sure to subscribe to
