Nintendo Playstation, Crocodiles & Jetpacks: The News You Missed - The Dispatch Ep. 3

VOICE OVER: Adrian Sousa
Script Written by Adrian Sousa & Jesse Polowin
Welcome to The Dispatch,'s look into three cool, funny, or weird news stories from the previous week of human existence. This week we're tackling crocodile prison guards, jetpacks and the Nintendo Playstation.
Welcome to The Dispatch,'s look into three cool, funny, or weird news stories from the previous week of human existence. This week we're tackling crocodile prison guards, jetpacks and the Nintendo Playstation.
Nintendo Playstation, Crocodiles & Jetpacks: The News You Missed - The Dispatch Ep. 3
Crocodile guards, a Nintendo-Sony hybrid and real life jet packs. Just because you don’t need to know about these stories, doesn’t mean they won’t interest you. Welcome to, and this is The Dispatch, where we give you 3 cool, funny, or weird news stories from the previous week of human existence. Get ready to blast off, y’all.
#3 Jet Packin’ Some Serious Heat
Jet Packs! Real, working Jet Packs! There’s been so much hope placed in hopeless attempts at the Jet Pack technology, most of which are bulky, impractical, or not a true jet pack. Sigh. But now, the good people at JetPack Aviation have created the most legit jet pack yet. It even stays loyal to those old movie depictions, strapping comfortably to your back without any extra ropes, pipes or tethers. JetPack Aviation’s back-blaster tops out at an average of 100 kilometers per hour, can climb at 150 to 300 meters per hour, and is nowhere close to being for sale to the public… Bummer, I know. But now that we have a working model, we have taken a huge step toward jetpacking to school or work. Come to think of it, that’s a terrifying thought.#2 Killa Crocs
Indonesia is going straight medieval in order to prevent prison escapees. How medieval are they going? They’re going crocodile-filled-moat medieval. Indonesia’s National Narcotics Agency Chief Budi Waseso pitched the idea of building a penitentiary guarded by the aforementioned ravenous reptiles. Why? In order to separate the drug kingpins from their drug traffickers in a separate jail. Waseso said he would even personally travel across Indonesia to employ the most badass crocodiles to guard his prison. I think Waseso describes the - ahem - practicality of utilizing a crocodile hell-moat best, saying “You can’t bribe crocodiles… So, when they [the criminals] try to escape they get eaten. It’s not a human rights violation when a crocodile does the killing.” Yeah, we’ll just leave it at that.#1 The PlayTendo
So many of us were stuck on either side of the Nintendo vs Sony console showdown, looking longingly across the gaming borders. Well, this next story goes out to us. The news that has gamers thinking of what could have been this week is the official confirmation of the existence of the Nintendo Playstation, also known as the Sony PlayTendo or NinStation or whatever combo name you prefer. But really, it’s quite a surprise to see this hybrid console across the web, considering we now know about the bad blood between the two companies. With an estimated 200 prototypes currently in existence, the console is a rare piece of gaming history. Just imagine: you touch some Fuzzy and get weird on Yoshi’s Island, then head right over to the Wumpa Islands to kick some evil scientist butt with your buddy Crash. It’s unfortunate that the unit ceased production after the 200 prototypes were built, but we still have it on our unrealistic Christmas Wish List here at WatchMojo.So what do you think? Should crocodiles guard more prisons?
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